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April 22, Going back to China

Everything is finished, my life in NL is gone. Please let me say goodbye ! My friends, the days and nights we spent together will not be forgotten for ever. Not sure when I will be in Europe again, but I know I must be back.

May 20 12:18 PM




May 24

Yesterday, I went to a Btitish furniture company to took part in the interview. The appointment is 11:00 AM, but as the urgent issue, the manager delayed the time to 13:00. HAHA, keep waiting in the office~~~~

We spent about an hour for talking, reviewed my experience, evaluated my performance, she also introduecd the company background and the woking style. My position will be the EU regional sales manager, all of the customers are the dealers and retailers in European countires.

Finally I said my ideal salary should be 8K--10K/month, they will discuss it and give me the feedback later.

Today, the US lawer office called me again to took part in the second interview tomorrow, it is funny.

June 01




而后他问我,我认为他们的业务对象是谁,我说应该是银行等金融机构吧,比如随WTO协议生效,很多外资银行都逐步进入中国地区,他们势必要开展业务也势必会遭遇恶意欠款,而上海以后对人的银行信用度要求会很高..........我还没说完,他就打断我说:“外资银行现在还不能开展业务。” 我说那就是中国的银行:四大国有银行,还有几十个地方银行等。 他说既然只有这几十个,我用一个人就可以了,为什么还要招收你呢?

我说我对你公司的了解还不充分,对这个行业的内外环境也不熟悉,对你公司的文化以及管理和运作方式等都不了解,所以现在我不能回答你的问题。他说:“公司情况我已经向你介绍过了。” 我说“你认为的介绍原来就是这样几句话?我连任何文字的资料都没看过,怎么可以算是了解公司的业务?” 他却说出去谈客户不需要看文字资料的。



我想,这只能说明两个问题:1. 他们公司不重视人,没有TRAINING,所以不是个好公司。2.他们公司生意不行了,巴不得找人赶紧来拉客户。

于是我认为没有谈的必要了,并且从今天的面试来看,这个香港人属于典型的家长式管理,他要求下属员工的思维必须和他保持一致,这个与我所习惯的开诚布公和OPEN MIND的管理模式相差太远。


June 06
Keep fighting

Yesterday and today afternoon, I was so busy.

A compnay called me to take part in the interview yesterday, whose location is in She mountain Songjiang. It is about 1.5 hours away from the Shanghai center by bus. The position is the Assistant to General Manager. I believe the GM was satisfied with my background, but I would not accept them, because of the far away distance.

Today, there are two interviewers.

The first one is a lawyer office. Two young professional lawyers hold a meeting with me for almost 70 mintues. They designed a Law Supporting system, which will support the individual person who meet the trouble with the low cost. Since they are not the professiolanl Sales and Marketing person, so they need me to help them to carry out the Sales strategy. Actually we were very happy for talking, both of us like the personal style of honest and open mind. Finally, we made the agreement that I will think about the job design and they would think about the salary which would be paid for me.

Then the seconde one is BILL SHIT. This is a internet service company with a large numbe of the sales person, they need more person to push the sales volume. When I came in the office, I found it looks like an insurance company: So many person were working on the phone with the yellow page book ! How I can work with them ? They do care your quality,they only pay attention on the quantity. I found there many salesmen are the person from the others area to SH to find a job. A manger read my resume, she understood that I would never accept them. She said :" I will call you if we need you to take part in the next test." I replied:" NO NO,I give up, thank you."

I have another interview on Wed, a large famous global comany..........


blakeni2004  ↗贵宾↗  2005-9-21 12:18:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

June 21
continue working for job

Today afternoon, I will go to the famous global company again, they invited me to take part in the second interview.

What is the result ?

June 22
The second interview

Yesterday afternoon, I went to that famous global electronic products company to take part in the second time interview.

The senior manager and a Japanese GM interview me. As pland, I introduced myself in English again, then they asked me several questions, included the questions about their industry, my opion of their products, the sales skills and the promote way. I believe they were satisfied with my answer. Then we talked about my personality, the senior manager looks very professional in analysis the differenty personality.

The interview took me around 50 minutes, after one week, I will get the feedback.

Actually the basick salary they will provide is not so high, but they have a very good support system, and the staff will be treat very well in this company, so I wann join them.

June 23

Today, I am in the Bund Center

A Singapor consulting company invited me to be their business development manager. They provide the business supporting for the overseas companies who want to begin their owner investment in SH.

The service included the tempore office, the conference room with AV equipment, the mail management, the events management and the phone answering.

This company is very small, with only 8 staff, they would provide the high standard service for their costumers.

Today, their GM , a HK lady interviewed me, she is a MBA, actually she looks very professional. When we talked about my job target, I told her: 1. I want to be a professional manager;2. I need good salary to begin my MBA course;3. I plan to have my owner business in the further.

She said: If I worked in their company, then it is high possibility for me to realize my last 2 targets, but since they are a small firm in SH, so it could not to develop me to be a professional manager.

HAHA, that is my concer.I also think that the value of their service is not so high..................

Anyway, I will hold it.

July 04星期一,被吓着了


电话响起,接起来,是那个熟悉的而优雅的女声:Blake,我这里是SONY公司,说好今天你来参加第三轮面试的,怎么你还没来。“ 我被吓得睡意全无:”啊,不是吧,你通知我说是星期三,7月6日上午10点啊。“

对方沉默了一下说:” 哦,那大概这里有问题,我等下再打给你。“




2. 也是她弄错了,我应该是星期一,她通知我的时候说成星期三,而后就将错就错。

3. 她本来没错,星期一,应该是另外一个人来谈的,结果那人迟到,而秘书找人的时候又弄错,找了我,呵呵,如果那样,那迟到的人就麻烦了。高级管理人员很在意人的态度,如果迟到,那就麻烦。

July 06

The last interview in SONY

Today is the great day for me. I met 3 senior GM of SONY, as planed we talked about my ability for the applying position further. The big concer is that I have no experience and products background of their electronic products, of course ,it looks not the big problem. I also asked them sth about the infurence of the anit-Japanese emotion in China, I believe they are friendly to Chinese person. They also asked me that if I like business trip or be located in different cities, I said, I like it very well.

Then I will get the final result in one week, since I am not the only person who were selected to take part in the final interview, so we do not know what will happen.

I think the whole process is simily like the OLYMPIC cities selection, but LONDON would face only 4 competitors, I must face 240~~~~~~

July 11曲折


blakeni2004  ↗贵宾↗  2005-9-21 12:18:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

July 14焦灼状态




对于这个职位我不想放弃,虽然他们的行业和产品不如SONY那么精致和高级,但他们的发展空间也不错,何况从猎头公布的数字来看,这个职位的工资要10000---15000 人民币。

The day before yesterday, I found a new job information on the  www.51job.com which provided by a hunting company. As review the job title , the description and the requirement, I believed this position was the new job of a  British company. I once took part in their interview more than one month ago but without further feedback. I thought they have found the available person already. Then since a hunting company is helping them  looking for the applicants now , that means this position is still opening, so I sent my cv by internet.

Yesterday morning, I got the phone calling from the hunting company invited me to take part in the interview, then I confirmed this position is provided by that British company, so I told the hunting staff my story.

After that I made call to the British company talked with the sales GM who once interviewed me last time.She recognized my voice immediately,we spent half hour for talking.  She told me she once met more then 10 applicants after me, but she believed that I am the best one. Why she did not make final decision yet, because she wanted to meet more person for more opportunity, and she also felt that I do not like their industry very well.

Finally she said she would let the HR manager hold a new meeting for further details discussing.(The prvious HR manager has left the company )

Afternoon, the HR person called me again, we made the agreement that we would hold a meeting at the beging of next week. The correct time would be confirm later.

Actually I do not want to give up this job, though it is not higher quality as well as SONY, but it also can provide my good self development space,and it can provide good salary: RMB10000-15000.
blakeni2004  ↗贵宾↗  2005-9-21 12:21:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

July 19《中国日报》社的面试







July 20今天的新情况

著名的国际市场调查公司AC 尼尔森今天来电话,对我做了22分钟的电话INTERVIEW,而后要我明天下午去他们公司详细谈。




July 22极度焦虑

昨天一整天,上午到英国人公司去复试,地点非常遥远,距离莘庄还有一个多少时的车程。而结果不是很令人高兴,新来的人事经理认为我过去的经验中缺乏和经销商打交道的经历,并且不是沙发行业出生。说实话这样的问题我感到很奇特,我以前的办公家具行业远远比单一的沙发产品要复杂的多,而关于没有和经销商合作的经验是事实,我以前是直接面对最终用户的,既然是这样,我的简历里都已经写明白了。当然人事经理表示认同我的个人素质和潜力,究竟怎么做,这个需要销售经理跟她去谈,毕竟对他们来说要找一个既是做沙发出生,又能和欧洲经销商打交道的人很难,如果有这样的人,又为什么一定要跳槽去他们那里呢? 那么远的路。人事经理也表示可能让我改一个职位:KEY ACCOUNT SUPERVISOR。


而最令我举棋不定的则是《中国日报》。今天早上我还没起床,他们来电话约我到他们领导住的地方去谈,因为领导下午就要回北京了。我去了之后,谈了约一个小时。他们表示希望我加入他们的华东分社,并且可以让我走TEAM LEADER,这样可以带领一个小组专门开发在上海的世界500强企业。中国日报是副部级的中央直属机构,在上海的关系还不错,上月他们搞的一个全球CEO论坛活动,连上海市长也来了。关于待遇方面,领导说作为中央事业单位工资确实都是死的,他们可以回去商量给我一个海归待遇,而我的这个工作主要是提成。


July 26

Today I signed the conformation with ACNielsen, the position is Senior Retailer Service Executive, the main mission include the data analysis, marketing research, new business opportinure development.

That is so differenet with the sales jobs what I did before, the begining day is Aug 15.

Pusa bless me, let we see what will happen !

August 08

One week later




August 16






August 27



培训还在继续,有的是自学,个人感觉那个《CATEGORY MANAGEMENT》,获益匪浅啊~~~

公司还在继续扩展,楼下招收了好多新人,大部分是CONTRACT STAFF,临时的?

blakeni2004  ↗贵宾↗  2005-9-21 12:26:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

以上是从我的MSN SPACE里直接COPY过来,因此字体颜色都是不统一的,请大家见谅.



2. 在出国前,我有外企5年左右的工作经验,有独立经营客户的经历.对用人单位来说,一个人的工作经历非常重要.



Johnrockfeller  高级海盗  2005-9-21 12:32:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江温州

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记


blakeni2004  ↗贵宾↗  2005-9-21 12:37:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

Post by Johnrockfeller


nutrewag  四海霸王  2005-9-21 12:46:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

Lolita  四海霸王  2005-9-21 12:51:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

Post by blakeni2004

April 22, Going back to China


May 24Interview

Finally I said my ideal salary should be 8K--10K/month, they will discuss it and give me the feedback later.


premier  高级海盗  2005-9-21 12:59:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【原创】05年回上海找工作的日记

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