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sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-19 16:48:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

   PhD researcher: Simulation of Crowds in Virtual Worlds (vacancy number 62814)  
  The Games and Virtual Worlds group in the department of Information and Computing Sciences focuses on practical, algorithmic solutions for problems related to motion in games and virtual environments. In particular we investigate questions about planning collision free paths for computer-controlled characters, computer animation and the manipulation of objects in the virtual world. The group leads the GATE project (Game Research for Training and Entertainment) http://gate.gameresearch.nl, a large national project on game technology and the use of games in various application domains.
  Recently a new  project Metaverse1 has started. The goal of this project, which involves 20 institutes and companies in five countries, is to develop standards and technology for the next generation interactive virtual worlds. The group in Utrecht is responsible for developing new technology for the simulation of large crowds of computer-controlled characters.
  This PhD project is part of our efforts in the Metaverse1 project and will thus be focussed on crowd simulation. The goal is to design, implement, and experimentally validate new algorithms for simulating crowds of thousands of virtual characters that populate virtual cities. The focus here lies on efficient algorithms that achieve natural behaviour in real time. As part of the project we will study behaviour of real humans using our motion capture lab and video camera’s.
  In the project the PhD researcher will closely collaborate with other researchers in the Games and Virtual Worlds group and with other partners in the Metaverse1 project.
  We look for
  A person with a MSc in Computer Science. Interest in practical application of algorithms and in the use in games and virtual environments. Good programming experience, preferably in C++.
  We offer
  A fulltime position for four years. Gross salary starts with Euro 2,042.- per month in the first year and increases to Euro 2,612.- in the fourth year of employment. The salary is supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and a year-end bonus of 8,3% per year. In addition we offer: a pension scheme, partially paid parental leave, facilities for child care, flexible employment conditions in which you may trade salary for vacation days or vice versa. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities.
  How to apply
  Please send your application in writing, including a curriculum vitae, list of publications and university courses, statement of research interests and names of 2 referees who are willing to submit letters of reference, before December 8, 2008 to the Personnel Department of the Faculty of Science, Budapestlaan 6, 3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands or submit by e-mail to Science.PenO@uu.nl. Please mention vacancy number 62814.
  More information
  More information can be obtained from prof. dr. Mark Overmars, e-mail: markov@cs.uu.nl.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-21 15:35:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions


  "Trust and Authority in an Open Web Environment"

  at the VU University Amsterdam, Department of Computer Science

  Deadline for applications: December 15, 2008


This PhD position is concerned with management of trust and authority
for accessing, integrating and distributing information resources with
varying access limitations, ranging from open Web sources to
confidential sources.  More specifically, the student will address the
following research questions:

1. How should trust and authority of data and metadata be represented
   in Web formats?  The work of the student will include the
   development of an ontology that captures the key concepts involved
   in trust and authority.

2. How can one identify and represent trust and authority policies in
   a mixed (open Web, limited access, confidential) environment? Many
   organizations have trust/authority policies. The challenge here is
   to represent these in an interoperable way, so that we can we use
   and combine them in a (semi-)open setting.

3. Which reasoning techniques can be employed on the trust/authority
   ontology and the policy representations? An important issue here
   is to show that the methods can guarantee the stated trust and
   security requirements.

The use cases in the project are in the area of web-accessible museum
and TV collections, where there is a mix of public and confidential
information on multimedia objects.


The Department of Computer Science provides an exciting academic work
environment with a large range of ongoing national and
research projects. The student will become a member of the Semantic
Web research group of the VU, which is one of the world leaders in
this area.


MsC in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence or related discipline,
and the capabilities to function in a large research team.


The Ph.D. student will be appointed for a period of four years. Salary
is based on the salary scales of the VU University Amsterdam.  As part
of their training the student will be enrolled for the courses of the
Dutch graduate school SIKS (School for Information and Knowledge


Information about the position can be obtained from Prof. dr. Guus
Schreiber (e-mail: <schreiber@cs.vu.nl>; tel: +31 20 598 7739) or
Prof. dr. Wan Fokkink (e-mail: <wanf@cs.vu.nl>; tel: +31 20 598 7735).
When sending e-mail, please use "PhD Poseidon" as the subject line.

Applications including a CV should be sent in electronic form to
Mrs. E. Lammers (<E.Lammers@few.vu.nl>). The deadline for applications
is December 15, 2008.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-21 15:36:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CS为主Logic/math/philosophy相关的positions

Ph.D Student


  We seek an enthusiastic PhD student who obtained excellent results on his / her MSc degree in Computer Science, Logic or Mathematics.  The ideal candidate should have a thorough theoretical background and a specific interest in formal methods.
  We are looking for a researcher with an independent mind who is willing to cooperate in our team. It is understood that she or he selects her or his own topics in the field sketched above. As a research outcome we expect publications, (prototype) tools, and a PhD thesis.
  Further information

  Further information can be obtained from Dr. Inge Bethke, Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; tel. +31 20 525 7583; email: I.Bethke@uva.nl.

  This is a full-time appointment (38 hours a week) for a total of four years: an initial period of eighteen months, followed by a further two and a half years subject to a positive appraisal. The gross monthly salary is fixed in accordance with the Dutch University regulations for academic personnel and ranges from € 2.000,-- in the first year to a maximum of  € 2.558,-- in the fourth year.
  Job application

  Applications should include a letter of motivation and a curriculum vitae. Please include the names and contact information of two referees. Applications may be emailed to application-science@uva.nl, attn: Mrs. J.C.Knaap, Personnel Department, Faculty of Science, University  of Amsterdam. To process your application immediately, please quote the vacancy number in the subject line.
  Closing date is 29 November 2008.
  For further information see: http://www.uva.nl/vacatures/vacatures.cfm/909D9D9C-1321-B0BE-A46068D1E35497D3
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-26 21:52:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Doctoral Student Positions Available

            Design and Verification of Embedded Software

                   Embedded Systems Research Unit
                     Fondazione Bruno Kessler
(formerly part of IRST - Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica)
                          Trento, Italy

       Posted: November 26, 2008

The Embedded Systems Research Unit (http://es.fbk.eu) of the Bruno
Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy, is seeking several candidates for Ph.D

The Ph.D. studies will be held at the International Doctorate School
in Information and Communication Technologies
(http://www.ict.unitn.it/) of the University of Trento, Italy.

The research activity will be carried out within the Embedded Systems
Unit of the Center for Scientific and Technological Research of the
Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

The research activity will aim at techniques, methodologies and support
tools for the design and verification of embedded systems. In
particular, possible topics will include:

- Embedded Software Design and Verification
- Formal Requirements Analysis
- Design and Verification of Hybrid and Timed systems

The selected candidates will be initially enrolled in a stage and, if
they pass the selection of the Ph.D. school, they will be enrolled as
Ph.D. students. Ph.D. courses will start in Autumn 2009, and the
thesis must be completed in three or four years. People enrolled in a
stage and subsequent Ph.D. courses are expected to move to Trento, and
will receive monetary support during both phases of their activity.

Candidate Profile

The ideal candidate should have an MS or equivalent degree in computer
science, mathematics or electronic engineering, and combine solid
theoretical background and software development skills.

The candidate should be able to work in a collaborative environment,
with a strong commitment to reaching research excellence and achieving
assigned objectives.

Background knowledge and/or previous experience in the following
areas, though not mandatory, will be considered favorably:
- Symbolic Model Checking
- Propositional Satisfiability
- Satisfiability Modulo Theory
- Constraint Solving and Optimization
- Formal Requirements Analysis
- Software Verification
- Software Synthesis
- Embedded Systems Design Languages (e.g. Verilog, VHDL, System C, and
System Verilog)
- Safety Analysis (FTA, FMEA)

Applications and Inquiries

Interested candidates should inquire for further information and/or
apply by sending email to <jobs[at]fbk[dot]eu>.

Applications should contain a statement of interest, with a Curriculum
Vitae, and three reference persons. PDF format is strongly encouraged.

Emails will be automatically processed and should have

      'RIF: ES/phd'

as subject.

Please note that the positions are already open, and they will be
evaluated as soon as they arrive.

The Embedded Systems Research Unit

The Embedded Systems Unit consists of about 15 persons, including
researchers, post-Doc, Ph.D. students, and programmers. The
Unit carries out research, tool development and technology transfer in
the fields of design and verification of embedded systems.

Current research directions include:

* Satisfiability Modulo Theory, and its application to the
verification of hardware, embedded critical software, and hybrid
systems (Verilog, SystemC, C/C++, StateFlow/Simulink)

* Formal Requirements Analysis based on techniques for temporal logics
(consistency checking, vacuity detection, input determinism,
cause-effect analysis, realizability and synthesis)

* Formal Safety Analysis, based on the integration of traditional
techniques (e.g. Fault-tree analysis, FMEA) with symbolic
verification techniques.

The unit develops and maintains several tools:

* the NuSMV symbolic model checker (http://nusmv.fbk.eu)

* the MathSAT SMT solver (http://mathsat.fbk.eu)

* the Formal Safety Analysis Platform FSAP (http://fsap.fbk.eu)

* the Requirements Analysis Tool RAT (http://rat.fbk.eu)

The unit is currently involved in several research projects, funded by
the European Union (FP VI and FP VII), the European Space Agency, the
European Railway Agency, as well as in industrial technology transfer
projects. The projects aim at applying research results to key
application domains such as space, avionics, railways, hardware design
and mobile embedded applications.

The Embedded Systems Unit is part of Fondazione Bruno Kessler,
formerly Istituto Trentino di Cultura, a public research institute of
the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy), founded in 1976. The
institute, through its center for the scientific and technological
research, is active in the areas of Information Technology,
Microsystems, and Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and
Interfaces. Today, FBK is an internationally recognized research
institute, collaborating with industries, universities, and public and
private laboratories in Italy and abroad. The institute's applied and
basic research activities aim at resolving real-world problems, driven
by the need for technological innovation in society and industry.


Trento is a lively town of about 100.000 inhabitants, located 130 km
south of the border between Italy and Austria. It is well known for
the beauty of its mountains and lakes, and it offers the possibility
to practice a wide range of sports. Trento enjoys a rich cultural and
historical heritage, and it is the ideal starting point for day trips
to famous towns such as Venice or Verona, as well as to enjoy great
naturalistic journeys. Detailed information about Trento and its
region can be found at http://www.trentino.to/home/index.html?_lang=en.

Contact Person

* Alessandro Cimatti
mailto: <cimatti[at]fbk[dot]eu>
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-30 23:41:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Modeling and analysis of security protocols

One post-doc position is available in the Department of Computer Science,
Stevens Institute of Technology.

The project is led by Professors Susanne Wetzel and David Naumann.  It involves
development of analytic models and simulations of wireless network protocol
stacks, including both abstract protocol specifications and actual
implementations. We will create techniques and tools that integrate automated
formal methods of exhaustive analysis with guided runtime testing.

The post-doc's primary responsibilities will include: Development of detailed
design models; specification of secrecy, authenticity, and other properties of
the models; static analysis of models and implementations; collaboration with
other team members on testing and simulation.

The work will be conducted at Stevens Institute of Technology, in Hoboken, New
Jersey, across the Hudson river from New York City.

Expected skills: (a) PhD in computer science (or equivalent) with a publication
record in security, in particular analysis of security properties of
implementations; (b) familiarity with model-checking, runtime assertion
checking, and static analysis for access control and information flow policies;
and (c) very good written and oral English skills.

The post-doc can start until January 2009, and will last 12 months. Salary will
be competitive based on qualifications and experience. A second year is possible
based on accomplishments and availability of funds.

The application should contain the following (a) a curriculum vitae including a
list of publications and software products as well as statement of research
goals; (b) names and email addresses of two references.

Applications and questions should be sent by email to the address you infer from
this:  postdoc-applications cs DOT stevens DOT edu

Applications received by December 8, 2008 will receive full consideration and
applications may be considered until the position is filled.

Positions are contingent upon completion of the PhD.  Stevens Institute of
Technology is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer; women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-11-30 23:46:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
*PhD Student Positions in Programming Language-based Security*
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Application deadline: January 30, 2009

Full version of this announcement is at:
http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/ne ... s/ph-d-positions-in

*The Department*

The department provides a strong, international, and dynamic research
environment with about 75 faculty members. For more information, see

*PhD Project*

The PhD students will join a world-leading team of researchers on
*programming language-based security*. Language-based security
facilitates specifying and enforcing security policies at the level of
programming languages early in the software design and construction

Drawing on the recent progress in this area, the goal of the positions
is to pursue the following directions of work:

* To design *rich security policies* for confidentiality and
integrity, as demanded by practical applications (such as web
applications). These security policies should be formal: they
should operate at the level of programming-language semantics.
* To develop *practical enforcement mechanisms* for these policies
in expressive programming languages (such as web languages). These
enforcement mechanisms may combine static (for example, type
system-based) and dynamic (for example, execution
monitoring-based) techniques.
* To support the above with case studies in web-application security.

In pursuing these goals, there are possibilities for collaboration with
our high-profile academic and industrial partners.

*Details about Employment*

PhD student positions are limited to five years and will then normally
include 20 per cent departmental work, mostly teaching duties. Salary
for the position is as specified in Chalmers? general agreement for
PhD student positions, currently around 23,000SEK a month before tax.

The positions are intended to start in spring or fall 2009.

*Suitable Background*

Applicants must have a degree in Computing Science or in a related
subject with a strong Computing Science component. They must also have
a strong, documented interest in doing research. The ideal student for
the project will have strong background in both programming languages
and security.

You may even apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but
expect to do so before the position starts.

In order to improve gender balance, Chalmers welcomes in particular
applications from female candidates.

*How to Apply*

Application can be submitted electronically following the
"Application details" and "Application procedure" guidelines at:
http://www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/ne ... s/ph-d-positions-in
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-12-2 10:06:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

Two Research Assistant Posts (Grade 7 and 6)

Project: CONNECT-IP: Emergent Connectors for Eternal Software Intensive Networked Systems

The Computing Laboratory has two vacancies on an EU-funded FP7 research project CONNECT-IP which runs for three and a half years from 1st February 2009 (subject to contract). The project is centred on a revolutionary concept of a seamless networking infrastructure for digital systems that enables continuous composition of networked systems and the evolution of their functionalities. This will be achieved through the application of formal reasoning, learning, and run-time synthesis of connectors. The overall aim is to develop the architectural principles and the foundations for modelling and reasoning about networked systems.

This exciting project will provide the successful candidates with the opportunity to interact with members of the partner sites in France, Germany, Sweden, Italy, China and the UK. The Oxford component is led by Professor Marta Kwiatkowska and the contribution will focus on the formal foundations for connectors and automated verification of non-functional requirements such as performability and dependability.

Two posts are available, a Research Assistant and a Student Researcher, both of whom will engage in research addressing the above objectives under the supervision of Professor Kwiatkowska.

The Research Assistant post, which is a fixed term appointment for up to 38 months, will have a salary on the University grade 7 scale (currently £28,839 to £35,469 pa [check]); includes membership of USS; will have an annual leave entitlement of 38 days per year (inclusive of all public holidays and university closed periods), and will be available from 1st February 2009 or shortly thereafter.

The Student Researcher will engage in research leading towards a doctorate (D.Phil.). This post will be available from 1st May 2009 and must be taken up by 1st August 2009. It will be a fixed term appointment for up to 36 months, with a salary of £25,623 p.a. on the University grade 6 scale (currently £25,623 to £30,594 pa) which includes membership of USS and has an annual leave entitlement of 38 days per year (inclusive of all public holidays and university closed periods). Fees (college and university) are at a reduced rate of approximately £3,500 per annum, with 50% to be refunded by the project conditional on satisfactory progress.

Further details of the posts, including the selection criteria and method of application are available here


The closing date for applications is Friday 19th December 2008.

Oxford University is and Equal Opportunities Employer.

Professor Marta Kwiatkowska
Fellow of Trinity College
Director of Graduate Studies

Oxford University Computing Laboratory
Wolfson Building, Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QD
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-12-2 10:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

Scholarships for Doctoral Study in Computer Science


The Computing Laboratory invites applications for full and partial scholarships for D.Phil. (Doctor of Philosophy) study to commence in October 2009.

The Computing Laboratory is among the world's leading Computer Science departments. It is a centre for research in computer science, numerical analysis, computational biology, quantum computation, computational linguistics, and information systems, supported by £27M of research grants from research councils, EU and industry. Our students obtain an outstanding education in computer science through a variety of undergraduate and graduate programmes, including a part-time, professional programme in software engineering.

The Laboratory's research strength derives from its firm grounding in core Computer Science disciplines, high degree of mathematical sophistication among its researchers, and its committed engagement with applications and interdisciplinary work. Over the past several years we have significantly broadened the spectrum of computing research in the Laboratory. The intake of graduate students has substantially increased, and we now have over 100 graduate research students. More information on the research in the Laboratory can be found at:


The scholarships available for full-time D.Phil. study include EPSRC Doctoral Training Awards (DTA), Clarendon scholarships and departmental awards. DTA scholarships are of three and a half years' duration and include college and university fees and maintenance of at least £12,940 per annum. Full DTA awards are available to home students or EU students who studied in the UK for three years previously. Partial (fees only) DTA awards are available to EU students. Departmental awards are typically partial and carry no nationality restrictions. Clarendon scholarships are for three years, are partial (fees or maintenance) or full and are open to all international (non-UK/non-EU) students. In addition, a broad range of scholarships are available at Oxford, for example Commonwealth, KC Wong and Scatcherd European (nationality and course restrictions apply).

There are three application deadlines, 21 November 2008, 23 January 2009 and 13 March 2009. Scholarship applications must be received by 23 January 2009 at the latest to be considered for 2009 start. The scholarships are highly competitive. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed and decisions are expected in March 2009. If additional D.Phil. studentships become available they will be advertised here.

For more details and application details see:


Further information is available from:

sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-12-2 19:32:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
At CWI (Centrum Wiskunde en Informatica) in Amsterdam, the following
vacancies exist:

                      Two Ph.D. Students (“AIOs”) in

      Multi-Agent Systems, Computational Intelligence, and Market Games

for the projects:

(1)   Intelligent and Decentralized Management of Electricity Networks
                          and Data  (IDeaNeD)


(2)                    Revenue Management (RM)

For more information, please see the attachement or visit
http://www.cwi.nl/en/jobs . Applications by 1 January 2009.

Contact information:  Prof.dr. Han La Poutré,  email  Han.La.Poutre@cwi.nl .
sgwyj  四海霸王  2008-12-6 13:07:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Ph.D Student Position in Electronic Systems Design

Topic: Modeling of Embedded Systems and Systems on Chip

Location: KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden

Earliest starting date: February 1, 2009


The Systems Architecture and Methodology Group at the Royal Institute of
Technology  (KTH), Stockholm,  Sweden seeks  a Ph.D.  student  for doing
research  in formal  modeling  and analysis  of  embedded systems.   The
research will be conducted as part  of an EU project in cooperation with
industrial and academic partners in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

In  the Department  of Electronics,  Computer and  Software  Systems one
research  focus  is  modeling,   verification  and  formal  analysis  of
systems-on-chip (SoC) and embedded systems.  During the last ten years a
modeling    framework   called    ForSyDe    (Formal   System    Design,
http://www.imit.kth.se/info/FOFU/ForSyDe) has been developed that allows
modeling  of heterogeneous systems  including continuous  time, discrete
time,  synchronous  and untimed  models.  Techniques  for formal  design
transformations,  verification   and  performance  analysis   have  been
developed as part of the ForSyDe framework.

In an  EU project, ForSyDe shall  be further developed  and extended. It
will be  used to formalize a  SystemC based design flow.  SystemC, a C++
based design language, is  very popular among industrial designers. This
project aims at integrating the properties of ForSyDe into an industrial
design flow  for the benefit of  a more formal  design, verification and
analysis of industrial applications.


The potential  candidate has a master degree  in Information Technology,
Computer Engineering,  Computer Science or Electrical  Engineering, or a
corresponding  degree.  A  strong interest  and background  in modeling,
computer  languages  or  software  engineering  is  required.  A  strong
background in Electronics, Digital  Design is also highly desirable. The
candidate should  be distinctly motivated for  doing scientific research
and should have a well developed analytic ability to formulate and solve
problems   independently.   Furthermore,   excellent   team   work   and
communication skills are required.

                          More information


Contact: Axel Jantsch <axel@kth.se>
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