本帖最后由 Yougee 于 2012-7-15 17:48 编辑
本人于7月10号email UU(乌大)小蜜询问新政问题,尤其点出要不要做所谓的“户口本双认证一定要做,必须有双认证”(某贴,此处请版主核实),得到学校International Office如下答复,与众战友分享之并解惑之!
Dear XXXX(此处略去两个字,呵呵)
Indeed the Embassy may have asked you to bring additional documents to collect your visa at the Embassy. (Embassies have their own policies regarding visa collection)
However, do not worry! To collect your VVR in the Netherlands you do not need to bring or show any additional documents, only your passport.
You have applied for your VVR already and will receive it after your arrival in September (date is yet to be announced at the Orientation Day), without any problems.
The only medical examination required for your VVR is the TBC test. But you must take this test after your arrival in the Netherlands and all information about the test will be given to you at the Orientation Day on September 6th.
Also you do not need to show any certificate of medical examinations to the customs. So please do not worry.
Dear XXXX,
It depends where you are going to live;
If you will be living in the city of Utrecht you do not need to bring a special document, but if you are going to live in a town outside of the city of Utrecht (i.e. Zeist, or Bilthoven, or Houten) then the city council may ask you for a birth certificate, so in that case it would be wise to bring this with you.