我刚被utrecht university的master's in business informatics录取,现在考虑要不要来荷兰上学,因为听大家说荷兰,或者说欧盟国家毕业后很难找到工作,荷兰是不是和美国一样有一年的实习期签证? 大家周围有没有在荷兰毕业后顺利工作的朋友呢?我看了一些荷兰公司,飞利浦喜力啤酒等等,都是要求要很多年工作经验的,喜力网站上说他们也经常招毕业生,但是搜索空缺实习网址是荷兰语,我也没法继续看。中国人毕业后能去这些大公司工作么???一般留荷兰中国人都做哪些工作呢?我还被新泽西理工大学的compuer engineering 录取,现在不知道该如何选择了。T.T考虑到就业问题,恳请大家给点建议,不胜感激,谢谢!!!
-------UPDATE June 2016--------------------------------------------------------------
首先,我update一下我当年的决定。我当年最后还是选择去了美国,开学后上了两个星期我马上申请了退学,然后来到了荷兰,在UU完成了两年的business informatics的课程,在上学期间我进了荷兰的一家石油天然气公司实习,然后通过考核后现在也在那里工作了。总体来说,我基本实现了当年要在毕业后在当地工作的目标。至于会不会在荷兰一直居住下去这个问题这里我们不讨论,但是毕业后能在国外工作获得一点工作经验对于以后的发展(不管是回国还是在别的地方)都是很有利的。
Because I don't know the New Jersey institute of technology I can't compare them.
In Utrecht MBI students have a good job perspective in the Netherlands or abroad especially in (ICT)consulting and enterpreneurship.
Making friends should be easy because there is a lot of groupwork, and the Dutch are open and friendly. There wil also by other foreign students. Not being a native doesn't have to be a problem to find a job. English should be enough but it wil help if you speak Dutch.
Setting up a business in encouraged in MBI. There is a business incubator and a course on enterpreneurship.