Post by kian
but i didn't have any toets from the eerst ronde en tweede ronde,so i don't think i can catch up the third one if i go there for the dagcursus.....i just enjoy reading the books...actually, i don't have the courage to follow the third one at this moment...just want to get some information first. i need more time to review the books i have now...
1. 不需要考绿,黄2轮 , 直接可以参加3rd上课---没有问题 (本来1,2轮就是给大家自学的....)
2. 大部分3rd轮的学生, 都是"半路出家", 最后一轮选择DELFTSE---水平都非常好, 而且大部分是来荷兰找工作的北欧美女~ 嘿嘿~~ (政府课程见到的多是等移民的大叔大妈...反差~~ @_@ )
3. 白书没什么特殊, 那2000词汇日常生活中已经不常用了. (课文都是NRC剪切下来的, 太专业..)喜欢收集书,不如去收集NRC的报纸  |