Post by Max Stream
HBO = Hoger Beroep Onderwijs = Higher (Non-University) Vocational Education!
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Higher education includes university education [wetenschappelijke onderwijs – WO], higher (non-university) vocational education [hoger beroepsonderwijs – HBO] and the Open University (OU – distance learning at higher education level).
Higher vocational education [HBO] provides both theoretical and practical training for occupations which require a higher vocational qualification. HBO courses are almost always linked to a particular field of employment.
Higher education caters for students of about 18 years old and over. First degree courses take at least four years, with the exception of medicine, humanistics, veterinary medicine (six years), dentistry, pharmacy and philosophy of a particular field of study (five years).
As of the academic year 2002-2003, higher education establishments have the right to introduce bachelor-masters degree programmes. For university education this means that the current uninterrupted degree course is transformed into two phases, the bachelor degree course (consisting of 180 study points) and the masters degree course (consisting of 60 study points). For higher vocational education, the current initial training (240 study points) is regarded as a bachelor degree course. It is now possible to offer an HBO masters degree to follow on from it.
There are both full-time and part-time university and HBO courses.
Some university courses are taught in a language other than Dutch, mainly English.
如果是大专那怎么会有BACHELOR DEGREE???
我忠告你不要玩弄文字游戏,硬把荷兰的高等教育体系和中国的套在一起,关于H和U的争论早已经很多次,不需要你再来说什么H等于大专! |