我正在给饶饶混合他的半固体食物,他一个人在盒子里躺着,然后忽然开始哼哼唧唧地叫“妈妈,妈妈”... 我担心我没听清,停下来看着他,他接着摆弄着手里的小玩偶,又继续“妈妈妈妈,妈妈妈妈妈妈”... 我马上意识到!今天!就是今天!我们家宝贝开始叫我妈妈了!我知道他不能百分之百肯定那是他呼唤我的方式,但是他开始明白他会因为他叫我“妈妈“这两个字开始得到更加直接的反应。并且那是妈妈经常向他重复的两个字,而且他已经知道他自己的名字是Noah。
我抱着他“哦我的宝贝我的天使我的心肝...mmmuah muah mmuahhh” 然后就打电话告诉我老公!
These days, I have been teaching Noah "mama". He has really paid good attention on my lips, how it shapes, how it moves... And today, he just cannot stop mumbling mamamammamamamama... henghengjiji a whole day. heheheee... shan told me i could start papa or baba now. i said not yet otherwise he could forget mama again. hahaha... haven't you heard that many babies actually start with calling papa/baba/gaga, instead of mama coz mama is more difficult to pronouce.
These few days, our little noah seems all at sudden being able to do lotta things... after i typed two words, looked back, he only had his little butt stuck out of the toillet. he totally crawled into the toillet! hahahaa... although he mostly still crawls like a tiger, with belly on the floor, he can really do it fast! especially when he sees my phone, camera, or a piece of wire lying on the floor. And, he can sit! in the very beginning, he can only sit with hands or one hand supporting himself on the floor. Then today, i tried to make him sitting playing his "gym", he did it! he used both of his hands hitting those little dinglingdingling! Amazing!
Yesterday, some friends told me, "I saw your blog, ur husband is such a sweet daddy! holding noah, hugging him so tight, playing with him, laughing together, letting him ride on him, kissing him.... how sweet.. look at those pics! ur husband loves noah soooo much!" I'm so weiqu... i do feel sweet that OO loves Noah so much, we are such a happy family. But, I have been the one getting up a few times, feeding Noah, comforting him every single night! - ever since his born till his half year. And I'm the one kinda giving up my career temporarily, staying at home stuck with almost all the trivials giving all my time to this little bald angel. But, I'm always the one holding camera... I wrote email whinning to OO saying if one day I left (knock knock the wood! and my head!) maybe our noah wouldn't even know how much mama loves him! and yesterday he started some mumbling like "buobuo buabua"... i said maybe noah would start with baba too. OO promised me he would take more pics for me and noah and noah would start with "mama". and today, it just came true!
You don't know how sweet it was at that moment! I was mixing noah's food, while he was "mamamama". I immediately stopped and jumped to him, helld him kissing him. oh my, it's just today! My baby called me mama!
(不是上文的翻译)我本身不是个凡事都耐心的人,跟老公是passion 加 right 让我这么个party animal 竟然很自然地稳定了下来做了贤妻良母;我个人认为我从party animal 时期就是知道自己想要什么的那种人,只是当时没碰上OO赫赫。。。 但是碰到OO后也给了他不少难题因为我原来不耐心而且挑剔。磨合和相互理解真的很重要,所以发自内心的爱就更重要。到现在,我们给最好对方最好的礼物就是饶饶(Noah)。而且我真的发掘出了一个耐心的我,我给饶饶的耐心真的是200%的,令我自己都惊奇。生活中的爱真地会改变人,而且有时候让你自己都觉得难以置信。我总是在想我的爱和我所作出的一切,对于我的宝贝会是一辈子的影响。
看,我的耐心“教导”,让他今天这么快就回报给我,意料中的惊喜。 |