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madclaw    2007-9-28 09:52:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-28 10:23:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

Any defending mode has its advantage and shortcoming as well!

If defending choose 1 vs 1 (盯人), attacking players can choose "exchange" position between "forwar" and "midfield" to defeat it.

If defending choose "field defending", attacking side can use the way of concentrating more people in one "field" to defeat it.

But anyway, everybody use the same way to defend is much better than thinking differently.

We need flexibility to change our defending mode too. However, when one changes, others should change the defending mode as well.
waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-28 10:38:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

[quote=madclaw;2589775]这里的关键点就是说, 此时正在向我方中路前插的前锋1的威胁远大于在边路拿球的前锋2,这么说就误会了我的意思啦,我说的前锋1位于前锋2的右侧,更靠近边线。

掌握好轻重缓急, 也就好理解该怎么盯人了,这句话过于笼统。因为轻重缓急是主观的判断,不同经验的人对于轻重缓急的理解是不同的。一个看球几十年的人理解的轻重缓急和一个 刚看球的人差很大的。我想大家如果和自己的女朋友或者非球迷的父母一起看过球,就会有感受,有时候,一个并不危险的球,他们反而很紧张。


I strongly agaist this understanding. It is really true Forward 2 is more dangerous. Who do u think should be respnsible to defend Forward 2 at this case? If there is no other attacking player in the middle. of course Cetry-middle player will catch Forward 2. If there is one attacking player as usual in the center , then what will be your choice?

The point is that where Forward 1 come from ? and the other point is that Can Side defender back to defender Forward 1 successfully, can he catch Forward 1 ? I don't think so . We should know that " passing is always quicker than runing + turning back". So, if side defender turn back to defend Forward 1 is unless and also cost more energy of runing, then how about he catch Forward 2 anyway?

My view is that, centry defending move to right side not too far but watch Forward 1 (Since Forward 1 is coming from his field). Left side defender still catch Forward 2. And right back and center middel back to protect the back of centry defending. Leave the far point empty ( thinking about where is the far point when the Forward 1 control the ball in our left corner, answer: take the position of ball controller Forward 1 as a centerl, half length of field as radius drawing a circle, outside this circle are all far points ) , allows attacking player pass ball in air (high ball ) to there.
madclaw    2007-9-28 10:47:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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W.I.P  四海霸王  2007-9-28 11:52:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)


我方才说的冲向中路的前锋的威胁远大于在边路拿球的人的意思是, 拿球的人在边路,离我方腹地较远, 中后卫有充足的时间去补位. 而一般来讲,从后面带球上来的人,直插中路的时候, 我方没有空余的人去盯防, 如果边后卫不跟, 他的位置就空出来了.

其实如果插向中路的前锋被中后卫或者后腰盯着, 这时边后卫去堵截边路拿球的人也是可以的. 关键是, 当对方在穿插跑动的时候, 我方的防守也应该是同步的, 目的明确, 职责分明的.

所以最好的办法, 是事先沟通好. 当对方二打一的情况出现时, 边后卫盯跑动的人, 中卫出击盯边路拿球的人, 反之亦然. 最糟糕的情况就是, 两个人都跑到外面, 或者两个都不敢顶出去.
W.I.P  四海霸王  2007-9-28 11:56:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

Post by waxxzh;2589828
Any defending mode has its advantage and shortcoming as well!

If defending choose 1 vs 1 (盯人), attacking players can choose "exchange" position between "forwar" and "midfield" to defeat it.

If defending choose "field defending", attacking side can use the way of concentrating more people in one "field" to defeat it.

But anyway, everybody use the same way to defend is much better than thinking differently.

We need flexibility to change our defending mode too. However, when one changes, others should change the defending mode as well.

这是最重要的, 也是最难做到的, 沟通, 训练, 态度, 合作一个都能少.
waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-28 14:04:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

Post by W.I.P;2590010
这是最重要的, 也是最难做到的, 沟通, 训练, 态度, 合作一个都能少.

which one ?
madclaw    2007-9-28 17:07:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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dehua23  四海霸王  2007-9-28 17:24:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

waxxzh  见习海盗  2007-9-28 19:50:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 代尔夫特中国人足球俱乐部专贴(DCF)

Post by madclaw;2590729

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