Post by cucu;1965541
I knew it.
let me just put some words forehead: I believe:
Eventually you will get the offer, but later you will abandon it, because it's less interesting than your other offers.
Haha~~~ kai xin~~
to cucu shi jie:
Thank you so much for the positive words!! I will still have to wait 14 days for the news from Shell.
I am going to another interview with TNO on 6th Feb, and the one from Philips in March
The other day some 3 Dutch companies called me but they all spoke Dutch!!!! grrrrrrrrr
I even didn't remember their company names....haha
but...I will try to get in Shell really
I read your BLOG today, and I spent 3 hours reviewing all the contents in your Blog, which is absolutely an amazing experience for me to see how life can sometimes turn out unexpectedly challenging when waiting is killing a most robust nerve.
I absolutely understand your description when you were waiting for the news from HR, and I have to prepare myself for that too!!!
Shijie, I will call you or get in contact with you if I hear any news from Shell, and of course I will try to ask for some help from you, heyhey~~~
Thank Cucu again,hehehe~~~~
kai xin!!!