Post by eggedreef;3327208
现在的工作, 都不象以前的了, 一做十几二十年, 甚至一直做到退休,
现在换工作, 都是做几年, 可能就换家公司了
所以, 跟着搬家, 也是一定的了
所以, 不得不考虑以后出手的问题啊
I agree that you might want to change jobs within years. But it is also up to yourself, if you can find another job within the range where you live... if you bought a house in Maastricht, you won't consider to look for a job in Groningen, right? Unless, it is really dramatically attractive per salary and opportunity, which you can't find anything else similar nearby your home...
So changing jobs doesn't mean that you have to change house... |