Post by schuvani;3390105
If you choose euribor tariff, you can not choose fixed rent anymore. I took 1-month-euribor tariff, and it is flucturating with the market, you can check the current tariff at:
The rent i pay is 5.33%, it is the current euribor + 0.85% for the bank.
you can also find the histry of this tariff. It is as low as 2% from 2004 to 2006.
If you choose Euribor, in most banks, you can only choose aflossingvrij. But it doesn't matter. because after thirty years, you should be able to save enough to repay the bank. If you want to sell the house after 10 years, it is no problem either. Another advantage of Euribor is that you can choose to fix the rent at any time, by paying 250 euro. For example, in 2010, the rate is 3%, then you can choose to fix it for 10 years. It is much better than fixing the rent now, because it is really high now.
Another point, now at many banks, the saving interest is also high (ABN 5.0%, i also find a bank giving 5.5%) I would rather save the extra money in the bank by myself because then i have the flexibility. 看起来如果希望每个月负担小,还得选这个方式。不过好像赌博哦,30年后房价如果跌了,是要赔钱的。对于有30% reguling的,是不是这个最划算的方式呢 |