本帖最后由 大脸妹阿骁 于 2012-11-4 08:13 编辑
A certified copy(*) of your university diploma(s) and academic transcripts/records.
If the original documents are written in a language other than English, Dutch or German you will need to provide an official translation.
(*) A certified copy is a copy (often a photocopy) of a filed document, legal or other, which contains a seal that establishes the document is genuine. Thus, it should have a stamp (an original seal or embossed design) and signature stating that it is a true copy. A document may be certified by an official record keeper, a clerk/official of the university/school, or any other authorised person.
2. 成绩单要寄送原件吗?
3. certified copy是指公正了的成绩单?
4. 我自己拿了原件去公证处公正并翻译了成绩单,也就说我如果寄送成绩单是 被公正的成绩单 + 被翻译的成绩单,这样对吗?不用寄送原件了?
5.成绩单要seal,怎么seal? 公证处提供的公证件应该没有seal, 而我又不能跑回学校去让教务处seal?那我寄送给大学的成绩单到底应该怎么装啊?