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madclaw    2007-9-24 23:02:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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madclaw    2007-9-24 23:03:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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amige  中级海盗  2007-9-24 23:42:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 教练班子

Post by madclaw;2582519
Filter  高级海盗  2007-9-25 00:13:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 无影腿-老Mou

Post by madclaw;2582512

waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-25 14:10:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: DCFF 迎来赛季首胜 一举超越老大哥DCF

Post by madclaw;2582170
DCF vs De bal kwijt
1:2 Zhou 36', Dutch 31', 45'

守门员陈辉,中卫CNing, 左边卫Zhou,右边卫WIP, 后腰XQ, 前锋Mou, ChenChao, 替补王睿换Chenchao.
对手分析:De bal kwijt 此队前场后场各有一名关键人物,其余人等实力一般,但配合娴熟。

DCFF v.s. De stoere krijgers
4:2 周转3', 陈辉33', 陈超42', 王睿55': Dutch 34' 37'
守门员王琪,中卫Xinan, 左边卫周转,右边卫LiuLi, 后腰陈辉, 前锋Ge, ChenChao, 替补王睿换Chenchao, Mou换Ge
对手分析:De stoere krijgers 身体强壮,无突出球员,球员个人能力平均且一般。

DCFF Win 1 Draw 0 Lose 1
DCF Win 0 Draw 0 Lose 2

Zhouzhuan 2
Mou 1
Chenhui 1
Chenchao 1
Wangrui 1

I think Chenchao scored more than 1, though other two goals were  for the oponent side.
waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-25 14:12:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

Post by Filter;2582495

Keep playing, keep training, and more important keep thinking.
waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-25 14:35:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

Commends about the last match:

For DCF, our performance is much improved. Now we can control the ball, especially in our half field. This is a big progress, which means that our oponent cannot keep attacking us as the usual case in last term.

Our weakness exists in how to pass the ball forward, how to create the space in the front for shooting, especially when the oponent already on their defending positions.

To solve this problem, we need passing our ball faster and more accurately under pressure. Our running should be more intelligent and cooperative. The cooperation in the front is still too lessl in our match.

In our later training, we should solve the following problem: "accuracy" in passing, "cooperative running".

Another important issue is still finishing. Our shooting need more practice.
waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-25 15:50:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

critism and self-critism:

For me, as centry middle, I still need run more. I will begin to work out this week to have better body condition. Also, I didn't control the pace well in the first match especailly when we fall into caos. I should ask ball more actively in the match to have more contribution to the team.
Also I will not try to blame directly anyone in the match, which might hurt and be useless for the performance.

For two forwards:

Chen chao perform much better than before, especially in the second match (same in the last week). Partially because he can perform more freedomly in the second match, partially because he got warm up in the first one. Two suggestions for hime:
First is to play more confidently. No matter who is the opponent, who is the teammate. Always believe you are the best . That is the character leads to success. Second , come to the field a little earlier, so that you can warm up, touch the ball, which is very important for the forward who have less chance to touch the ball during the match, but have to pass or control the ball accurately in the limited touch times.

Amige run into the space for shooting as fast as usual. Also actively back for defending. The quality of shooting is far from his average level, perhaps because of missing family near thel Mid-autumn. Another thing is that he didn't perform as required in our last training, which disappointed the whole coarch group. One suggestion for Amige, slow dow in passing and shooting, and be more confident with the ball (which is not a bomb that you try to throw it away as quick as possible) and you can find a even better chance for passing and shooting. You pace is much faster than others including your teammates, and you have to slow down a little to let others catch you. (Previous waxxch might catch your pace, howeve, he has already changed his pace as required by other teammates. Thus, nobody can follow u now).

For xiao chen:
The big improvement is his defending. Few dangerous attack of oponent end from his defending area. The ball control need more practice. Also, as the highest guy in DCF, he should have better performance in Head ball. One suggestion: when you in the front half, sometimes you can delibrately pass with a certain risk of catching by opponent. 100% save pass means 100% non-attacktive. The balance of risky and attacktive has to be experienced more.

For Zhou zhuan

Good goal, and good goal twice. Including one support in the last week, Zhou zhuan should be the best man in these two weeks. What else can we ask him more. He is still young. The hope of future DCF. We'd like to see zhou zhuan better skills later. One suggestion, please foul if your oponent over you. Play toughly. Otherwise, your oponent will always think you are weak at least in body condition. For the same reason, I always play toughly.

The only guy I can hardly commend is xiaoning, since he is always behind me. But the only thing I can say it is that with his support I can run forward more without worry about the defending, which suggests his good prejudgement and sense of position in the defending.
One own goal, and one dangerous shooting (still to our own door) showes his good sense in front of the door. Perhaps he wants to be a forward too. ( Bad influence from Amige)
madclaw    2007-9-25 17:06:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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我要黑桃  初上贼船  2007-9-25 17:57:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

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