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sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-1-17 13:02:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
PhD position on Model-driven design of embedded systems

The University of Twente is an entrepreneurial research university, located in Enschede, the Netherlands. Organised over 5 faculties, the UT offers 20 educational programmes ranging from applied physics, public and business administration, communication studies and diverse programmes in engineering technology. Research takes place within the context of institutes and focuses, among other things, on nanotechnology, information and communication technology (CTIT), biomedical technology, policy studies, construction management & engineering, and mechanics. More than 7,000 students and 2,700 staff members live, work and recreate at the UT, the Netherlands’ only campus university.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science offers BSc and MSc programmes in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and also MSc programmes in Embedded Systems, Mechatronics and Nanotechnology. The Faculty hosts, among others, the CTIT institute.

In the context of the strategic research orientation Dependable Systems and Networks (SRO-DSN), the CTIT institute offers a PhD position, hosted in different groups to stimulate synergy between the research groups, which contribute to the SRO-DSN. Further, a set of small, autonomous, mobile robots are available as a common test bed for these research positions.

This PhD project focuses on the modeling aspects of embedded systems, whereby both the software and the machine to be controlled are modeled. Since different disciplines model different aspects, this implies that the combination of several modeling paradigms is a challenge. The approach is to bring together models & methods of the participating groups (Formal Methods and Tools, Software Engineering, Control Engineering), to obtain a multidisciplinary combination of model types and methods, covering a wide range of aspects of dependable embedded software, making validation and consistency checking possible.

Information: dr Angelika Mader, A.H.Mader@utwente.nl,

see also http://www.ce.utwente.nl.

What we ask and offer

For the PhD position (4 years), a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science. Gross monthly salary range from 2042 to 2812 Euro. In addition to this, we offer a holiday allowance (amounts to 8%) and an end-of-year bonus of one extra month.

Candidates are invited to send their application together with curriculum vitae, and marks transcripts, by email to A.H.Mader@utwente.nl
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-1-17 13:02:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
The Department of Computer and Decision Engineering (CoDE) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, invites applications for a faculty (professor) position (tenured). We seek outstanding applicants with demonstrated research excellence in the domain of Web Engineering.

Starting Date
       The position is available from October 1st, 2009

Required Degree
       Ph.D. in (Computer) Science/Engineering

Details on Teaching, Research and Application

       see http://cs.ulb.ac.be/webengineering.html
       For more information contact Prof. Dr. Esteban Zimányi ( ezimanyi@ulb.ac.be )

Application deadline
       February 28th, 2009
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-1-17 19:06:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

Postdoctoral position in semantics of autonomic systems


Lero, the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre
(http://www.lero.ie) is the Irish national research centre in
all aspects of software engineering, funded by Science
Foundation Ireland and involving teams at the University of
Limerick, Trinity College Dublin, UCD Dublin and Dublin City
University. Lero conducts world-class research on all aspects
of modern software engineering, both foundational and
transitional, with strong national and international industrial

Lero is seeking to grow its activity in the area of autonomic
and adaptive systems, an area in which the centre already has
considerable international recognition. In particular, we are
interested in improving the analysis and design of autonomic
systems by developing new semantic models of adaptive
behaviour, looking in the first instance at (dynamic) hybrid

Current work focuses on applying topological and dynamical
systems techniques to understand how imprecision and adaptation
can best be modelled and used to design better adaptive
controllers. We plan to apply these results in the area of
hybrid automata in order to develop a practical development
methodology for such systems. This work has application in a
number of areas including telecommunications, enterprise
computing, embedded computing and sensor networks.

The position

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to lead this activity.
The ideal candidate will have a background in the foundations
of computer science such as formal specification and automated
verification and validation, ideally in the hybrid automata
area, together with an interest and/or experience with
techniques from topology, control theory, dynamical systems,
mathematical physics or a similar discipline. As well as taking
a leading role in research, the successful applicant will be
expected to engage in supervision of graduate students and
other activities within the remit of Lero.

The position will be based in the Foundations and Methods Group
of Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Dr Andrew
Butterfield, and will work extensively in collaboration with
the Systems Research Group in UCD Dublin (Dr Simon Dobson) and
the rest of Lero.

The post is available immediately until 31st October 2010 in
the first instance, with the possibility of extension. Salary
will be in the range euro40,578-euro44,505 depending on

To apply

Applicants should direct all inquiries regarding the post to Dr
Andrew Butterfield at the address below. Applications should
include a full CV together with a statement of their research
interests and expertise. The post will remain open until

Dr Andrew Butterfield
School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Trinity College, Dublin 2,

Tel.: +353 1 896 2517

Andrew Butterfield     Tel: +353-1-896-2517     Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Foundations and Methods Research Group Director.
School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Room F.13, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-1-31 11:01:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Departamento de Informática,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,

Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor position at the

Departamento de Informatica (http://www.di.fct.unl.pt/) of the
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia (http://www.fct.unl.pt/) of the
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (http://www.fct.unl.pt/)

The DI FCT UNL is a leading computer science department in Portugal,
devoted to the development of undergraduate-graduate level teaching
and academic research.

Candidates must hold a PhD in Computer Science / Informatics.  In this
call we are particularly interested in candidates with a research
background in databases. Typical assistant professor duties at Nova
include teaching at the undergraduate and/or graduate level, between
six and nine contact hours per week, and research work. The research
activities will take place at the Department research centres (CENTRIA
- http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/ or CITI http://citi.di.fct.unl.pt/).
Please consult the CENTRIA and CITI web sites for more detailed
information about the current research themes and projects.  Teaching
at the undergraduate level is mostly in Portuguese, but at the
graduate level it may be in English. An interest to learn Portuguese
will be expected from non-portuguese speaking candidates.

Interested candidates should send a detailed CV (mentioning previous
research, publication record, teaching experience) and two
recommendation letters to <secretaria@di.fct.unl.pt> until 15
February, 2009, and also by surface mail to

Presidente do Departamento de Informatica
Quinta da Torre
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2829-516 CAPARICA
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-1-31 11:02:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

The Computer Security Research Laboratory of the Université du Québec en Outaouais seeks candidates for a post-doctoral position jointly funded by PROMPT Québec www.promptquebec.com, CRSNG www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca et CA inc. www.ca.com/us

Title of research project: Risk Analysis in Access Control Policies

Scientific direction: Profs. Kamel Adi and Luigi Logrippo

Related research interests: Application of formal methods in software engineering and security (logic, type theory, process algebras, etc.). Access control technologies.

Qualification Requirements: A PhD in Computer Science, or a related field obtained in the last 3 years, preferably with expertise in security.

Languages required: English spoken and written; spoken French is an asset.

Duration: one year, renewable.

Salary: $35,000 to 45,000 Canadian dollars per year, depending on qualifications and experience.

LRSI Web site (under construction): www.lrsi.uqo.ca (the most up-to-date version of this announcement will be on this site).

Submission deadline: Open until the position is filled.

Starting date: Negotiable.

Submission by email to the following address: ptits@uqo.ca. Please submit your academic CV and the names of three referees.

Geographical position: The UQO is in the National Capital Region of Canada, Gatineau-Ottawa www.canadascapital.gc.ca/bins/index.asp. This region is the home of three universities with computer science programs and offers ample possibilities for professional development, in addition to sports and culture. Cost of living is moderate with respect to larger cities in North America or Europe. The address of the LRSI lab is : Pavillon Louis-Brault, 101 Saint-Jean Bosco, Gatineau, Québec, Canada J8X 3X7.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-2-14 11:14:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

                     FACULTY OF COMPUTER SCIENCE
                         UNIVERSITY OF NAMUR


Focussing both teaching and research on the  design of information and
communication systems, from requirement engineering to implementation,
the  Faculty of Computer  Science of the   University of Namur (FUNDP)
announces a full-time  professor position with emphasis  on one of the
following   fields: Data Management  and   Engineering, Web Semantics,
Information  Intelligence, Decision Support  Systems. The potential of
candidates  taking  precedence   over their  current   specialisation,
candidates with  other but  related  backgrounds are also  invited  to

Candidates  are expected to  contribute to undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate  teaching,  and to Lifelong  Learning.  They will develop
competitive research programs. Usual service  activities are also part
of the duty.

In accordance with  the Belgian  regulation,  positions will  first be
given for a  probationary period of  two years, before  confirming the
successful  candidate in  his (her)  appointment.  The candidates  are
expected to start on September 1st, 2008.


The candidates will  hold a PhD, preferably  in computer science.  The
tenure is open  to seasoned candidates with   a strong scientific  and
teaching background   as well  as  to  young  candidates showing  high
scientific and pedagogical   potential.    Teaching will mainly     be
delivered in French.   Foreign candidates will   be able to  teach  in
French after one year. A preference will be given to candidates with a
high integration  potential and with  an expertise  completing that of
the current academic staff.


Applications should be sent to  the Rector of  the University of Namur
(FUNDP), rue de Bruxelles 61, B-5000 Namur, Belgium. Application forms
are available from the Human Resource Department, rue de Bruxelles 61,
B-5000 Namur (T        l. : +32 (0)81-72 40 42). Electronic versions can also
be    obtained    from    the    web    site    of     the  University
(www.fundp.ac.be/universite/jobs). To this form, candidates will add a
complete curriculum vitae as well as a research  proposal for the next
three years.

The application deadline is April 10th 2009. If needed, interviews may
be organized  during the second  half of April or  at the beginning of
May. The  candidates will be  invited  to deliver  a lecture  in their
domain  of expertise as  well as to  present their  research proposal.


The  Faculty  of Computer   Science  is one   of  the oldest  European
faculties in Information System.  It has about  400 students, 80 staff
members,   out  of  whom  16  are   full-time professors   and  50 are
researchers. Established in 1969, the Faculty  of Computer Science has
graduated  more than    1.600 students,  all    of them with    highly
appreciated qualifications at the international  level. The FUNDP is a
midsize university  of about 5,000  students, and is  a member  of the
Acad        mie Universitaire Louvain comprising   about 30,000 students.  It
has   developed    intensive collaboration  with    many  national and
international universities and research centres.

Capital of Wallonia,  Namur is a charming  city of 100,000 inhabitants
located 50 km south of Brussels and 2h30 from Paris and London.


More  information can be asked  to the Dean  of the Faculty, Professor
Jean-Marie Jacquet (jmj@info.fundp.ac.be).
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-2-18 15:03:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
[fmics] PhD positions in Formal Security Analysis

Department of Computing, The Open University (OU), UK


We are currently seeking outstanding graduates to join our PhD programme.
The studentships are available to applicants for full-time 3-year research and
will be based in the Department of Computing in Milton Keynes, UK.

Research topics may be in any of the areas covered by the Centre in general, and
by the Department of Computing in particular. In particular, they include model-based
development of critical systems (in particular also IT security).

The Open University maintains a highly regarded research base at its
central headquarters in Milton Keynes (near London and within one
hour from Cambridge and Oxford). The Department of Computing is part
of the Centre for Research in Computing (http://crc.open.ac.uk). The
Software Engineering and Design group in the Department has a
world class research record in software engineering and in
particular in model-based development of security-critical systems
(cf http://mcs.open.ac.uk/jj2924/security ).

The successful candidates will also be able to interact with other
relevant research projects in the department, such as:
* Integrated Project on "Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable
Systems (Secure Change)" funded by the European Union, within the
programme "Future and Emerging Technologies" (FET) of the
7th Framework Programme.
* Automated Verification of Security-Critical Software (VeriSec)
(Royal Society Industrial Fellowship with Microsoft Research Cambridge)
* Verifying Implementations of Security Protocols in C (funded by and
in cooperation with Microsoft Research Cambridge)
* Modelling for Compliance (EPSRC CASE studentship with BT Research)
* Royal Society Joint International Project on model-based security
analysis with TU Munich (Germany)
* Royal Society Joint International Project on "Relating Security
Requirements and Design" with National Institute for Informatics
(Tokyo, Japan)
* Security and Privacy for All (SP4A), an EPSRC-funded project for
improving public awareness of security and privacy, in cooperation
with Bletchley Park and the National Museum of Computing.

Applicants should have (or expect to have by the start of the project):
a good Masters level or very good Bachelor level degree (or equivalent)
in Computing, Mathematics, or a related discipline.
Experience or strong interest in Software Engineering, IT Security, or Formal
Methods would be an advantage.

Each position will run for three years and includes no teaching obligations.

Informal enquiries are welcome and encouraged. Contact details can be found
at http://mcs.open.ac.uk/jj2924 .

For detailed information and how to apply go to

Please send your application by email to: research-degrees-team@open.ac.uk
with cc to: J.Jurjens@open.ac.uk (and list Jan Jurjens as the contact person
in the application form).

The deadline for applications is 1 March 2009
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-2-28 08:52:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Full Professor "Systems Design" (V35.409)

at the Department of Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering considers as the core ofits activities design, realization and analysis of new products, processes andmaterials. Besides the basis of (solid and fluid) mechanics, materials, controland thermodynamics, parts of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computingscience are important supporting tools. The field is explored by a combinationof modeling using fundamental concepts and applied engineering and technology.Automotive Engineering Science and Micro- & Nano-Scale Engineering are importantdepartemental themes. The Mechanical Engineering Department comprises about1000 students and 250 staff members.

In view of the retirement of the current chair holder, thedepartment is seeking a new full professor in

Systems Design

The design and manufacturing of high-tech systems, including MRIscanning machines, lithographic machines, copying machines, and bondingmachines, play an important role in the Dutch economy, especially in theSouth-Eastern part of the Netherlands. An important aspect of these complexsystems is the degree of concurrency: There are many machine components, whichhave to function smoothly at the right time, and possibly in parallel, in acomplicated machine to carry out a variety of tasks (discrete event systems).New models for such systems have started to appear based on a variety ofmathematical tools, including control theory (for systems safety), operationsresearch (for systems performance), and computer science (for systemsverification). Indeed, the tight coupling between the physical process on onehand and the supervisory control on the other hand of these systems has causeda paradigm shift. To improve the quality, to decrease the design andmanufacturing times (time to market), and to reduce the total cost of a systemmodel-based engineering is becoming central in this field.

Systems Design has a variety of goals, such as safety andperformance. The implementation and migration of the models are error prone,and the development of proper, objective verification and quality controlprocedures are an integral part of the design. Depending on the successfulapplicant’s expertise, the focus of the research can be on the furtherdevelopment of systems design, systems control, the development of supportingsimulation tools, or combinations.

The teaching will encompass courses in the BSc curriculumMechanical Engineering, the MSc curriculum Mechanical Engineering, and the MSccurriculum Embedded Systems. Courses for PhD students will be given within theframework of the graduate schools Institute for Programming and Algorithmics(IPA) and Engineering Mechanics (EM).

Applicants should:
• Have a PhD in engineering sciences, in applied physics orapplied mathematics, and several years of experience thereafter;
• Be an authority in the development and application ofmodern in systems design and control, in particular in fields like systemsperformance and systems safety, as evident from papers in reputed scientificjournals, invited lectures, membership of editorial boards, scientificcommittees, filed patents, etc;
• Have a proven record in the acquisition and management ofresearch grants at a national and an international level;
• Have ample experience in teaching courses at differentlevels and proven didactic skills.

Appointment and Salary
We offer:
• A challenging job at a dynamic and ambitious University
• An appointment for four years
• Gross monthly salaries are in accordance with theCollective Labor Agreement of the Dutch Universities (CAO NU), Salary will bebased on your knowledge and experience.
• An attractive package of fringe benefits (includingexcellent work facilities, end of the year allowance and sport facilities)

• More information about this position can be obtained fromProf.dr.ir. R. de Borst (Dean, Department of Mechanical Engineering), e-mail:r.d.borst@tue.nl
• More information about the TU/e can be found athttp://www.tue.nl.

Please send your application by email with extended curriculumvitae mentioning vacancy number V35.409 to pzwtb@tue.nl. You can apply for thisvacancy until April 16th.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-3-11 15:00:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

The ESD Research Group at CS Department of University of Verona (Italy) invites applications for:

    * Research Assistant (junior researcher with MSc or equival).
    * Post-Doctoral positions in the area of embedded system design / wireless sensor networks (WSN).

Current research projects cover the following topics:

    * Energy management for wireless sensor networks: the candidate is expected to pursue research on energy management strategies to maximixe node lifetime, while ensuring a predefined performance level. In such a context, control policies at the node level must be integrated in a network-wide energy control strategy, that jointly optimize network topology, routing algorithm and transmission protocols.
    * Process control with wireless tags: the candidate is expected to pursue research on the use of a networked embedded architecture to control the fermentative processes for starter cultures used for wine production. In particular, it is necessary to design an open-platform solution in order to apply the architecture to any hardware/software configuration (e.g., PC, Tabled-PC, Palm, touch-screen, mobile terminal, etc.).
    * Development tools for wireless sensor networks: the candidate is expected to pursue research on tools for development, simulation, debugging, and management of applications based on wireless sensor networks. The resulting tools aim at supporting the life cycle of applications based on wireless sensor networks.
    * Development of tool for synthesis and verification of discrete systems: the candidate is expected to pursue research on tools for synthesis and verification of discrete systems. The focus of the activity related to synthesis requires working on a tool for the automatic synthesis of a discrete system (say, a controller) that meets a specification when composed with a context (say a closed-loop composition with a given plant). Applications are controller synthesis, micro-architectural exploration, sequential synthesis. The focus of the activity related to verification will be implementing an automatic tool for mutation analysis of FSM models representing TLM/RTL descriptions, aiming at verifying the correctness of the implementation via simulation.
    * Development of methodologies for TLM to RTL automatic refinement: the candidate is expected to pursue research on automatic synthesis of TLM designs. In particular, the focus of the activity will be in defining a refinement methodology aiming at synthesizing TLM communication modules into RTL models of standard protocols and TLM functionality into RTL models of the same functionality.

Requirements. The candidate:

    * Must have an MSc or Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or related discipline by the time of the appointment.
    * Should have research experience demonstrated through publications in international conferences and journals.
    * Should have good skills in programming (C/C++), and verbal and written English.

The position is available immediately for 12 months and extensible based on the performance of the candidate. Interested applicants should send their Curriculum Vitae and a Motivation Letter, both in PDF format, to franco.fummi@univr.it, puting in the subject "ESD openings".
sgwyj  四海霸王  2009-3-23 09:27:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
PhD Position in Security for Mobile Code

Location: KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Deadline for applications: April 17, 2009

Earliest starting date: August 15, 2009 (negotiable)

Announcement URL: http://www.kth.se/aktuellt/2.1445/1.35275?l=en


Applications are invited for one fully-funded Ph.D. student position
at TCS, starting in August 2009. The successful candidate will join
a new project funded by VR, the Swedish national research council, on
security for mobile code.

Mobile code often originates from untrusted sources and presents a
potential threat to the security of the platform on which it is
downloaded and executed. One novel approach to mobile code security
is to equip the code of the application with a contract consisting of
an abstract model of its security-relevant behaviour, together with
some form of evidence that the model is a safe approximation of the
actual behaviour. The platform can then use the contract of the code
it has downloaded to check that the code, once deployed and executed,
will not violate the security policies of the platform.

The new project will develop the theoretical framework for contract-based
security of mobile code, and develop algorithmic techniques and tool
support for extracting contracts from code, code-contract compliance
proof generation, and contract-policy matching.

The project will be lead by Dr. Dilian Gurov:


and will develop in close cooperation with the new European FP7 FET
project HATS:



The successful applicant will have a strong background and interest
in computer science, with emphasis on theoretical subjects such as
mathematical logic, programming language semantics, program analysis,
and program correctness. Software tool design and implementation skills
are further assets.

To address its varied work, KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent
and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University,
especially as concerns its gender structure.


The Ph.D. position is for a maximum of five years, normally including
20% departmental duties (typically course assistance).

The salary of this position follows the CSC/KTH standard salaries of
graduate student positions. Starting date can be discussed; a tentative
starting date is August 15, 2009.

Form of employment: Time limited

Start date: According to agreement


The application should contain a letter where the applicant describes
herself/himself, her/his qualifications and interests. It should also
contain a Curriculum Vitae, grade transcripts, copies of the applicant's
Master thesis and/or publications, and names and addresses of three
referees. Applicants about to finish their M.Sc. degrees may be considered
for the position.

The application should be sent to:

   att. Susanne Bergman
   Lindstedtsvägen 4, plan 3
   100 44 Stockholm

   E-mail: susanneb@csc.kth.se

Application deadline: 2009-04-17

Employer's reference number: D-2009-0020


Queries concerning PhD studies at KTH can be directed to:

   Eva-Lena Åkerman, personnel office
   Phone: +46 8 790 91 06
   Email: ela@csc.kth.se

Queries concerning the project content can be directed to:

   Dilian Gurov, docent
   Phone: +46 8 790 81 98
   Email: dilian@csc.kth.se
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