University of Oslo: PhD Position in Formal Methods.
*** Application Deadline June 13 ***
The Formal Methods group at the Department of Informatics,
University of Oslo, has available up 11 PhD positions.
Three of these are open for candidates from ANY field, and one is reserved for formal methods. We encourage prospective applicants to apply to both the open positions, and to the position reserved for formal methods.
*** Applications must be received no later than June 13, 2008! ***
Information about how to apply is given in the following link:
http://www.admin.uio.no/opa/ledi ... nformatics2008.html
Each position is for 4 years, and should lead to a PhD thesis
at the University of Oslo. There may be opportunities for research
stays abroad.
The research group for formal methods
The Formal Methods group at the Department of
Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway, is working on tools and
languages for object-oriented and component-based software
development. Our current research focus includes
* formal specification and analysis of real-time systems
* object-orientation and open distributed systems
* rewriting logic
* specification and verification of OO-programs
Our research combines theoretical foundations with the goal to develop
practical tools and languages to capture software adaptability. The
group's activities include both theoretical, foundational, and
experimental work within formal methods, semantics, and language design.
For more information, see the following web-page:
Terms of employment
The salary and terms at the University of Oslo are in accordance with
Norwegian state regulations. Salary is in the range NOK 331400 – 355,200
(currently EUR 42.000 - 45.000 and USD 66.000 - 70.000) per year,
depending on relevant work experience.
Further details
For additional information and informal inquiries, please contact
Professor Olaf Owe, email olaf AT ifi.uio.no,
Associate professor Einar Broch Johnsen, email einarj AT ifi.uio.no, or
Associate professor Peter Ölveczky, email peterol AT ifi.uio.no.
How to apply
Applications must include complete information about education at both
bachelor and master level, and documented scientific experience. All
employees must satisfy the entrance requirements for the doctoral
degree programme at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Women are especially encouraged to apply.
As mentioned, all information about how to apply can be found at
http://www.admin.uio.no/opa/ledi ... nformatics2008.html
Please make sure that you mention the reference numbers (2008/7711 for
the open positions, and 2008/7712 for the formal methods position) in your aplications and inquiries.
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