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ineedjustice  见习海盗  2010-10-19 13:54:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 加油大丸子 于 2010-10-19 02:41 发表


在荷兰是不会有什么所谓的好消息的。 我上周和这周都被猫酒店威胁, 从上周我就联系不上律师, 邮件不会,电话不接, 秘书总是说他不在, 只让我留言。我的律师2周前要了我的财产证明( 律师说这是提供给法院的有力证明, 不懂~~~)就再也联系不到他了。 律师只跟我说他很忙。昨天我又打电话到律师事务所找他, 但还是找不到, 所以我写了邮件给他, 如下:

The cats hotel party called me with unknown number last week, it was a man( judging from the voice, it is not the owner) called me and talked about the cats hotel has received verdict from the court ( why they received it?) , and they hope i could meet the cats hotel and give the money in person. The guy said two weeks ago you called and told them that  Xin Huang admited  torturing the cats and  promised would pay for the thousands  bills within one month . The guy also said they have checked my bankaccount that i have enough money to pay all the bills( is it normal in the Netherlands?), so the cats hotel and the court hope i can pay the money as soon as possible, otherwise nobody can keep me away from more suffering later on in my life ( i dont understand what it means), the court and Judiciary Police will enforce me to pay it, they will collect money automatically from my bankaccount by the end of this month. Yesterday. i received a reminder letter from cats hotel again, you can find it at the attached file. Basically it highlights the demands and consequences that the guy told me on the phone. I have so many confusing questions and i dont know if what the cats hotel party says is the legal truth or they just threaten me. In the letter, the cats hotel says if i dont pay within 14 days, there will be someone to come to me to collect money. And who is the" someone"??? The court or the third party they hire??? Did the court really give the cats hotel permission to do so??? Can any organisation guarantee my personal safety??? Have the police contacted you and given you the report??? Is there any news from the higher court??? Things are getting more ridiculous and out of control here. I remember you told me just ignore the cats hotel, but the cats hotel wont ignore me, especially im in Emmen ALONE! I couldnt reach you neither by email nor  phone call. Here im writing to you again and Please give me a clear reply as soon as possible, thanks.

因为我真的不知道猫酒店的人是在说谎吓唬我还是在说真的, 所以我很需要那个律师给我一个明确的答复。
ineedjustice  见习海盗  2010-10-20 12:06:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
There is no justice in this country, im leaving now. Bye
miaomiaozj  中级海盗  2010-10-20 12:27:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
"In the letter, the cats hotel says if i dont pay within 14 days, there will be someone to come to me to collect money"


芒果味的猫  高级海盗  2010-10-20 12:31:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 miaomiaozj 于 20-10-2010 13:27 发表
"In the letter, the cats hotel says if i dont pay within 14 days, there will be someone to come to me to collect money"

如果是,LZ到不用怎么担心人身安全。这种公司 ...

我觉得那个之前LZ说的 律师要求提供的财产证明是对LZ不利的 有了财产证明以后 他们就可以依据法院的判决名正言顺的自动去collect你的钱...
唉 这是哪门子事啊
ineedjustice  见习海盗  2010-10-20 14:55:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
我试了这所律师事务所在荷兰的所有分部和电话,终于让我找到这个消失多时的律师。他很惊讶。 他说他很忙,所以才没联系我~~~ 他还说他知道为什么猫酒店知道我账户的细节,是因为他发信给法庭和老巫婆时,有附上我的账户细节, 老太婆之后又拿给了其他人看, 所以猫酒店才知道的。 我说有必要把的账户公布给那么多人看吗? 律师说他也是觉得把我的存款和支出公布出来有利于我赢他才那么做的~~~~~ 律师说法庭根本还没下那个自动扣钱的verdict,所以猫酒店暂时还不能把我怎么样, 律师还说猫酒店真想要钱得先把我告到法庭去。 我晕, 这下这出戏可好玩啦, 你告我, 我告你的, 而且牵扯的parties越来越多, 不过最后还不都是这么多parties告我。 我的留学生涯还真是精彩~~~~
ineedjustice  见习海盗  2010-10-20 14:58:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
我太想公布那些人渣的详细资料了, 但又怕违法~~~~我胆子太小了, 难怪只会被人欺, 被人骗, 被人威胁。老巫婆和猫酒店不死还真对不起上帝~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehe  海贼王  2010-10-20 15:30:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 ineedjustice 于 2010-10-20 15:55 发表
我试了这所律师事务所在荷兰的所有分部和电话,终于让我找到这个消失多时的律师。他很惊讶。 他说他很忙,所以才没联系我~~~ 他还说他知道为什么猫酒店知道我账户的细节,是因为他发信给法庭和老巫婆时,有附上我的账户细节,  ... 律师还说猫酒店真想要钱得先把我告到法庭去...

这到是真的,因为要cat hotel 必须先要法院 判决强制执行 , 才能扣你的钱, 你现在的案子还没了解, 他们只能吓虎你,不该把你怎么样,还有除了和律师之外,不管是谁,不管问你什么问题都不要回答,告诉他找律师完事
hehehehe  海贼王  2010-10-20 15:35:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
lz 一定要挺住啊,使劲拖好了,我的朋友的孩子因为身份问题和ind较劲了5年多, apearl +apearl, 然后是court + court, 中间警察也来过, 在第六的年头上才判下来
ineedjustice  见习海盗  2010-10-20 16:01:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
但是那个男的在电话里说如果我再不付钱,没人能保证我之后不会有什么“意外”~~~~~ 我汗, 这种恐吓的话我也只在电视里听过。 再说我一个人在emmen, 如果我真有什么事情发生, 到时候就真的是怎么被搞都没人知道了~~~~
已有1人评分 小红花 理由
LZMM + 2 以后电话都录音,然后报警,这个是赤裸裸的恐吓 ...

查看全部评分 总评分: 小红花 +2 

taak04  高级海盗  2010-10-20 16:03:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

[ 本帖最后由 taak04 于 2010-10-20 17:04 编辑 ]
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