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这时我又把学校范围缩小为三个,分别是鹿特丹管理学院,阿姆斯特丹大学,格罗宁根大学。这三所学校均有人力资源管理专业,鹿大学费最贵要10000多欧,但是商科很出名;阿大综合排名高过鹿大,学费9000多欧,优势是整体知名度和地理位置;格大历史悠久,受荷兰皇室青睐,综合排名也是世界百强(虽然排名这个东西不可尽信,但是至少能反映学校的整体知名度)它的人力资源管理专业相对独立,因为其他学校HRM都是MSC IN BA里面的一个专业方向,但是格大却有单独的MSC IN HRM。这可以说明格大对HRM研究是比较重视的,但是格大的地理位置不如前两所。







参考资料费用,162 元(购买了剑桥雅思系列2、3,如何准备雅思考试,留学荷兰手册,留学荷兰年鉴)

成绩单 10份,200元

寄送雅思正式成绩5份 70元(因为是在考试之后三个月内寄送,所以不用付每所60的寄送费用。70元费用主要包括邮票信封快递费用,因为时间尚早,我要求大使馆用平信寄送成绩单,每封信贴了10元的邮票。)




NESO认证材料快递费,20元(注意:NESO认证目前还是免费的,只需要按要求寄成绩单学历学位的复印件给NESO BEIJING就可以了)







Bingo恋偶  海贼王  2006-1-16 04:21:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

irene-may  见习海盗  2006-1-16 04:25:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结


一、Cover Letter(申请材料的首页为一封材料清单,其他材料按清单顺序排列,显得整齐有序)

October 29, 2005
Admissions Office
Faculty of Economics & Faculty of Management and Organization
University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800/Landleven 5
Zernikecomplex, WSN building
9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands

Dear Sir or Madam:
It is my pleasure to enclose the completed application form and the required materials as list below:
1. The 2006-2007 Application Form MSc in HRM—completed
2. Certified copy of my secondary education diploma, including grades
3. Certified copy of my university diploma
4. Certified copy of my university transcript
5. Course Descriptions
6. Copy of my passport
7. Copy of my birth certificate
8. Copy of my IELTS test report form
9. Two letters of recommendation
Professor XX’s letter and Mrs XX’s letter are enclosed
10. Three passport-size Photos
11. Curriculum vitae
12. Certificate of Deposit from Bank of China (CNY228,000.00)
13. Motivation letter
14. Essay: Managing Successful Repatriation: a Career Management Perspective
Please consider my admission for your MSc in Human Resource Management for the 2006-2007 academic year. I appreciate your attendance.

Yours truly,
POBox57-022, High-tech Industrial Park Post office,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, 518057
Phone Number:
E-mail Address:



Personal Information:
Surname: Liu
First name(s): Jin
Address: POBox57-022, High-tech Industrial Park Post office,
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518057
Phone Number: +86-135-XXXX-XXXX
E-mail Address: XXX@yahoo.com.cn
Birth date: 1981 May 1st
Birthplace: Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Nationality: Chinese
1999-2003: Sichuan University
Major: Human Resource Management
Language of Instruction: Chinese
Degree: Bachelor
1996-1999: Shu De Middle School of Chengdu
Diploma: High School diploma

Work experience:
2003-now: XXXXX
Job description: Human Resource Assistant
Additional activities:
2000-2002: Head of the CI team of Student Union
2002-2003: Chairman of Comic & Animation Association
Academic Excellence Scholarship in 2001-2002 academic year
Excellent Employee Award 2003-2004
Other skills:
Linguistic skills: Chinese: native speaker, English: Fluent
Leisure activities:
Travelling, Photographing, Music, Movies, Cartoon character design

三、动机信(给欧洲的学校写动机信也要力求简洁,字数五六百就可以,不要超过两页纸。内容需要注意回答三个问题:1、为什么要选择你申请的专业?2、为什么要选择你申请的学校?3、你的未来职业规划。如果能谈一些对专业的独到认识和看法则更好。另外,一定要找native speaker帮忙润色。)

Motivation Letter

The idea of `Human Resource Management' (HRM) as an identified role or system within an organisation is new to China. Most Chinese enterprises have started to move away from `traditional' methods of personnel and labour administration, but they have yet to develop anything resembling the existing HRM systems of other, global enterprises.

Although the strategic importance of HRM to the enterprise is widely acknowledged, it is not reflected in the performance and responsibilities of the HR managers, who provide only a limited range of services, and are mostly concerned with issues of recruitment and salary. As a result, most companies here continue to focus exclusively upon products and deliverables; they ignore the `human element'.

If Chinese enterprises are to remain competitive as labour costs increase, and as the nature of their business evolves, they must start to build relationships with employees. HR managers will need to take on a more active role: participating in strategic planning and decision making, helping to balance the demands of production and delivery against the career needs of employees, looking at the impact of staff factors upon technical feasibility.

After two years' experience as an HRM specialist in a Chinese organisation, I have a good understanding of the problems that need to be addressed. In order that I might be better equipped to introduce new techniques, and encourage change, I would like to undertake a suitable programme of advanced study, such as RUG's MSc HRM.

I believe that my existing educational background and professional experience are good match for the requirements of the programme. I also believe that the objectives and outcomes of programme are good match for my own requirements, in terms of personal development and professional advancement in HRM. To be more specific, I feel that the MSc HRM will help develop further my understanding of the context in which HR specialists operates, together with the skills required to relate organisational aims and objectives to appropriate HR strategy, policies, and practice.

The comparative, international perspective provided by the programme is of particular interest to me. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn more about the experiences and practices of other business cultures, and I hope that I would be able make some contribution myself, on the basis of my own experience within business in China.

I also value the fact that RUG’s education does not stop at the business-related subjects, but rather pays much attention to social topics, which enable students to function within multidisciplinary management teams. I would like to choose application-oriented profile, since this option contains Applied HRM course, which offers possibilities to take a close look at a specific organisation with the aim of evaluating its HRM in order to get deeper understanding of Advanced HRM courses. Also, I am planning to choose Personnel Economics, Management Consultancy and International HRM as my electives, which I believe will stand me in good stead in my future career.

Upon completion of my studies, I would hope to secure a HR-related position with a global organisation with interests in China. My current career goal is to develop a business providing consultancy or partnership to organisations operating in the future Chinese business environment.
irene-may  见习海盗  2006-1-16 04:26:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

6 September 2005
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to recommend Ms. Liu Jin for acceptance into your graduate program.
I was Ms. Liu’s professor for courses in Organizational Behavior,Human Resource Evaluation,and Human Resource Development during her undergraduate years.I was also her tutor for her graduation thesis.Hence I pen my observations about her.A diligent student,she scored an average grade of over 90 on the 100-point scale in all the core courses I offered and she did a good job on her graduation thesis.
Besides her excellent academic performance,Ms. Liu contributed a lot to the various extra-curricular activities.She was head of the CI team of Student Union for about two years.She also joined many Associations and became an active member.As soon as she realized the Department of Human Resource Management was totally new to many people, she helped to design an informative website with some classmates to introduce the department to the outside world.
With a powerful aptitude for language,Ms. Liu is articulate in English.While trying hard to improve her own foreign language study,she organized an English Study Group,which consisted of students who had difficulties in English learning and gathered them every week to exchange study experiences.Since all the students in our department passed level 4 of the state-run College English Test,her efforts proved to be effective.
Knowing Ms. Liu’s excellent academic performance,strong organizational skills and friendly personality,I strongly recommend her for admission into your graduate program.  
Yours Sincerely

Professor & Head of Dept of HRM Sichuan University
POBox 079 Dept of HRM Sichuan University
Chengdu, Sichuan 610064, P.R.China
October 20, 2005
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am privileged to write in support of my dear assistant and friend, Liu Jin.
My first contact with Miss Liu was during the recruitment trip to Sichuan University in April 2003. She stood out from other talents and impressed me a lot with her great confidence, excellent communication skills and pleasant personality. Based on these merits, she survived the strict selection and was eventually picked out from 200 applicants.
Miss Liu has been working as my assistant for over two years, during which time she has demonstrated outstanding talents in the administrative sphere. She has not only assisted me in conducting almost every part of the personnel programme, but has also introduced many new managerial skills to the center. She enhanced management team productivity by organizing monthly meetings where accomplishments, problems and improvements were discussed. In addition, she helped me a lot in redesigning company policies, regulations and procedures for greater effectiveness. Further more, she conducted salary surveys and analyzed data used for compensation studies for the sake of establishing a competitive salary system. She even developed and conducted a successful new employee orientation programme and several in-house training programmes, which helped to improve work efficiency.  In order to boost staff morale and improve teamwork she organized many successful activities, for example staff outings, Karaoke contests and Chinese New Year Celebration Show.
Fortunately, too, Miss Liu’s administrative skill comes “packaged” in a friendly, witty, sincere and caring human being. Her personality is so delightful that she is with no doubt one of the most popular employees at our center. For her talented working ability, inspiring spirit and pleasing personality, she has been awarded the “Excellent Employee” every year she has been with us.
Frankly speaking, I am not surprised with her decision to study abroad for I knew she is an aspirant who will not stop on her path to success. Even though I am not happy to let her go and talked to her several times trying to persuade her to stay, her strong determination to challenge her intellectual height convinced me to write this letter. I am confident that, if selected for your programme, she will not disappoint, and probably will exceed your expectations.
Sincerely yours,
Director of HRM  XXX
所有材料都用A4纸单面打印,除了我的course description和论文,因为篇幅过长用了双面打印。字体一般设为Times New Roman 14号,两封推荐信格式要有点区别,字体也可以适当改动。推荐信要装入信封封好口,封口要有推荐人的签名。成绩单也要装进信封封好口,封口处有学校教务处或者系里的盖章。每份材料最好都加上页眉,注明姓名,出生日期,护照号码,国籍等信息。超过一页的材料要加上页码。材料打印出来后按清单顺序整理好,篇幅长的资料可以简单装订,所有材料装进透明密封文件带,附上护照照片两三张。不要进行复杂的包装,不要夹个人生活照片或者小礼物,更不要夹现金。如果是使用汇票支付申请费,要在清单里特别注明附有汇票。
最后建议大家最好使用国际快递,FEDEX, DHL都是很好的选择,不要为了省钱就忽略了材料寄送的安全快捷。像FEDEX和DHL都有网上实时查询系统,可以随时监控邮件递送情况,一般三个工作日就能送达。
guandi  见习海盗  2006-1-16 04:46:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国安徽芜湖

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

香樟林  初上贼船  2006-1-16 07:01:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

香樟林  初上贼船  2006-1-16 07:05:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏南京

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

peacer  ↗贵宾↗  2006-1-16 07:13:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国湖南常德

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

irene-may  见习海盗  2006-1-16 07:28:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东深圳

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

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zhouyinggu  中级海盗  2006-1-16 14:55:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: DIY申请成功的经验总结

我是在Hogeschool Drenthe读了半年预科,雅思5.5不知能不能在荷兰哪个学校读到本科,希望大家给你意见
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