Kanker 发表于 2013-4-14 18:05
H7N9 , 我懷疑是病毒武器,不一定來自自然界的洗牌。
2003 年沙士,2013 年來新的,當然我沒有證據。
Amid concern over lab-bred bird flu, US says full details of research shouldn’t be published
(華盛頓郵報)美聯社新聞﹐2011/12/20 By Associated Press, Published: December 20
美政府付錢給科學家研究﹐要查知致死的禽流感﹐可能會變種﹐成為對人類更大的威脅 - 有兩家實驗室成功培育出﹐更容易傳播的新病株。
WASHINGTON — The U.S. government paid scientists to figure out how the deadly bird flu virus might mutate to become a bigger threat to people — and two labs succeeded in creating new strains that are easier to spread.
On Tuesday, federal officials took the unprecedented step of asking those scientists not to publicize all the details of how they did it.
擔心的是﹕這個具有潛力﹐能夠幫忙大眾的研究﹐也有可能被潛在的﹐生物戰恐怖份子所劫持 。研究室發現﹐比以前科學家想的更容易﹐將H5N1病毒進化到﹐更容易在某些脯乳類動物間傳染。
The worry: That this research with lots of potential to help the public might also be hijacked by would-be bioterrorists. The labs found that it appears easier than scientists had thought for the so-called H5N1 bird flu to evolve in a way that lets it spread easily between at least some mammals.
中間大意是說﹐正在研究一套方案﹐滿足雙方 - 科學家希望將研究資訊完全分享﹐給世界同行做參考﹔對照政府希望不要公佈這些研究細節。
H5N1 has caused outbreaks in wild birds and poultry in a number of countries around the world. But it only occasionally infects people who have close contact with infected poultry, particularly in parts of Southeast Asia. It’s known to have sickened nearly 600 people over the past decade. But it’s highly deadly, killing about 60 percent of the time.