关于au pair的定义,wiki上写得非常明确. 不管是哪种语言都没有说,au pair是寄宿生.
Een au pair is een persoon, meestal een meisje tussen 17 en 27 jaar, die een gezin helpt bij de verzorging van de kinderen en het huishouden voor minimaal een aantal dagen per week.
An au pair (plural: au pairs) is a domestic assistant from a foreign country working for, and living as part of, a host family. Typically, au pairs take on a share of the family's responsibility for childcare as well as some housework, and receive a small monetary allowance for personal use. Au pair schemes are subject to government restrictions which specify an age range usually from late teens to mid to late twenties. In Europe, where the concept originated, au pairs are only supposed to work part time, and they often also study part time, generally focusing on the language of the host country, but in the United States, they are permitted to provide full time childcare.
互惠生 (“Au Pair”源于法语),意思是“平等的”和 “互惠的”。加入计划的青年与寄住家庭在一个互惠互利的关系上生活。寄住家庭为互惠生提供一切生活所需,每月更会给予他们零用钱。相反地,学生则为家庭照顾孩子做简单的家务。互惠生一般是年青的女孩子,有时候是年青的男孩子,被寄住家庭视为家庭成员之一。在计划期内,学生与家庭对于对方的文化都需要给予莫大的尊重和容忍。