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sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-2-25 19:33:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

The Foundations of Global Computing - Trinity College Dublin
               Two postdoctoral Research Fellowships

Applications are invited for TWO post-doctoral  positions to
undertake research into the foundations of Global Computing.  The
posts are within the Software Systems Lab  of the Department of
Computer Science at Trinity College Dublin as part of a new SFI-funded
research project, under the direction of Matthew Hennessy, which seeks
to establish a firm mathematical and logical basis for the next
generation of widely distributed computing computing environments.

Applicants should have a PhD in Computer Science, or a closely related
discipline. Candidates with  expertise in following areas are
particularly welcome:

- operational semantics
- concurrency theory
- model checking
- verification techniques
- type theory
- program logics

These posts are tenable from April 2008 at a salary commensurate with
the successful candidates' qualifications and experience. Appointments
will be made initially for a 24 month period, although there will be
scope for extension. Further particulars of the posts may be obtained
from the address below, and informal enquiries are also welcomed.

Applications   should include
  - detailed curriculum vitae, in pdf format
  - copies of relevant publications, or url-pointers to them
  - the names of two referees
  - a statement outlining  the applicant's suitability to the project.

Applications should be sent to:

Matthew Hennessy
Department of Computer Science
The O'Reilly Institute
Trinity College
Dublin 2
email: matthew.hennessy@cs.tcd.ie
tel: +353 (01) 8962634
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-2-25 19:43:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

CWI Internships webpages online

To strengthen its mission and international position CWI launches a new  
programme: the CWI Internships. This programme facilitates 3-month  
visits to CWI by excellent PhD students from abroad ("all expenses  
paid"). We are looking for motivated math and computer science students  
who are in an advanced phase of their PhD studies and who have been  
assigned a research project.

To qualify for the CWI Internship candidates are based in a country  
outside of the Netherlands. All qualified applicants will be considered  
without regard to race, color, religion or national origin. However,  
each year at least one third of the internships is granted to a female  
researcher. Throughout the year there are two application rounds: 15  
March and 15 September.

Please help us spread the word. Keep this programme in mind when you  
attend a conference or a scientific meeting abroad. If you come across  
an interesting candidate, please refer him/her to our website. There an  
online application form can be filled out. For this year Karen Aardal  
and Peter Grunwald are members of the selection committee. They will  
make a pre-selection of all entries and will try to match the candidate  
with a CWI supervisor. Candidates can apply through 'open competition',  
or reflect on a specific vacancy. If your research has room for a  
temporary PhD position, please inform us so we can provide a complete  
overview of vacancies on the website.

Read more at  www.cwi.nl/workatCWI/internships

PR material will soon be available. Questions or remarks are more than  
welcome. Please send them to internships@cwi.nl.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-2-28 17:47:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions


Ph.D. position in Formal Modelllling and Analysis of Security and Privacy

We are looking for an excellent candidate for a doctoral student with full-time BFR scholarship for a duration of 3 years. The candidate will be in charge of research activities in the area of Formal Modelllling and Analysis of Security and Privacy to complete the scientific education with the aim to obtain a doctoral degree in Computer Science.

Ph.D. supervision by Prof. Sjouke Mauw and Dr. Jun Pang

Pre-requisite: We are expecting a highly engaged researcher with an MSc/Diploma degree in computer science or areas that are related to this field. Good mathematical background is generally a plus. Fluency in English is mandatory.

Financing: Grant of the Luxembourgian Ministry of Research, 1500 euros netto/month at PhD level for up to 3 years.

Location: University of Luxembourg (http://www.uni.lu), Computer Science and Communications Research Unit (http://wiki.uni.lu/csc), Security and Trust of Software Systems Group (http://satoss.uni.lu)

Please submit your application to:

Dr. Jun Pang
University of Luxembourg - Campus Kirchberg
Computer Science and Communications
SaToSS Research Group
6, Rue Coudenhove-Kalergi
L-1359 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

The application deadline is March 31, 2008. Candidates should send a complete Curriculum Vitae, a motivation letter and a copy of the diplomas received. The starting date should be August 1, 2008, or later (the evaluation of a PhD proposal by the Luxembourgian Ministry of Research takes about three months). Enquiries may be directed by electronic mail to jun.pang@uni.lu.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-1 10:43:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

The University of Rostock has a vacancy for a PhD or post-doctoral
position on:

        Synthesis of Behavioural Adaptors (Mediators) for Web Services

The position can start at any time in the near future and will last two
years. The possibility of extending the contract depends on successful
applications for follow-up projects. The position is paid as a full
position according to group east-13 of the salary system TVL that is
generally used in German public sector.

In the project, we study systematic approaches to the synthesis of
behavioural adaptors (mediators) between web services. The services are
modeled as Petri nets for which we have a back-and-forth translation
to the industrially relevant language WS-BPEL. The project is a joint
project with the group of Wolfgang Reisig at Humboldt-Universitaet zu
Berlin and funded by the national funding agency DFG. We have
established cooperations with several IBM labs as well as with research
groups at TU Eindhoven.

Candidates should have a solid background in some of the following areas:

- formal methods for web services or business processes
- formal modelling of concurrent systems (process algebra, Petri nets, etc.)
- model checking or other methods of formal verification of discrete systems
- controller synthesis for discrete event systems

Rostock is a city of about 200.000 inhabitants at the coast of the
Baltic Sea
in north-eastern Germany. It offers excellent conditions for living and
housing. The institute of computer science gets excellent marks in
student rankings and ranks among the first third of German universities
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-12 14:50:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

RWTH Aachen University: The Future Begins With Us.
With 30,000 students, 10,000 employees and its emphasis on innovative
research, RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading universities of
technology in Europe. Its teaching and research are characterised by a
distinctly international, practice-orientated and interdisciplinary

Junior Research Groups will be established as a central measure to
further strengthen the natural sciences within the Institutional
Strategy of RWTH Aachen University funded by the Excellence Initiative
of the German federal and state governments. With this goal in mind, we
are offering the following position:

Juniorprofessor (W1) in Theory of Hybrid Systems

RWTH Aachen University: The Future Begins With Us.
With 30,000 students, 10,000 employees and its emphasis on innovative
research, RWTH Aachen University is one of the leading universities of
technology in Europe. Its teaching and research are characterised by a
distinctly international, practice-orientated and interdisciplinary

Junior Research Groups will be established as a central measure to
further strengthen the natural sciences within the Institutional
Strategy of RWTH Aachen University funded by the Excellence Initiative
of the German federal and state governments. With this goal in mind, we
are offering the following position:

Juniorprofessor (W1) in Theory of Hybrid Systems

Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences

We are seeking qualified applicants for research and teaching in the
area of hybrid systems. Candidates with a distinguished expertise in the
area of modelling and formal analysis of hybrid systems are particularly
welcome. The position is positioned in the Department of Computer
Science. We expect an enthusiastic participation in teaching and a close
collaboration with other groups working in this area as well as in the
engineering disciplines.

A permanent professorship position may be granted after a successful
evaluation of the junior research group.  The junior research group
comes with a single position for a PhD student/postdoctoral researcher.

You should have completed a university degree and posses a special
aptitude for scientific work as generally verified by an outstanding
doctorate and further scientific merits. The ability and commitment to
teach are essential. German is not necessary to begin with but will be
expected as a teaching language within the first 5  years.

Please send a cover letter with accompanying documents which should
include your research goals, publication list and a CV to: An den Dekan
der Fakultät Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften der RWTH
Aachen, Prof. Dr. M. Wuttig, Templergraben 55, 52062 Aachen, Germany.

The deadline for applications is March 15, 2008.

The RWTH Aachen aims to increase the number of women in areas in which
they are under-represented, thus women are strongly encouraged to apply.
For further information please see: http://www.rwth-aachen.de/equality

The RWTH Aachen aims to integrate persons with disabilities, thus
persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply. For further
information please see:  http://www.rwth-aachen.de/disabilities.

For further information concerning this position, please contact Prof.
Dr. Ir. Joost-Pieter Katoen, katoen@cs.rwth-aachen.de.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-14 17:31:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Post-doctorate on virtual prototyping real-time Java programs at INRIA-IRISA, Rennes, Brittany, France

The Espresso team at INRIA-Rennes (Brittany, France) is seeking for a post-doctorate to work on virtual prototyping real-time Java programs. The Espresso team (www.irisa.fr/espresso) develops Polychrony, an embedded software design tool that implements a synchronous multi-clocked model of computation. In particular, it comprises a complete model of the service offered by a real-time operating system standard.

The topic addressed by the post-doctorate will be to apply this framework for virtual prototyping real-time Java programs and developp its use for the formal verification, simulation, real-time code generation starting from (a sub-class of) real-time Java programs. In particular, we are interested in the design and implementation of analysis techniques for the automated abstraction and/or translation of programs in static-single assignment form (SSA) into a synchronous model of computation, as well as in modeling how the programs interacts with services of the RTOS.

The selected post-doctorate will carry out the specification and implementation of analysis and simulation functionalities in the context of a collaborative project funded by the ANR. Preference will be given to candidates with a background, doctorate study and research interests in formal methods, program analysis, compilation techniques, for embedded system design. The selected post-doctorate candidate will be appointed as post-doctorate for a period of one year. Applications, including a vitae, references and a brief description of research interests should be sent in reply of the present e-mail.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-14 18:17:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

We are looking for suitable candidates in various projects and on different
levels. For details on the projects see below.

PhD researchers (4 years)
(note that these are fully paid positions, not studentships)

- 1 PhD on Graphs for the Abstract Interpretation of Languages (GRAIL)
- 1 PhD on Multi-Core Model Checking (MCMC)
- 1 PhD on Symbolic Translation of Stochastic Processes (STOP)

Postdoctoral researchers

- 1 Postdoc (1 year) in Graphs for Software Language Definition (GRASLAND)
- 1 Postdoc (1.5 year) in INtegrated European Signalling System (INESS)
(possibly with an extension to 3 years)
- 1 Postdoc (3 years) in Quantitative System Properties in Model-Driven-Design
of Embedded Systems (QUASIMODO)

Technical assistants

- 1 Technical Assistant (3 years) for the Laboratory on Interoperability of
Small Tools (LIST)

Deadline for all applications: 18 April 2008

Project descriptions

GRAIL (PhD researcher, vacancy number 08/075)

As more and more systems in our everyday environment contain major software
parts, and we are depending on such systems more and more (we are counting on
them), the importance of the dependability of the embedded software is
increasing. Unfortunately, there are still very few generally applicable
methods for software verification, i.e., ensuring its correct functioning under
all circumstances. Reasons for this are, on the one hand, the degree of
expertise necessary for existing verification methods, and on the other, their
poor embedding in the average software development trajectory. An important
practical objection is, moreover, that current verification methods typically
assume the existence of a sufficiently detailed and precise model of system
behaviour. In practice such models hardly ever exist, and the time and
expertise to construct them is missing. Examples of methods that are being used
widely in practice are therefore typing and testing, neither of which
necessarily depends on the pre-existence of models.

In this project we investigate a new way of automatically verifying software on
the basis of code, without assuming a predefined model. The technique used is
static analysis, a general principle that encompasses typing; the new aspect is
the use of graph transformations to capture the effect of the software. Graphs
offer a natural model for the behaviour of dynamic software systems, and at the
same time offer the basis for a generic form of static analysis, which can be
driven by the properties to be verified.

For further information, please contact Arend Rensink rensink@cs.utwente.nl or
consult the full project description (http://fmt.cs.utwente.nl/grail)

MCMC (PhD researcher, vacancy number 08/076)

The goal of this project is to develop model checkers that exploit the
computing power of clusters of computers, GRIDs, multi-core machines, and their
heterogeneous combination. We aim at the development and understanding of new
distributed and parallel algorithms, and we want to build a high-quality
tool. We will consider branching and temporal logics, parity games, including
some quantitative extensions.

For further information, please contact Jaco van de Pol vdpol@cs.utwente.nl

STOP (PhD researcher, vacancy number 08/077)

The goal of this project is to integrate model checking techniques for
languages with rich data types, and languages with probabilistic, stochastic,
and timing information. The aim is to identify, study and implement model
transformations at the language level, in order to minimize state spaces even
before their generation, while preserving functional and quantitative
properties. Topics of interest are linearization, static analysis, abstraction,
and confluence reduction for languages with data and quantitative information.

For further information, please contact Jaco van de Pol vdpol@cs.utwente.nl or
Joost-Pieter Katoen katoen@cs.utwente.nl

GRASLAND (Postdoc, vacancy number 08/078)

In the context of the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) methodology for designing
maintainable software systems, model transformation is a central
concept. Models are used to describe the system in all phases of development
and on various levels of abstraction; they are specified in diverse (modelling
and programming) software languages (SLs). Model transformations typically
introduce concrete, implementation specific details.

Such transformations are intended to be correctness preserving: they should not
introduce errors or essential changes. This, however, can be guaranteed only if
the meaning of the SLs involved is defined with sufficient
precision. Unfortunately, this is often lacking: many SLs have a well-defined
syntax but only an informal semantics. A primary reason for this is that MDA
does not include a general method for easily and consistently defining the
subtler aspects of SLs, such as their semantics.

The purpose of this project is to define a meta-language in which all aspects
of SLs, besides their concrete syntax, can be defined in a consistent
manner. As a common formal foundation of this meta-language we propose graphs
and graph transformations, which we believe to be powerful enough to capture
all relevant SL aspects. This meta-language will enable us to provide semantic
definitions of the source and target SLs involved in a given model
transformation on a compatible basis; this in turn will enable us to precisely
formulate and check the requirement of correctness preservation. We believe
these abilities to be essential in realizing the full potential of MDA.

For further information, please contact Arend Rensink rensink@cs.utwente.nl or
consult the full project description (http://trese.cs.utwente.nl/grasland).

INESS (Postdoc, vacancy number 08/079)

Today there are over 20 rail signalling and speed-control systems operating in
Europe, which are incompatible with each other. This complexity leads to
additional costs and increased risk of breakdowns. Promoted by the European
Commission and driven by the need for interoperability and harmonisation of
safety, the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) aims to remedy this
lack of unification in the signalling and speed control.

The INESS project aims at contributing to the above mentioned European
initiatives by defining and developing specifications for a new generation of
interoperable interlocking systems suitable to be integrated in the ERTMS
system to ease the migration. This will enhance the standardisation process and
therefore, help increasing the competitiveness of the railway transport.

In Twente, you will work on formal specification and validation of requirements
on railway signalling systems, and on verifying and testing their design. We
promise you a very interesting case study.

For further information, please contact Jaco van de Pol vdpol@cs.utwente.nl

QUASIMODO (Postdoc, vacancy number 08/080)

Quasimodo is a European research project funded by the European Commission
under the IST framework programme 7 for Information and Communication
Technology, ICT. Partners are found in Denmark, Germany, France and The

Embedded Systems is the designation for intelligent and smart computer
controlled mechanical devices. Today - and even more so in the near future -
computers are built into everyday appliances existing anywhere in our
surroundings. Examples include laundry-machines, climate control systems, cars,
and satellites.  It is the combination of mechanics, computer electronic, and
an enormous amount of software that makes the devices intelligent, but at the
same time so extremely complex that they are difficult to develop.

The main goal of Quasimodo is to develop new techniques and tools for
model-driven design, analysis, testing and code-generation for advanced
embedded systems while ensuring quantitative bounds on resource consumption is
a central problem. Within this goal, the effort of the University of Twente
will be towards various aspects, such as model checking, controller synthesis,
and testing. The postdoc is expected to contribute to the research in one or
more of these fields, in close cooperation with the ESI (Embedded Systems
Institute) and several industrial partners in the Quasimodo project.

For further information, please contact Rom Langerak langerak@cs.utwente.nl or
consult the project web site, http://www.quasimodo.aau.dk.

LIST (Technical Assistant, vacancy number 08/081)

A "small tool" is the type of software tool typically created in the course of
a research project, as carried out by a single PhD student. Such tools have a
small basis for maintenance and more often than not "die" with the end of the
project, without having had a chance of being embedded or tested in a larger,
systems engineering context. It is a common observation, recently repeated in
the Dutch 3TU computer science assessment, that policy and infrastructure are
missing to change this situation.

In this project, we propose to set up a framework for the improved integration
and maintenance of small tools in the area of formal methods, with the aim of
offering such tools better usability, better accessibility and a longer
lifespan. This will provide these tools with more chance of proving themselves
in practice, and thus help to valorise the effort that went into their
creation. The project will be carried out in cooperation with similar efforts
at the Technical Universities of Eindhoven and Delft.

The task of the technical assistant will initially consist of forging concrete
interoperability links between specific (existing) tools. Using the expertise
thus built up, the next step is to generalise from this, and to identify and
bring together the necessary elements for an integration and maintenance

For further information, please contact Arend Rensink rensink@cs.utwente.nl


To qualify for any of the PhD positions, you must have an MSc or comparable
degree and a good background in formal methods. Expertise in the specific area
of the project is considered an advantage. Good English speaking and writing
skills are demanded, as well as the willingness to learn Dutch. The candidates
will enrol in the PhD programme of the Dutch Research School for Programming
Research and Algorithmics (IPA).

To qualify for any of the postdoc positions, you must have a PhD degree in a
relevant area of formal methods. Good English speaking and writing skills are
demanded, as well as the willingness to learn Dutch.


A PhD researchership in the Netherlands is a fully paid position, for a period
of 4 years. The candidate will receive a gross salary starting at   2000 per
month (first year) and reaching   2558 per month (final year), plus an 8%
holiday allowance and other benefits.

The postdoc positions are for 1 year (GRASLAND), 1.5 years (INESS) and 3 years
(QUASIMODO), respectively. Your starting salary is   2802 per month, but may be
higher depending on experience, plus an 8% holiday allowance and other

The technical assistant position is for 3 years. Your starting salary is   2802
per month, but may be higher depending on experience, plus an 8% holiday
allowance and other benefits.

To qualify for the technical assistant position, you must have a BSc degree
from a university or polytechnic, practical programming skills, as well as the
ability to grasp and abstract problems, and to understand the principles behind
formal methods tools. Good English speaking and writing skills are demanded, as
well as the willingness to learn Dutch. Experience with software development
and maintenance is an advantage.


You are invited to send your application together with:

- A cover letter stating your *specific* interest in the position, indicating
also your motivation and qualifications for joining the project. (In the
absence of such a cover letter your application will be rejected without

- A full curriculum vitae, including the subject and supervisor of your
graduate thesis (in case of a PhD or TA position) or PhD thesis (in case of a
postdoc position).
- Letters of recommendation or references of at least two scientific staff

Letters should be sent by email to the relevant contact person, mentioning the
vacancy number in the header, with a cc to Ms. Joke Lammerink
jlammeri@cs.utwente.nl :

- GRAIL PhD researcher: rensink@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy number 08/075
- MCMC PhD researcher: vdpol@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy number 08/076
- STOP PhD researcher: vdpol@cs.utwente.nl and katoen@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy
number 08/077
- GRASLAND postdoc: rensink@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy number 08/078
- INESS postdoc: vdpol@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy number 08/079
- QUASIMODO postdoc: langerak@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy number 08/080
- LIST technical assistant: rensink@cs.utwente.nl, vacancy number 08/081

All applications must be received ** at or before 18 April 2008 **
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-14 18:17:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions




The Faculty of  Computer Science of the University  of Namur announces
three (assistant) professor positions with emphasis on

(1) Security of Information Systems,
(2) Data Management and Engineering and
(3) IT Governance.

We  invite  applications  from  candidates with  strong  research  and
teaching interest.

Candidates are  expected to contribute to  undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate  teaching, and  to Lifelong  Learning. They  will develop
competitive research programs. Usual  service activities are also part
of the duty.

In  accordance with the  Belgian regulation,  positions will  first be
given for  a probationary period  of two years, before  confirming the
successful  candidate  in  his(her)  appointment. The  candidates  are
expected to start on September 1st, 2008.


The candidates will  hold a PhD in computer  science for positions (1)
and (2)  and a PhD  in computer science  or in management  science for
position (3). The tenure is  open to seasoned candidates with a strong
scientific  and teaching  background as  well as  to  young candidates
showing  high  scientific  and  pedagogical potential.  Teaching  will
mainly  be delivered  in French.  Foreign candidates  will be  able to
teach in French after one year.


Applications should be sent to  the Rector of the University of Namur,
rue  de Bruxelles  61, B-5000  Namur, Belgium.  Application  forms are
available  from the Human  Resource Department,  rue de  Bruxelles 61,
B-5000 Namur (Tel. : +32 (0)81-72 40 42). Electronic versions can also
be    obtained    from    the    web   site    of    the    University

The  application  deadline  is  April  6th 2008.  Interviews  will  be
organized  during the  second half  of April  or at  the  beginning of
May. The candidates will be invited to deliver a lecture on the domain
related to  the position they  apply for as  well as to  present their
research agenda.


The  Faculty  of  Computer  Science  is one  of  the  oldest  European
faculties in Information  System. It has about 400  students, 80 staff
members,  out  of  whom  16   are  full-time  professors  and  50  are
researchers. Established in 1969,  the Faculty of Computer Science has
graduated  more   than  1.500  students,  all  of   them  with  highly
appreciated qualifications at  the international level. The University
of Namur  is a midsize  university of about  5,000 students, and  is a
member of  the Academie Universitaire Louvain  comprising about 30,000
students. It has developed  intensive collaboration with many national
and international universities and research centres.

Capital of Wallonia,  Namur is a charming city  of 100,000 inhabitants
located  50 km  south of  Brussels  and 2h30  from Paris  and London.


More  information  can  be  asked  to  Professors  Laurent  Schumacher
(lsc@info.fundp.ac.be)    for   position    (1),    Jean-Luc   Hainaut
(jlh@info.fundp.ac.be)   for    position   (2)   and    Claire   Lobet
(clo@info.fundp.ac.be)  for position  (3).  The Dean  of the  Faculty,
Professor  Jean-Marie  Jacquet   (jmj@info.fundp.ac.be)  may  also  be
contacted for any of these positions.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-14 18:18:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Postdoc and programmer positions are available in the School of
Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.

The positions are associated to an Australian Research Council Linkage
Grant funded project "Model Checking Logics of Knowledge and
Probability in Pursuit-Evasion Games".  The research will involve the
development of model checking techniques for the logic of knowledge,
probability and time, and their evaluation in the partner's
application: pursuit-evasion games motivated from search and rescue
mission planning problems.

For details, see http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~meyden/positions/.

Ron van der Meyden

School of Computer Science and Engineering
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052
email: meyden@cse.unsw.edu.au
www: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~meyden
phone: +61 2 8306 0460
fax:   +61 2 8306 0405

Snail Mail: Locked Bag 6016,
The University of New South Wales,
Sydney NSW 1466, Australia

UNSW Legal disclaimer:
CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-3-14 18:19:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

一百贴了 希望这里有朋友拿到这一百多个position里的一两个  

那我也不算白贴啦  。。。  如果有些信息对大家有用 请有空的时候吱个声


Friday May 23, the CWI Lectures in Mathematics and Computer Science 2008 are devoted to

    25 Years of Concurrency Theory at CWI

Invited talks will be given by Gerard Holzmann, Jan Bergstra and Moshe Vardi. Jos Baeten will give a brief historic account of the SEN2 group at CWI.

The event will take place at CWI in Amsterdam, starting with a lunch at 12:30. For more
information, see


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