本帖最后由 ACSSNL 于 2011-6-17 12:34 编辑
全荷学联2011 年度 Schiphol机场迎接新生服务 各位即将来荷兰留学的同学们, Dear newcomers, 也许这是你们第一次离家远行,也许这是你们第一次独自前往陌生的国度,也许你们的父母和你一样对即将开始的旅程忐忑不安… 中国留荷学生学者联合会(全荷学联)将于8月21日(周六)和8月27日(周六),8月28日(周日)荷兰时间下午15:00 至19:00在阿姆机场Schiphol迎接各位的到来。 ACSSNL (The association of Chinese students and scholars in the Netherlands) is going to organize three picking-up services at the Schiphol airport. It might be very helpful for Chinese students. Volunteers from ACSSNL will meet the newcomers from 15:00 to 19:00 on Aug 21(Sat), Aug 27(Sat), and Aug 28(Sun) at the Schiphol airport.
届时,来自全荷学联总会的两位志愿者将于出关口处,为您提供指引,告诉您如何购买火车票,如何寻找站台,如何前往您所在的城市。 The ACSSNL volunteers will instruct the students how to buy the train tickets and how they can take the train to their target cities.
对于一些路途较远学校的学生,我们希望大家能集中订购此三日到达荷兰的机票。 For students who will live far away from Amsterdam, we do suggest them to buy the air tickets for these three days.
如下图: The volunteers will hold the board as below: 他们将为您解答任何问题,指引你前往目标城市。For any questions or confusions, please feel free to contact them.
请各位注意:全荷学联为志愿者组织,接新生服务是免费的,不收取任何费用,也不与任何留学中介或者学校挂钩。 Attention: ACSSNL is a volunteer organization. Picking up service is totally for free.
In order to prepare the itinerary for the newcomers, we suggest you to register yourself before Aug 16, 2011. Please email the following information to acssnl.main@gmail.com .
姓名Name: 性别Gender:Female/Male 航班号Flight Number: 前往城市Target city: 航班到达日期Arrival date:8-21 / 8-27/8-28 航班到达时间(荷兰时间)Arrival time (NL) :
全荷学联推出2011年《留学荷兰生活手册》 |