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The paperwork
In the Netherlands, to get married you must be over 18 years old (unless you are 16, female and pregnant with permission from your parents) and at least one of you must either be a Dutch national or you must both have residency. If neither of those options is applicable to you but you would still like to marry in the Netherlands you can contact the IND for a temporary visa, MVV

想要结婚的两人中至少一方是荷兰国籍或者你们两人都持有荷兰的居留卡。如果上述两种条件你们都不具备但还想在荷兰结婚,你们可以联系IND申请临时VISA, MVV.

Before you begin the process of registering your marriage there is some documentation you should have. If you or your intended is not Dutch, an EU or EEA citizen, or in possession of a valid residency card you must first contact the foreign police (vreemdelingdienst) and request a declaration (M46) from them, so that they do not object to the marriage. There are several other documents you will need: a valid passport, your residence visa, attested birth certificates (if not from the Netherlands), proof that you are single, and witness forms.
在申请结婚前需要准备材料。如果你或你想结婚的对象不是荷兰籍,不是EU或者EEA国籍,没有有效的居留卡你们必须先联系foreign police来获得一份M46表格。(M46从网上也可以下载)他们会进行调查来看你们的婚姻是不是shame marrige.当然即使他们持反对意见最终绝定你们是否可以结婚的不是他们。需要你们的有效护照,居留卡或者VISA,经过双认证的出生证明,荷兰籍的出生证明就不需要进行认证了。还有未婚证明。还有见证人需填的表格。

The process
You will need to have two witnesses to the marriage but you can have a total of four if you choose. The witnesses will need to supply you with a copy of their passports. Once you’ve gathered all the documents you must go to the town hall of the place where you live (gemeente) and enter into ‘ondertrouw’ which translates roughly to ‘intent to marry’. There are no costs for entering into ondertrouw but there are fees depending on when and where you get married and charges for the marriage documents you receive once you are married. Once you declare your intent to marry to the city you can be married after two weeks, but no later than a year from the date of declaration. The city acts as your adviser on how to proceed, and when you enter into ondertrouw they will let you know all of your options for wedding locations and give you a book called a trouwgid (wedding guide) with information on everything from florists to honeymoon suites. If there is any documentation you don’t have yet or that isn’t properly attested they will let you know.



[ 本帖最后由 juicybaby 于 2010-4-12 13:08 编辑 ]
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amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2009-6-6 21:46:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
juicybaby  海贼王  2009-6-6 21:53:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国
原帖由 amy57j 于 2009-6-6 22:46 发表

kor_yaya  初上贼船  2009-10-30 22:35:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
所以我有点搞不清楚这个顺序了,是先打结婚证还是先参加荷兰的公民测试?thank you!
juicybaby  海贼王  2009-10-31 00:22:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国
小猴子PP队长  四海霸王  2009-10-31 11:14:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 juicybaby 于 2009-10-31 01:22 发表

请问mm,我的那个出生双认证和未婚证明是几年前做的了,是不是得回国重新做2份新的啊? 我男朋友圣诞节之后过来(办的是探亲访友的签证),但是只会在荷兰待一个月哦,如果材料准备齐全的话,时间够么?
kor_yaya  初上贼船  2009-10-31 12:40:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
原帖由 kor_yaya 于 2009-10-30 23:35 发表
楼主啊,我有个问题啊,要是和荷兰人结婚是先参加公民测试还是先打结婚证呢?因为我男朋友(荷兰籍)告诉我,我要是和他结婚,先得参加荷兰的公民测试,而且有2次。还有就是就算生小孩,母亲如果不是荷兰籍公民,一样不可以住在荷兰,但是 ...

ID是什么意思?identity card?

[ 本帖最后由 kor_yaya 于 2009-10-31 13:41 编辑 ]
juicybaby  海贼王  2009-11-2 23:56:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国
原帖由 小猴子PP队长 于 2009-10-31 11:14 发表

请问mm,我的那个出生双认证和未婚证明是几年前做的了,是不是得回国重新做2份新的啊? 我男朋友圣诞节之后过来(办的是探亲访友的签证),但是只会在荷兰待一个月哦,如果材料准备齐全的话,时间够么? ...

juicybaby  海贼王  2009-11-2 23:57:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国
原帖由 kor_yaya 于 2009-10-31 12:40 发表

ID是什么意思?identity card?

orange1999  中级海盗  2009-11-3 02:13:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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