1031 发表于 2012-6-22 09:00
are you son of a whore jerking off? Can't find a female to fuck? then go for your neighbour's shee ...
你个2b马甲,那点chinglish就别给你主子丢脸了。Your mom should rot and burn in hell for giving birth to a big break like you. She is an evil and can not be called a female or a whore. Your dick(if you have) is also made of dog shit so u can not fuck, I get it. 你妈的大血b没人操都自己封上了,你鸭是你妈从那长绿毛的屁眼儿里拉出来屎状狗。 你鸭也就配每天把自己吃进去再拉出来,再吃再拉的下三滥狗屎循环。吃狗粮拿钱发帖必被灭九族, 你个屎狗的屎,还想装b看不懂中文