PhD Position on Formal Verification of Deadlock Avoidance Mechanisms in NoCs
The Informatics for Technical Applications group at the Radboud University Nijmegen invites applications for a PhD position in the context of the NWO project "Formal Verification of Deadlock Avoidance Mechanisms" (see
The Radboud University Nijmegen is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. Renowned for its green campus, modern buildings, and state-of-the-art equipment, it has nine faculties and enrolls over 17.500 students in approximately 90 study programs. The university is situated in the oldest Dutch city, close to the German border, on the banks of the river Waal (a branch of the Rhine). The city has a rich history and one of the liveliest city centers in the Netherlands.
The Informatics for Technical Applications (ITA) group is part of the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS). The group develops formal methods and tools for the specification, design, analysis and testing of embedded systems, distributed algorithms and protocols, and assesses and demonstrates the effectiveness of these methods and tools in the industrial development process. ITA has an excellent international reputation and its research program was singled out as "Excellent" in the last national research assessment.
Project Description
Network-on-chip is an emerging paradigm that could meet future applications demand. The correctness of a system-on-chip will largely depend on the correctness of the NoC. There has been little work on the application of formal verification techniques to NoCs. This is a challenging area, in particular, due to fact that the verification needs to be done on parameterized networks.
The goal of this project is to develop formal verification methods for parameterized networks on a chip (NoCs). We aim at a general model and verification methodology that encompasses the essential constituents of NoCs communication architectures -- that is, protocols and topologies, routing algorithms, and scheduling policies -- and applies to a wide variety of systems. The project will tackle the specification of properties about the absence of deadlock, livelock, and will allow to quantify the routing performance of an NoC. In particular, the project will focus on deadlock avoidance mechanisms. Deadlocks may be generated at the protocol or at the structural (for example, routing algorithms) level. The challenge of the project lies in supporting the analysis of these two kinds of deadlocks for parameterized, or unbounded, models.
To begin with, we want to analyze practical case studies, either publicly available or provided by industrial partners. Our methodology will be based on the Generic Network model (GeNoC) and its implementation in the ACL2 logic. From this practical experiments, we plan to generalize our approach to generate ranking function for parameterized systems. One interesting research direction is to combine the general formalization in ACL2 with powerful tools dedicated to termination proof, like Terminator.
The candidate must hold an MSc or equivalent with top performance in a field that is closely related to computer science or mathematics. He or she should have interest in conducting original scientific research, publishing the results in top conferences and scientific journals, and participating in teaching duties. Maturity, self-motivation and the ability to work both independently and as a team player in local and international research teams are expected. Dutch language skills are not required, English is mandatory.
Conditions of employment
The positions involve a normal employment contract for a period of up to 4 years, and is expected to lead to a Ph.D. degree. The salary grows to approx. 2500 euro gross per month in the fourth year. For additional information please see our website ( and/or contact Julien Schmaltz:
Phone: +31 (0)24-3652104
E-mail: julien - at - cs - dot - ru - dot - nl
should submit their application to or via surface mail to
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Science
P&O Department
Attn. Drs. D. Reinders
PO Box 9010
6500 GL Nijmegen
The Netherlands
referring to number 62.69.08.
Applications should include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and contact details of at least 2 references.
Review of completed applications will begin October 1st, 2008. The position remains open until filled.
Dr. Julien Schmaltz
Model Based System Development (MBSD)
Institute For Computing and Information Sciences
Radboud University Nijmegen
The Netherlands ---
Phone: +31 24 36 52104 --- Fax: +31 24 365 2728