The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven has a vacancy for a
PhD student
Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS3)
within the Security of Embedded Systems (SEC) group.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science provides undergraduate
and MSc programs in Mathematics and in Computer Science. The department
has research collaborations with other departments at the Technische
Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) as well as with a large number of other
universities and companies, both at home and abroad. The Department has
approximately 350 employees and more than 700 students.
The Security of Embedded Systems (SEC) group, officially established on
October 1, 2007, is already one the CS groups at the TU/e with the largest
involvement in national and international programs. SEC, together with the
cryptology group of the TU/e, forms the Eindhoven Institute for the
Protection of Systems (EIPSI). SEC focuses on technical aspects of
security and privacy for embedded systems without disregarding the
non-technical aspects (e.g. social and legal issues). More information
on SEC and EIPSI may be found at the group page at
Trusted Architecture for Securely Shared Services (TAS³) is a European
Integrated Project with 17 partners (among which: SAP Research, Oracle,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven), both from academia and industry, that will
develop and implement an architecture with trusted services to manage and
process distributed personal information. This architecture will be
dependable, robust, cost-effective and reliable. The personal information
that will be processed and managed can consist of any type of information
that is owned by or refers to people. The proposed architecture will be
generic and cross-domain applicable. TAS3 will focus on an instantiation of
this architecture in the employability and e-health sectors. The project
will allow users and service providers in these two sectors to manage the
lifelong generated personal employability and e-health information of the
individuals involved. For example, in the employability sector, personal
information includes the professional interests, current and previous job
activities, and future employment objectives of a worker. Service providers
will then be able to use this information to propose career paths that are
compatible with the worker's objectives. The healthcare sector is another
context in which the TAS3 architecture can be instantiated. In this case,
the patient could be offered advanced services based on a number of personal
health parameters (weight, body temperature, glucose level for diabetes
patients, etc.) that are introduced by the patient himself.
Within the project the TU/e will mainly focus on the trust management aspect;
how can users and/or services establish trust in a service. To this end
different existing trust management frameworks will be combined and enhanced
in innovative ways allowing use of both rule based trust policies, e.g. `I
trust you if you are a certified physician' and reputation based policies,
e.g. 'I trust you if you have a sufficiently good track record in the storage
of medical information'.
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
. an MSc in Computer Science, Mathematics or closely related field;
. interest in computer security and formal methods;
. good communicative skills in English, both written and oral.
We offer:
. a full-time temporary appointment for a period of 4 years;
. a gross monthly salary of ? 2.000 during the first year up to ? 2.558
during the fourth year of the appointment;
. a broad package of fringe benefits (e.g. excellent technical
infrastructure, child care, savings schemes, and excellent sports
More information can be obtained from:
. regarding the project content: dr. J.I. den Hartog, phone
+31(0)40-2472800, e-mail:;
. regarding your application: mrs P.J. Evers BC, personnel officer,
phone +31(0)40-2472321, e-mail:
Interested candidates are requested to send their application to:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Personnel Department, HG 6.22, PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven,
The Netherlands.
We prefer you to send your application by e-mail to:
The application should consist of the following parts:
. a motivation letter;
. a Curriculum Vitae;
. copies of your diplomas together with the list of grades, and other
relevant certificates;
. names and addresses of two referees;
. proof of English language skills (if applicable).
Please include the job vacancy code: V32.010.
You can apply for this job before 31st October 2008. |