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Kanker  海贼王  2009-4-24 09:05:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 yuinholand 于 2009-4-24 09:36 发表
mm, 最后到底得到什么结论了啊?

結論就是這些討論與 “抗議當天的活動”沒有“街頭實用”的關係。

jiayanmin  见习海盗  2009-4-24 11:13:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
要尊重老人。  尊老爱幼。 **老糊涂了。大家不要太偏激。  就当他是老顽童吧。
lareine  四海霸王  2009-4-24 11:28:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
=.= 俺很早就提议前去围观。。。被喝止了。。。。被54了。。。。
aiben123  中级海盗  2009-4-24 11:45:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
要去 要去抗议DL
还要抗议那些6。4 愚弄人民 用别人鲜血染红自己绿卡的人
如果你们家有几百只牛羊 你们家穷 ?
藏族学生 大多富的流油  就是不好好学习
别被那些鬼怪迷住了眼睛  擦亮眼睛
Kanker  海贼王  2009-4-24 11:57:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 aiben123 于 2009-4-24 12:45 发表
要去 要去抗议DL
还要抗议那些6。4 愚弄人民 用别人鲜血染红自己绿卡的人
如果你们家有几百只牛羊 你们家穷 ?

我看應該打出 “班禪活佛”的頭像出來才對。
艳阳高照  初上贼船  2009-4-24 22:16:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东惠州
原帖由 kongkai 于 2009-4-24 00:19 发表
1. 没有人否认文革的破坏作用,但是文革不能视为某民族对另一民族的文化灭绝,因为包括汉人,西藏人,维族人,他们的文化都受到了文革的破坏和冲击。要受到指责的是中国政府,特别是当时的领导人。显然,毛并不是纯种的汉人。

2。 ...

Are you propogandist of CPC?!
From my point of view actually you don't have to propogandise for CPC or any other issues in terms of their policies cause history will tell.
By the way, as Chinese citizen we don't have a right to debate any topics concerming Tibet or 6.4 in any public sectors, such as in this bbs. How do you explain this policy?!
Oftentimes I am wondering although we are kind of a little chauvinistic and we do want to protect the unity of our coutry as well as letting the international community understand the national spitit of ourselves, what we are going to obtain these goals since we don't even have a chance to discuss them, even if we are abroad?!
I don't really understand why we are deprivated the basic right to criticise the govenment?! Didn't ever hear the aphorism "防民之口甚于防川“? Don't you understand the utimate goal of criticism is to enhance the level of ascendancy of the govenment?! Some days ago I was apprised that some innocent people were apprehended just because they have said something bad about the local govenments. I am frightened cause I cannot imagine the day when a cop arrive in my foreign home and arrest me because of this paper.
Of course, I strongly oppose the independence of Tibet. As an individual of Han peopele, how we are going to stand a stupid munk who is calling ethnic annihilation of our people in his dreaming Tibetan empire every day?! But I also oppose autocracy. We are awarded the opportunity to discuss, debate and criticise by God.
At last, I just want to say: every political party dies away, but nation survives. CPC does not mean China, China is not CPC. Also, loving the CPC does not mean you are a patriot, as a patriot you don't have to love every aspect of CPC. Don't decry, denounce and despise other compatriots since they don't like CPC(such as me:)).

PS: I do want do type this content in Chinese but I view that will be abolished by custodians. It is an irony because as Chinese ctizens we don't have an opportinity to discuss our political stuff in mother language, right?! It will be even more ironical if this English version is abolished.

[ 本帖最后由 艳阳高照 于 2009-4-24 23:29 编辑 ]
sea1117  中级海盗  2009-4-24 22:34:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

[ 本帖最后由 sea1117 于 2009-4-24 23:53 编辑 ]
kongkai  中级海盗  2009-4-24 23:02:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复 206# 艳阳高照 的帖子


我说的话,有一句是假的吗? 你凭什么说我是propogandist of CPC ???


我说西藏人在50年代95%是文盲,汉人80%是文盲, 错了吗??

我说了一句假话吗???? 我哪里说错了?

这里在讨论西藏问题,这里在讨论dl 问题,我无非说了点真话,你就这样容不下我,就给我扣个大大的帽子,我才是不寒而栗呢。

我们中国人有个最基本的道德守则,就是不能因人废言。你可以反对某个政党,但是不能说因为你反对,所以这个政党做的就都是错的。难道因为你反对共产党,所以解放西藏农奴就是错的? 所以到西藏修路就是错的? 所以在西藏修医院就是错的? 所以给西藏人扫盲就是错的??



你这种人,口口声声自由,权利,basic rights,可是自己率先垂范的是怎么打击别人,怎么给别人扣帽子,怎么压制言论,怎么剥夺别人的自由。


你凭什么说我是propogandist of CPC, 你说呀?
Kanker  海贼王  2009-4-24 23:15:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 sea1117 于 2009-4-24 23:34 发表


請問這個活動與 “吃素 吃葷”有什麼“ 政 治 ”的關連 ? 你不是這麼無知至沒有分析能力吧 ?

還有,你懂不懂看文字 ? 我從來也沒有不正面回答你的無知問題,我是 Vegan ,看清楚, 是 Vegan 純素食者是不會吃任何“動物性成份”的食物。

另外,你知不知道 “藏傳佛教”之中,有各種不同的派別,有的是吃素,有的是吃葷的 ?

拜托你最好也不要給我“佛教徒”的帽子。 還得要告訢一些歷史資料給你了解一下,早期的佛教是沒有硬性規定別人吃素的,中國早期的吃素運動,是從“梁武帝”開始。


[ 本帖最后由 Kanker 于 2009-4-25 00:21 编辑 ]
kongkai  中级海盗  2009-4-24 23:20:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
How do you explain this policy?!
-------- why i have to explain it? i'm not one of those policymakers. and most important, this is not the theme of the whole discussion here.  

We are awarded the opportunity to discuss, debate and criticise by God.
-------------- 对啊,你说的好听的很。我不就是在和别人讨论和辩论吗? 结果你一个大帽子就给我扣下来了 。

I am frightened cause I cannot imagine the day when a cop arrive in my foreign home and arrest me because of this paper.
-------------------- 我本来也是无法想像的,但是看到你给人扣帽子和压制言论的做法,我现在可以想像了。 象你这样的人,调子唱的好听,实际上最恶毒最凶狠。

CPC does not mean China, China is not CPC
------------------ 对啊,那为什么我一说西藏取得的进步,你马上就和cpc 联系起来了? 中国取得的进步靠的是全体中国人,难道就靠个cpc ? 你这个口是心非的人,任何对中国正面的评价,你都要和cpc联系起来,对你来说,中国=cpc, 是把。


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