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我们是Hogeschool Zeeland的一帮中国学生。因为就要签新的ID了,所以有些问题,想问问大家。我们学校每年要求把签ID的8000欧元一次性交给学校,由学校来办理ID。然后,每个月反给我们500欧元。这样一来,每年就会有2000欧元左右剩下。今年学校又要求我们一次交8000欧元,而且不管学校帐户里实际还剩多少。我们不想学校管理生活费,但学校不同意,而且为阻止我们自己办ID,还说,只有我们交了8000欧元,学校才开给我在学证明,并且威胁我们说如果不交钱,下学期不让注册。我们学校现在大约已经有300多中国学生,实际上学校已经把我们当成的摇钱树,每年办ID,只要花100多欧元,可是通过学校办,学校却要收400多欧元。学校还经常利用各种理由,想尽办法扣我们帐户里的钱,就说300多学生,每人每年8000欧元,光利息学校就要搛多少。我们不想这样下去,但学校却卡住了在学证明和学校注册这两关。各位也身在荷兰,请告诉我们,我们该怎么办!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


鸭子  四海霸王  2003-7-3 15:28:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 西班牙
speak to the local council or Chinese embassy, explain to them your situation, but make sure you organise enough people before you talking to those parties, other it will be a complete waste of time.
鸭子  四海霸王  2003-7-3 15:43:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 西班牙
Having spoken to my Dutch colleague, she suggested you guys to go to Bureau Rechtshulp, it's the place where you can get free legal advice. Unfortunately I am not in Holland, otherwise I would give you a hand. My colleague is very nice, she is doing searches on the internet to find out anything else you can do meanwhile. I will let you know as soon as I get hold of any information.
allanhxl  见习海盗  2003-7-3 16:01:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
thanks a lot. Anyway, Where is Bureau Rechtshulp? in every city or in a specific city?
opapa  管理员  2003-7-3 16:15:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

鸭子  四海霸王  2003-7-3 16:18:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 西班牙
as I said, I will let you know as soon as my colleague gets back to me.
allanhxl  见习海盗  2003-7-3 19:00:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Dear student,
This morning I had a new discussion with the members of our board. We will be on the same system as last year: You have to pay the cost of living in advance (8000 Euro like mentioned on your invoice). The HZ will transfer this money back in an amount of 500 Euro/month (if you have your own accomodation) or 250 Euro/month if we arranged the accomodation. The rest will be used to pay the insurance and the residance permit.
Nothing has been changed for regular students, just for students who came to us from other Dutch universities, for them this is a new regulation.
Please remember: before you can be enroled as an official student, you must have passed 75% of the credits and you must have paid the invoice.
Have a good vacation,
Frank Audenaerde(我们国际室主任)
请注意两点:1是国际办公室说8000欧元中,其中对于自己找房子的学生,有6000欧元将以每月500欧元的形式返还,对于住学校的房子的学生,将返回3000欧元,每月250欧元。对于学校的房子,我都不想说了。学校没有宿舍,都是Accommodation Office到处找的私房。以前这些房子还都有100多,或200欧元的,今年开始,除了去年合同没终止的,对于所有亚洲学生(其它欧洲学生不清楚),不管房子好坏,一律按250欧元收。而据我们了解,很多房子,其实从房东那里拿过来,都只有100多欧元,很少有到200欧元。至于8000欧元剩下来的钱将用于支付保险费和Residance permit费,也就是ID费。我就不明白,怎么这两样东西会值2000欧元。
2. 请注意信的最后一句话:在成为学校正式学生已前,学生必须拿到75%的学分,及支付Invoice上所有的钱。而这个Invoice所注明钱包括:A. 1850欧元的Tuition;B.550欧元的Administration Fee(也不知道这是个什么管理费,不知道其他学校有没有这个费用);C. 8000欧元的Living Cost (从2003年9月1日至2004年9月1日)。
helium  ↗贵宾↗  2003-7-3 19:08:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
imported_looker  管理员  2003-7-3 19:41:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
talk with me on oicq, I may help you. 268515,I just add you, or msn would be better, looker_luo@hotmail.com
allanhxl  见习海盗  2003-7-3 22:32:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Hogeschool Zeeland的同学,大家一起联名啊。我已经和战头在荷兰的战长LOOKER联系过,他愿意帮我们通过使馆教育部一起解决这件事情。我第一个签名:
胡晓磊,IBMS 2年级
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