Full Professor "Systems Design" (V35.409)
at the Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering considers as the core ofits activities design, realization and analysis of new products, processes andmaterials. Besides the basis of (solid and fluid) mechanics, materials, controland thermodynamics, parts of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computingscience are important supporting tools. The field is explored by a combinationof modeling using fundamental concepts and applied engineering and technology.Automotive Engineering Science and Micro- & Nano-Scale Engineering are importantdepartemental themes. The Mechanical Engineering Department comprises about1000 students and 250 staff members.
In view of the retirement of the current chair holder, thedepartment is seeking a new full professor in
Systems Design
The design and manufacturing of high-tech systems, including MRIscanning machines, lithographic machines, copying machines, and bondingmachines, play an important role in the Dutch economy, especially in theSouth-Eastern part of the Netherlands. An important aspect of these complexsystems is the degree of concurrency: There are many machine components, whichhave to function smoothly at the right time, and possibly in parallel, in acomplicated machine to carry out a variety of tasks (discrete event systems).New models for such systems have started to appear based on a variety ofmathematical tools, including control theory (for systems safety), operationsresearch (for systems performance), and computer science (for systemsverification). Indeed, the tight coupling between the physical process on onehand and the supervisory control on the other hand of these systems has causeda paradigm shift. To improve the quality, to decrease the design andmanufacturing times (time to market), and to reduce the total cost of a systemmodel-based engineering is becoming central in this field.
Systems Design has a variety of goals, such as safety andperformance. The implementation and migration of the models are error prone,and the development of proper, objective verification and quality controlprocedures are an integral part of the design. Depending on the successfulapplicant’s expertise, the focus of the research can be on the furtherdevelopment of systems design, systems control, the development of supportingsimulation tools, or combinations.
The teaching will encompass courses in the BSc curriculumMechanical Engineering, the MSc curriculum Mechanical Engineering, and the MSccurriculum Embedded Systems. Courses for PhD students will be given within theframework of the graduate schools Institute for Programming and Algorithmics(IPA) and Engineering Mechanics (EM).
Applicants should:
• Have a PhD in engineering sciences, in applied physics orapplied mathematics, and several years of experience thereafter;
• Be an authority in the development and application ofmodern in systems design and control, in particular in fields like systemsperformance and systems safety, as evident from papers in reputed scientificjournals, invited lectures, membership of editorial boards, scientificcommittees, filed patents, etc;
• Have a proven record in the acquisition and management ofresearch grants at a national and an international level;
• Have ample experience in teaching courses at differentlevels and proven didactic skills.
Appointment and Salary
We offer:
• A challenging job at a dynamic and ambitious University
• An appointment for four years
• Gross monthly salaries are in accordance with theCollective Labor Agreement of the Dutch Universities (CAO NU), Salary will bebased on your knowledge and experience.
• An attractive package of fringe benefits (includingexcellent work facilities, end of the year allowance and sport facilities)
• More information about this position can be obtained fromProf.dr.ir. R. de Borst (Dean, Department of Mechanical Engineering), e-mail:r.d.borst@tue.nl
• More information about the TU/e can be found athttp://www.tue.nl.
Please send your application by email with extended curriculumvitae mentioning vacancy number V35.409 to pzwtb@tue.nl. You can apply for thisvacancy until April 16th. |