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NEW: 也有一些 logic math 和 philosophy的


sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-8 12:45:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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Ph.D. Studies
in Symbolic Computation at RISC-Linz

Symbolic computation is the branch of mathematics and computer science which solves problems on symbolic objects representable on a computer. RISC-Linz, the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, is one of the world’s leading institutions for research and education in this new and promising area.
RISC-Linz invites students for its well established Ph.D. program in symbolic computation. For excellent applicants we offer fellowships covering tuition and living expenses.
Applications for studies starting in October should be received by February 15.
For a description of application details and the RISC curriculum, see the web page
The RISC Ph.D. Coordinator
sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-8 12:46:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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For your information:
  vacancy in Taiwan.
  For more information, see below.
  Postdoc position available
  Verification Automation Laboratory/Software Testing Laboratory
  Department of Electrical Engineering
  National Taiwan University
  Taipei, Taiwan 106, ROC
  Expertise solicited:  
  1. model-checking
  2. formal verification
  3. automata theory
  4. software testing
  Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciences.
  Experience in programming for verification experiments will be a plus.  
  Position available immediately.  
  Constract for one year and
  extendible to two years subject to a review at the end of the 1st year.
  Salary NT$742500.00 for the 1st year.
  (roughly 15800 Euros, subject to 20% income tax).
  One round-trip economy-class airplane ticket for the 1st year.  
  Please send in the following materials to Prof. Farn Wang at farn@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw
  1. curriculum vita (including contact address and email address)
  2. scanned Ph.D. diploma
  3. publication list
  4. some paper files
sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-8 12:49:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS相关的positions

Two Open Positions in the EU FP7 Project COMPAS
                               at CWI, Amsterdam
                                The Netherlands

Position Description

The Coordination Languages group, SEN3, at CWI has two open positions

        (1) a postdoc for a period of three years, and
        (2) a PhD student.

Both positions are within the EU FP7 STREP research project
"Compliance-driven Models, Languages, and Architectures for
Services" (COMPAS).

The partners in the COMPAS project plan to design and implement novel
models, languages, and an architectural framework to ensure dynamic and
on-going compliance of software services with business regulations and
the stated service requirements of users.  We intend to use model-driven
software development approaches to enable organizations develop custom
business compliance solutions faster, cheaper, and with less programming

The COMPAS consortium consist of the following partners:

Vienna University of Technology, Austria (Project Coordinator)
CWI, Netherlands
University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
University of Stuttgart, Germany
University of Tilburg, Netherlands
University of Trento, Italy
Apera sp z.o.o., Poland
Thales, France
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Netherlands

The primary role of the CWI group as a partner in this project involves
development of a formally grounded and implemented behavioral model for
services and service composition that enables formal validation of
compliance of composed services with the specifications of behavior and
process constraints.

The CWI activities in COMPAS involve both systems oriented and
theoretical work in software engineering, supervised by Prof. Dr. F.
Arbab (www.cwi.nl/~farhad) The COMPAS project complements the
theoretical and technological framework of other current projects in
SEN3 at CWI.

The candidate for the postdoc position is expected to have a PhD in
computer science, with a strong background in service-oriented and
component-based systems, and maturity in formal methods and their
practical applications.  Project management skills, teamwork and
leadership, as well as the ability to work effectively with academic
colleagues and PhD students, are all important qualifications for this

The candidate for the PhD position should have at least a master
degree in computer science, with a background in service-oriented and
component-based software engineering, concurrency and distributed
systems, and practical software development.

The Theme SEN3 (http://www.cwi.nl/sen3) at CWI is a dynamic group of
internationally recognized researchers who work on Coordination Models
and Languages, service-oriented and Component-Based Software
Composition.  The activity in SEN3 is a productive, healthy mix of
theoretical, foundational,  and experimental work in Computer Science,
ranging in a spectrum covering mathematical foundations of models of
computation, formal methods and semantics, implementation of advanced
research software systems, as well as their real-life applications.

General information

CWI is an internationally renowned research institute in mathematics
and computer science, located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The focus
is on fundamental research problems, derived from societal needs.
Research is carried out in 18 research themes.  More information about
these themes can be found on the website www.cwi.nl where you can also
find the Annual Reports of the institute. A substantial part of this
research is carried out in the framework of national or international

CWI maintains excellent relations with industry and the academic world,
at home as well as abroad.  After their research careers at CWI,
an increasing number of young staff members find employment in these
sectors, for example in spin-off companies that are based on research
results from CWI.  Of course, library and computing facilities are
first-rate. CWI's non-scientific services to its personnel include
career planning, training & courses, assistance in finding housing,
and tailor-made solutions to problems that may occasionally arise.

Terms of employment

The salary is in accordance with the "CAO-onderzoekinstellingen" and is
commensurate with experience.  For instance, the postdoc base salary for
a fresh PhD with no additional experience in scale 10 is around 2900
Euros/month. The current starting salary for a first year PhD student
is around 1900 Euros/month. Both salaries will include an incremental
raise for each subsequent year.  Besides the salary, CWI offers very
attractive and flexible terms of employment, like a collective health
insurance, pension-fund, etc.


To apply, please send a statement of your interest, together with
curriculum vitae, letters of references, and lists of publications to:

  Prof. F. Arbab, telephone +31-20-592-4056, e-mail Farhad.Arbab@cwi.nl

making sure that you specifically mention the COMPAS project.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-8 12:50:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS相关的positions

The Department of Informatics at the Faculty of Sciences, University of
Lisbon is seeking candidates for one post-doc or PhD position,
starting January 2008. The position is funded by Sensoria, Software
Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers (http://
www.sensoria-ist.eu/), an IST project funded by the European Union
as an Integrated Project under the 6th framework programme, and
part of the Global Computing Initiative.

We seek candidates with a strong background in some of the
following areas: service-oriented computing, software architectures,
foundations and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems.
Monthly salary is in the range euro 2.228 - 3.240.

Post-doc applicants should hold a PhD degree in Computer Science
or equivalent, and justified expertise on the project themes. PhD
applicants should hold a MSc in Computer Science. Applications are
open until November 30, 2007. Applicants should send a detailed CV,
together with a contact telephone number, address, and e-mail address

Prof. Vasco Thudichum Vasconcelos
Secretaria do Departmento de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
Bloco C6, Piso 3, Sala 38
Campo Grande, 1749–016 Lisboa

[Flyer http://www.di.fc.ul.pt/~vv/projects/sensoria-2007-call.pdf]_______________________________________________
sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-8 12:52:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS相关的positions

The Software Technology (ST) group at the University of Nijmegen (prof. Plasmeijer) and the Architecture of Information Systems (AIS) group at Eindhoven University of Technology (prof. Van der Aalst) have the follow-ing job vacancies:

2 PhD Positions and 1 Position for a Scientific Programmer

These jobs are funded by the Dutch Technology Foundation STW who granted the research project:
“Controlling Dynamic Real Life Workflow Situations with Demand Driven Workflow Systems”

In the project we want to increase the expressive power of existing workflow management systems by merging principles from modern functional programming languages and contemporary workflow management systems.
Functional programming languages such as Haskell and Clean offer powerful concepts such as lazy evaluation, strong typing, abstraction, and support for generic programming. These concepts are expected to bring significant improvements in the workflow domain in terms of performance and expressiveness. Especially the description of data dependency between tasks and the dynamic creation of tasks will be improved. A proof of concept has re-cently been given at the ICFP 2007 conference where we introduced the iTask workflow system for the web. We also want to build on existing results obtained using Petri nets. These have been widely used in the workflow do-main, as a language for end users (e.g., COSA and Protos), as an analysis tool (e.g., Woflan and ProM), and as a solid semantic basis (e.g., formalizations of BPMN and BPEL).
In this 4 years project PhD students and scientific programmer will each concentrate individually on the following themes (research strands):

1. The first PhD student will design and define a suitable demand driven workflow specification language. It will be based on concepts that can be found in classic process modelling languages, lazy functional program-ming languages, and generic (poly-typical) programming languages. The principal location of this strand is the ST group in Nijmegen.

2. The second PhD student will investigate theoretical aspects of adding ideas from functional programming to process models and the practical integration in commercial systems. The different nature of our approach when compared to existing systems requires a thorough study of the underlying semantics of both systems. Their integration has many aspects both in theory as well as in practice. For example, “lazy Petri nets” will be investigated to see how demand-driven aspects can be added to classic process modelling languages. The principal location of this strand is the AIS group of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Eindhoven.

3. The scientific programmer will construct a prototype demand driven workflow system. The prototype will be suitable for rapid prototyping of complicated workflows in a distributed environment. As it is a research vehi-cle, it will be constructed on top of existing systems, reusing many existing components. The principal loca-tion of this strand is the ST group in Nijmegen.
Although each activity is individual, we expect much interaction and mutual benefit between these activities, and we will actively stimulate interaction.
The PhD students and scientific programmer should have a University degree in Computer Science, excellent marks, theoretical and practical skills, and experience in functional programming, generic (type driven) program-ming, modern internet techniques (Ajax) and /or process modelling (e.g., Petri nets or other formal languages)..

The salaries start from approximately 2502 Euro’s (bruto/month, exclusive 8% holiday and 3% end of year bo-nus).
E-mail your application with your CV to:
rinus@cs.ru.nl, Prof. dr. ir. M.J. Plasmeijer, Software Technology Group, Radboud University Nijmegen (strands 1 and 3).
w.m.p.v.d.aalst@tue.nl, Prof. dr.ir. W.M.P. van der Aalst, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Eindhoven University of Technology (strand 2).
sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-8 12:53:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS相关的positions

PhD Scholarship / Post Doc Positions
Formal Methods and Verification group
University of Brussels - ULB

The Formal Methods and Verification group at the University of Brussels has a number of immediately available positions for full-time research. These positions can be filled either by Post-Doctoral researchers or by PhD candidates. PhD positions can last for 4 years, Post-doc positions are on annual basis.

The Formal Methods and Verification group (http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/ssd/groupverif/) offers an attractive research environment. It is headed by Prof. Thierry Massart (http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/ssd/tmassart/) and Prof. Jean-François Raskin (http://www.ulb.ac.be/di/ssd/jfr/). The main focus of the group is computer aided methods for verification, synthesis and testing of computer systems, especially embedded systems. Its research activities range from theory to applications and are funded by several national and european projects.

Candidates for post-doctoral positions are expected to hold a PhD thesis in theoretical computer science or in computer aided verification. Candidates for a PhD thesis position are expected to hold a Master (or equivalent) in computer science. Good level in english is required for the two types of positions.

Brussels is located at the heart of Europe. It is a nice and lively city with a lot of cultural opportunities. The University of Brussels (http://www.ulb.ac.be) has a long standing tradition of excellence in research.

More information about the positions can be obtained by sending an email to Prof. Thierry Massart (tmassart@ulb.ac.be) and/or to Prof. Jean-François Raskin (jraskin@ulb.ac.be). Applications should be sent to both of them and should be received before December 1st, 2007. Applications should include a CV, three representative publications (for Post-doc level candidate), and the names of two supporting Professors for references.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-9 11:11:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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   Graduiertenkolleg TrustSoft
   Graduate School on Trustworthy Software Systems
   www.trustsoft.org --- University of Oldenburg

The University of Oldenburg, Germany, offers from April 1st, 2008

12 PhD Scholarships

to applicants with excellent study results in Computer Science, Law, or
closely related disciplines.

For brief descriptions of possible PhD topics please refer to:


Software increasingly influences our daily life, as we depend on a
raising number of technical systems controlled by software.
Additionally, the ubiquity of Internet-based applications increases our
dependency on the availability of those software systems. The successful
deployment of software systems depends on the extent we can trust these
systems. The graduate school will contribute to this comprehensive view
on trusted software systems by bundling the Oldenburg computing science
competences with those of computer law.

PhD scholarships will be provided at Euro 1,365.- per month plus Euro
103.- for non-personal costs. This is the net income; no taxes are
raised on these scholarships. Surcharges are allotted based on marital
status and number of children. Scholarships will be granted for up to
three years.

The program is financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and
supported by industrial corporations. For more information on entrance
requirements and admission procedure please contact the chair of the
graduate school (address below) and refer to


Applications should be submitted before December 14th, 2007 to the chair
of the Graduate School (preferably earlier, but later submissions are
also possible, please check the web page above). Both, hardcopy and
electronic submissions are expected. PDF-Files should be sent to
hasselbring@informatik.uni-oldenburg.de. One hardcopy should be sent to
the chair of the graduate school:

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hasselbring
Department for Computer Science, FK-II, University of Oldenburg, D-26111
Oldenburg, Germany
Tel: +49 (0)441/7982992, -4521, Fax: +49 (0)441/7982196
天天雷阵雨  中级海盗  2007-11-9 11:25:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS相关的positions



sgwyj  四海霸王  2007-11-9 12:46:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS相关的positions

To carry out the recently awarded Dutch (NWO) research project entitled "Graphs
for Abstract Interpretation of Languages" (GRAIL), we are offering a position
for a PhD student (fully funded) for a period of four years.

- Deadline for applications: November 30, 2007
- Project start date: January 1, 2008, or as soon thereafter as possible

The Context

The project takes place at the Formal Methods and Tools chair of the University
of Twente. This chair is part of the Department of Computer Science, one of the
largest academic departments for computer science in the etherlands. Project
leader is Dr. Arend Rensink.

The Project: Graphs for Abstract Interpretation of Languages (GRAIL)

As more and more systems in our everyday environment contain major software
parts, and we are depending on such systems more and more (we are counting on
them), the importance of the dependability of the embedded software is
increasing. Unfortunately, there are still very few generally applicable
methods for software verification, i.e., the ensurance of its correct
functioning under all circumstances. Reasons for this are, one the one hand,
the degree of expertise necessary for existing verification methods, and on the
other, their poor embedding in the average software development trajectory. An
important practical objection is, moreover, that current verification methods
typically assume the existence of a sufficiently detailed and precise model of
system behaviour. In practice such models hardly ever exist, and the time and
expertise to construct them is missing. Examples of methods that are being used
widely in practice are therefore typing and testing, neither of which
necessarily depends on the pre-existence of models.

In this procect we investigate a new way of automatically verifying software on
the basis of code, without assuming a predefined model. The technique used is
static analysis, a general principle that encompasses typing; the new aspect is
the use of graph transformations to capture the effect of the software. Graphs
offer a natural model for the behaviour of dynamic software systems, and at the
same time offer the basis for a generic form of static analysis, which can be
driven by the properties to be verified.

The full project proposal can be found at

The position

You should have a MSc or equivalent degree in computer science or a closely
related area, or be able to show that you will receive the degree this year
(2007). Familiarity with formal verification, abstract interpretation and/or
and graph transformations is considered an advantage. You are expected to
cooperate in an internationally oriented research environment. Good English
speaking and writing skills are demanded, as well as the willingness to learn
Dutch. You will enroll in the PhD programme of the Dutch Institute for
Programming Research and Algorithmics (IPA).

The selected candidate will be appointed for a period of 4 years with a gross
salary starting at around EUR 1950 per month (first year) and reaching EUR 2500
per month (final year), plus an 8% holiday allowance and other benefits.

Your Application

You can obtain further information about the positions by enquiring from:

Dr.ir. Arend Rensink,
tel: +31 (0)53 489 4862
fax: +31 (0)53 489 3247

If you are interested, please send an application by email to the above
address, including:

- A cover letter stating your *specific* interest in the position, indicating
also your motivation and qualifications for joining the project. (In the
absence of such a cover letter your application will be rejected without

- A full curriculum vitae, including the subject and supervisor of your
graduate thesis.

- Letters of recommendation or references of at least two scientific staff

All applications must be received ** at or before 30 November 2007 **
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