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sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-10-24 18:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

汗 你也是贵在坚持


Post by shatter;3556468
shatter  海贼王  2008-10-24 23:45:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Post by sgwyj;3556744
汗 你也是贵在坚持



sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-10-27 14:35:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

The newly created research group "Theory of Hybrid Systems"
at the RWTH Aachen, Germany, offers a

                    Research Assistant

position (salary class TVoD 13).

The group is devoted to the modeling and analysis of linear as well as
non-linear and probabilistic hybrid systems. Our main (but not
exclusive) research interest lies on decision procedures and bounded
model checking. For further information about the Hybrid Systems Group
see http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/i2/hybrid/ .

We encourage both university graduates and postdocs to apply.
Candidates should have an MSc (or equivalent) degree in computer
science or in a closely related area. You should have outstanding
scores, enjoy working in an internationally oriented research
environment, and have the ability to work in a team. Fluency in
English is required. For university graduates, promotion is supported.
Applications of women and of severely disabled persons are highly

Please direct informal enquiries and your application with the usual
documents either electronically or by mail to

Prof. Erika Abraham
Informatik II
RWTH Aachen
D-52056 Aachen

eab at cs.rwth-aachen.de


The newly created research group "Theory of Hybrid Systems" at the RWTH
Aachen offers a

                 PhD Scholarship

in the context of the Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) 1298
AlgoSyn ("Algorithmic Synthesis of Reactive and Discrete-Continuous
Systems"), that is funded by the German Research Council (DFG).

The aim of the Research Training Group is to develop algorithmic
synthesis methods for software and hardware and to push forward the
desired integration of methods. This will be realized by a strong
cooperation between research groups in computer science and various
engineering disciplines.

Candidates for the PhD scholarship should have an MSc (or equivalent)
degree in computer science or in a closely related area. You have
outstanding scores, enjoy working in an internationally oriented
research environment, and have the ability to work in a team. Good
communicative skills are important, and you have excellent knowledge
in your field of study. Fluency in English is required.

The duration of the PhD scholarships is up to two years with a
possibility of extension to another year.

For further information about the "Theory of Hybrid Systems" research
group see http://www-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/i2/hybrid/ .

For further information about the Research Training Group Algosyn see
http://www.algosyn.rwth-aachen.de/ .

Please direct informal inquiries and your application with the usual
documents either electronically or by mail to

Prof. Erika Abraham
Informatik II
RWTH Aachen
D-52056 Aachen

eab at cs.rwth-aachen.de
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-10-30 09:02:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Dear colleague,

Please forward to potentially interested candidates. Please note the
deadline for submission is 31 October, 2008.


Departamento de Informática,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia,
Universidade Nova de Lisboa,

Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor position in the

Departamento de Informática http://www.di.fct.unl.pt/) of the
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (http://www.fct.unl.pt/)  of the
Universidade Nova de Lisboa (http://www.fct.unl.pt/)

Candidates must hold a PhD in Computer Science / Informatics, with a
preference on candidates with a teaching and research background on
Databases and Information Systems.

Typical assistant professor duties at Nova include teaching at the
undergraduate and/or graduate level, between six and nine contact hours
per week, and research work. The research activities will be expected in
one of the research centres hosted by the Department (CENTRIA -
http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/   or CITI http://citi.di.fct.unl.pt/).

Please consult the CENTRIA and CITI web sites for more detailed
information about the research carried out  and current projects.

Interested candidates should send a detailed CV to
secretaria@di.fct.unl.pt, and also by surface mail to

Presidente do Departamento de Informática
Quinta da Torre
2829-516 CAPARICA

Please contact us for extra information through the email address above or
by phone (+351 212 948 536).
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-10-30 12:01:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions


Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell’Inforamazione, University of

Three three-year contract positions available from 1st
February 2009 on either Post-doctoral or PhD  student level.

The positions are part of the Integrated Project "Secure Change"
funded by the EU within the programme "Future and Emerging
Technologies" (FET) as part of the 7th Framework Programme, involving
the European partners Univ. Trento, Open University Univ.Innsbruck,
SINTEF, INRIA, KU Leuven, Budapest UTE, Gemalto, Thales, Telefonica
R&D, Smartesting, Deep Blue.

**** Research Topic
The project wish to investigate the possibility of designing and
verifying systems that provide both  high-assurance and
high-flexibility. Indeed There is growing demand to continuously
evolve systems to meet changing business needs, new regulations and
policies, novel technologies and computing infrastructures.
Unfortunately, the pace of required change affects our ability to
ascertain and maintain  the quality of a system. The project objective
is thus to develop techniques and tools that ensure "lifelong"
compliance to security, privacy and dependability requirements for a
long-running evolving software system. This is challenging because
these requirements are not necessarily preserved by system evolution.
The project will focus on the challenges of either very large systems
(air traffic control) or very small (Smartcards)

The positions will focus on one of the following topics:
* Requirements engineering techniques for security requirements of
long-living evolvable systems
* Security Policy Checking (Security-by-Contract) at deployment time
for long-living evolvable systems

The successful candidates will work under the supervision of prof.
Fabio Massacci and prof. John Mylopoulos and will also be able to
interact with other relevant European research projects, such as:

- MASTER, Managing Assurance, Security and Trust for sERvices is a
collaborative project funded under the EU 7th Research Framework
Programme. It is aligned to the strategic objective 1.4. Secure,
dependable and trusted infrastructures defined by the European
Commission in the FP7 ICT Work Programme 2007-2008.

- SERENITY, System Engineering for Security & Dependability launched
in January 2006, SERENITY is a R&D project funded by the European
Union. SERENITY aims at providing security and dependability in
Ambient Intelligence systems (AmI). For over 36 months, 15 R&D
organisations - software companies, research institutions and
leadingedge industrials - will develop specifications, methods and a
suite of tools ensuring dependability and security for future AmI
solutions. http://www.serenity-project.org/

- S3MS, Security of Software and Services for Mobile Systems, the
objective of the project is to create a framework and a technological
solution for trusted deployment and execution of communicating mobile
applications in heterogeneous environments. http://www.s3ms.org/index.jsp

**** Terms and conditions:
The start date of the positions is planned for 1 Feb. 2009 or earlier.
or. Each position will run for three years and includes no teaching
obligations. The salary will be according to age and experience. For
post-doctoral student it is expected to be in the range
24KEuro-36KEuro/year net.

The applicant should have (or expect to have by the start of the
* In the case of a PhD position: a good Masters level or equivalent
post-bachelor experience in Computing, Mathematics, or a related field.
* In the case of a Postdoc position: a PhD in Computing or
Mathematics, preferably with experience in one of Software
Engineering, IT Security, or Formal Methods.

Experience or strong interest in Software Engineering, IT Security, or
Formal Methods would be an advantage.

The successful candidates will be expected to produce top level
research and to publish it in the major relevant venues.

Post-doctoral candidates will be involved in the supervision of PhD
students and in the creation of a strong group in their research area.
They will also be involved into the scientific and technical part
other project which include producing project deliverables, and
managing collaborations with the project partners.

*** How to Apply:
send your CV, a brief statement of research interests, plus the names
of three referees by November 30th to: simoni@disi.unitn.it

Further technical information on the project can be obtained from:

**** About us:
The Department of Information Engineering and Computer
Science of the University of Trento is a leading and fast-growing
research institution, characterized by a young and international
faculty and a large, international student population. The University
has been consistently ranked in rhe top three universities in national
surveys. The PhD programme in Trento is held in English and the
research group has more than 80% of students from outside Italy.

****About Trento:
Trento (http://www.apt.trento.it/) is a small vibrant city (around
100K people), with a beautifully preserved historic center, situated
in the middle of the Dolomites, consistently ranked at the top for
quality of life. Also thanks to it fortunate location, Trento offers a
wide variety of cultural and sports opportunities all year around, as
well as excellent food and wine.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-1 10:47:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Reykjavík University is looking to hire faculty members in Computer Security, System Dependability, and related areas within the field of computer science.
  The School of Computer Science at Reykjavík University offers undergraduate programs in computer science, software engineering and mathematics.  The School also offers M.S. degrees in computer science, language technology, and software engineering, as well as a PhD program.   The School of Computer Science has a strong research focus in multiple areas and has good research ties with a number of universities and institutions around the world.  Reykjavík University is entrepreneurial in nature and places particular emphasis on active cutting-edge research, excellence in teaching, and ties with industry and the international community.
  The successful candidate will become a member of the Laboratory for Dependable and Secure Systems, which is a recent and rapidly growing research group within the School of Computer Science. The candidate will also be responsible for teaching and advising undergraduate and graduate students in computer science.  A strong candidate will have the opportunity to participate in the formation of the laboratory and significantly influence its research direction.

Applicants must hold a doctoral degree in computer science or other related fields, and be established members of the international research community. Factors such as industrial experience in the field of security and dependability, as well as excellence in teaching, will also be given significant consideration.

Position levels can range from assistant professor to full professor, depending on the qualifications of the applicant. Salary level is negotiable and relocation assistance is offered. The position is available immediately, but later starting dates can be negotiated. The School of Computer Science is looking to fill more than one position in this field, if qualified applicants are found.
  Informal communication and discussions are encouraged, and interested candidates are encouraged to contact the Dean of the School of Computer Science, Dr. Ari K. Jónsson (ari@ru.is), for further information.
  Applications should be sent by email to appl@ru.is (subject "Computer Security"), and should include a CV, a list of publications, a statement of research, a statement of teaching, a list of contacts for references and other relevant information. Copies of two or three major publications may also be included in the application.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-3 11:41:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Postdoctoral position on "Tools for control and verification of
distributed systems"

The Control and System Theory group at the Centrum Wiskunde en
Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, has an open position for a postdoctoral
researcher for eighteen months as part of the European project "Control
for Coordination of Distributed Systems" (C4C). The main aim of the
project is to develop theory for control of distributed systems with an
emphasis on coordination control. The project also comprises five case
studies. The current vacancy is for the work package "Tools for control
and verification of distributed systems". The project will be carried
out in close cooperation with the other teams in the network, but
primarily with Prof. Tiziano Villa (U. of Verona).

Distributed control systems comprise several spacially separated
components. The systems The control of such systems is complicated by
issues such as communication losses and delays, and nonlinear dynamics
of the physical devices. The systems are typically too large to perform
verification of the control protocol at a global level, so techniques
are needed by which the proper functioning of the individual components
can be tested independently, and the results combined to prove
correctness of the system.

The current research will focus on techniques for the modular analysis
of nonlinear hybrid automata, which are used to model the distributed
system. The main problem which we shall consider is that of verifying
using rigorous numerical methods that each component functions
correctly. This problems is especially challenging since (1) the system
behaviour will consist of different modes of operation with rules for
switching between modes, (2) that the dynamics in each mode may be
nonlinear and nondeterministic, resulting in the need to solve
differential inclusions and differential-algebraic equations, and (3)
may require the consideration of system structure, such as cascade
feedback, local clocks and constants, and invariant manifolds, to solve

The applicant will be expected to implement as part of the software
package "Ariadne" for reachability analysis of hybrid systems being
developed by a joint team including CWI, U. Verona and the company
PARADES (Roma). Ariadne currently features support for the reachability
analysis of nonlinear hybrid automata, including high-order automatic
differentiation, rigorous integration of differential equations and
rigorous switching detection.

The candidate for the postdoctoral position should have (or be soon to
receive) a doctoral degree in mathematics, computer science or control
engineering, with a clear interest in interdisciplinary work at the
boundaries of these three areas. Ideally, the candidate should have some
knowledge of rigorous numerical computation, control theory, and the C++
programming language. Good knowledge of English is essential, but
knowledge of Dutch is not necessary.

Project details:
The C4C project is financially supported by the European Commission
through its program FP7-ICT-2007.3.7. The project (contract 223844)
started on 1 May 2008 and runs for three years until 30 April 2011. The
website of the project is http://www.c4c-project.eu/.

Terms of employment:
The position is available from January 2008. The salary and terms of
employment are in accordance with the "CAO-onderzoekinstellingen".
Moreover CWI offers attractive terms of employment and working
conditions, including flexibility and help with housing for foreigners.

Information and application:
For more information on this vacancy please contact:
-- Dr. Pieter Collins, +31 (0)20 592 4094, e-mail Pieter.Collins@cwi.nl
-- Prof. Jan H. van Schuppen, +31 (0)20 592 4085, e-mail

Official applications, together with curriculum vitae, the names and
contact details of three referees and a list of publications can be sent
- CWI Personnel and Organsiation (P&O), Postbus 94079, 1090 GB
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. e-mail pd@cwi.nl

The position will remain open until filled.


Dr. Pieter Collins
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Postbus 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 20 5924122
Fax:  +31 20 5924199
Email: Pieter.Collins@cwi.nl
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-10 10:10:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

"Secure Change: Security Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems"

Department of Computing, The Open University (OU), UK

Several three-year Postdoc and PhD positions are available
from 1st February 2009.

Salary range is up to GBP 33,780 per year (depending on
qualifications and experience), plus resources for conference travel
and equipment .

The positions are part of an Integrated Project on "Security
Engineering for lifelong Evolvable Systems (Secure Change)" funded by
the European Union, within the programme "Future and Emerging
Technologies" (FET) of the 7th Framework Programme (subject to contract).

The project will involve: University of Trento (Italy, coordinator),
the Open University (UK, research director), University of Innsbruck
(Austria), SINTEF (Norway), INRIA (France), KU Leuven (Belgium),
Budapest UTE (Hungary), Gemalto (France), Thales (France), Telefonica
R&D (Spain), Smartesting (France), and Deep Blue (Italy). The total
budget of the project is about 7 million EUR, with the OU's share
being about 600,000 EUR.

There is growing demand to evolve systems continuously to meet
changing business needs, new regulations and policies, novel
technologies and computing infrastructures. Unfortunately, the pace
of required change affects developers' ability to establish and
maintain desirable levels of quality of systems. Therefore, the aim
in this project is to develop techniques and tools that ensure
"lifelong" compliance to security, privacy and dependability
requirements of long-running evolving software systems. This is
challenging because these requirements are not necessarily preserved
by system evolution. The project will develop processes and tools
that support design techniques for evolution, testing, verification,
re-configuration and local analysis of evolving software. The project
will focus on mobile devices and homes, which offer both great
research challenges and long-term business opportunities. The results
will be continuously validated jointly with key industry players.

Each position will focus on one of the following two topics:
* Requirements engineering techniques for security requirements of
long-living evolvable systems; or
* Model-based security analysis techniques and tools for long-living
evolvable systems based on UML.

The Open University maintains a highly regarded research base at its
central headquarters in Milton Keynes (near London and within one
hour from Cambridge and Oxford). The Department of Computing is part
of the Centre for Research in Computing (http://crc.open.ac.uk). The
Software Engineering and Design group (SEAD -
http://computing-research.open.ac.uk/sead) in the Department has a
world class research record in security requirements and secure
software engineering; software architecture, design and evolution;
automated software engineering; and empirical studies of software

The successful candidates will also be able to interact with other
relevant research projects, such as:
* Automated Verification of Security-Critical Software (VeriSec)
(Royal Society Industrial Fellowship with Microsoft Research Cambridge)
* Verifying Implementations of Security Protocols in C (funded by and
in cooperation with Microsoft Research Cambridge)
* Modelling for Compliance (EPSRC CASE studentship with BT Research)
* Royal Society Joint International Project on model-based security
analysis with TU Munich (Germany)
* Royal Society Joint International Project on "Relating Security
Requirements and Design" with National Institute for Informatics
(Tokyo, Japan)
* Privacy Rights Management for Mobile Applications (PRiMMA), funded
by EPSRC and in collaboration with Imperial College London and IBM.
* Security and Privacy for All (SP4A), an EPSRC-funded project for
improving public awareness of security and privacy, in cooperation
with Bletchley Park and the National Museum of Computing.

Applicants should have (or expect to have by the start of the project):
* In the case of a PhD position: a good Masters level or very good Bachelor
level degree (or equivalent) in Computing, Mathematics, or a related discipline.
Experience or strong interest in Software Engineering, IT Security, or Formal
Methods would be an advantage.
* In the case of a Postdoc position: a PhD in Computing or Mathematics,
preferably with experience in one of Software Engineering, IT Security, or
Formal Methods.

The planned start date for the project and the positions is 1st
February 2009. This may be negotiable in justified cases. Each
position will run for three years and includes no teaching obligations.

Informal enquiries are welcome and encouraged. Contact details and
more information can be found at http://mcs.open.ac.uk/jj2924/securechange .

The application process consists of two steps: First, please email an
expression of interest to j.jurjens@open.ac.uk and
b.nuseibeh@open.ac.uk which should contain the following information:

1) a full CV including the names and addresses of three referees,
2) a two page research statement, indicating what you see are
interesting research issues relating to the project and what relevant
experience you have to date; and
3) transcripts of all degree results where available.

We will then send you the relevant application form and inform you
about the further steps and deadlines in the application process.

Expressions of interest received by 30 November 2008 are guaranteed
full consideration. Early contact would be appreciated.

Disabled applicants who meet the essential job requirements will be
interviewed. Further particulars are available in large print, disk
or audiotape (minicom 01908 654901). The Open University promotes
diversity in employment and welcomes applications from all sections
of the community.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-17 09:30:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Software Technology for Parallel programming on multicore computer systems
within new center of Excellence at Uppsala University

Deadline: Nov. 27,
More details below.

Uppsala University hereby declares the following positions open for application:

PhD and Post-Doctoral positions
Methods and tools for software development for multicore computer systems

Several Ph.D. and Post-Doctoral positions are available within the UPMARC
centre of excellence at Uppsala University. UPMARC has been formed to make a
broad coordinated attack on the challenges of developing methods and tools to
support software development for multicore computer systems, and brings
together research groups in complementary areas of computer science: computer
architecture, computer networks, parallel scientific computing, programming
language technology, real-time and embedded systems, program verification and
testing, and modeling of concurrent computation. UPMARC has recently been
awarded a ten year Linnaeus grant from the Swedish Research Council, as a sign
of scientific excellence.

Research directions of UPMARC span over programming language constructs,
program analysis and optimization, resource management for performance and
predictability, verification and testing, and parallel algorithm construction
and implementation.

UPMARC welcomes applications from candidates who want to conduct research
within one or more of these directions. At this time, we also specifically
announce positions in several projects, which are described at
http:/www.it.uu.se/research/upmarc/positions, where also more information about
UPMARC can be found.

A PhD position requires a Master of Science in Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, or equivalent in a field which is relevant for the topic of the
PhD thesis. The position is for a maximum of five years and includes
departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching). The salary
amounts currently to about 22,200 SEK per month in the first year.

A Post-Doctoral position requires a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Computer
Engineering, or equivalent. The degree should typically have been obtained not
more than three years ago. A Post-Doctoral position is time-limited for a
maximum of two years, and may include some teaching (at most 20%).

Applications should include a description of research interests and past
experience, a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of Master or
Ph.D. thesis (or a draft thereof), relevant publications, and other relevant
documents. Candidates are encouraged to provide letter(s) of recommendation and
contact information to reference persons, and further to indicate their
preferred research project(s) or research direction(s), as well as earliest
feasible starting date of employment.

The department is striving to achieve a more equal gender balance and female
candidates are particularly invited to apply.

For more information, see http://www.it.uu.se/research/upmarc (UPMARC),
http://www.it.uu.se/ (the department) or contact: Prof. Bengt Jonsson,
bengt.jonsson@it.uu.se, or some other member of the UPMARC consortium (see URL
of UPMARC). Union representatives are: Anders Grundström, SACO-rådet, tel +46
18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, OFR-S/ST, tel +46 18-471 1996, Stefan Djurström,
SEKO, tel +46 18-471 3315.

Applications should be sent to: Registrator, UFV-PA 2008/2536 (for Ph.D.
positions) or 2008/2533 (for Post-Doctoral positions), Uppsala
universitet, Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden ; fax +46-(0)18-471 2000 or
e-mail: registrator@uu.se. The deadline for application is Nov. 27, 2008. An
application by fax or e-mail must be followed by a letter containing the
original documents, at the latest a week after application deadline.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-19 10:15:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

One year post-doctorate position on virtual prototyping real-time Java programs at INRIA, Rennes, Brittany, France

The Espresso team at INRIA-Rennes (Brittany, France) is seeking for a post-doctorate to work on virtual prototyping real-time Java programs. The Espresso team (www.irisa.fr/espresso) develops Polychrony, an embedded software design tool that implements a synchronous multi-clocked model of computation. In particular, it comprises a complete model of the service offered by a real-time operating system standard.

The topic addressed by the post-doctorate will be to apply this framework for virtual prototyping real-time Java programs and developp its use for the formal verification, simulation, real-time code generation starting from (a sub-class of) real-time Java programs. In particular, we are interested in the design and implementation of analysis techniques for the automated abstraction and/or translation of programs in static-single assignment form (SSA) into a synchronous model of computation, as well as in modeling how the programs interacts with services of the RTOS.

The selected post-doctorate will carry out the specification and implementation of analysis and simulation functionalities in the context of a collaborative project funded by the ANR. Preference will be given to candidates with a background, doctorate study and research interests in formal methods, program analysis, compilation techniques, for embedded system design. The selected post-doctorate candidate will be appointed as post-doctorate for a period of one year. Applications, including a vitae, references and a brief description of research interests should be sent in reply of the present e-mail.
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