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xiao-jaap  四海霸王  2011-2-21 14:10:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 Vitalia 于 2011-2-20 16:39 发表
今年开始跟银大 吓大交换本科生了 貌似在祖果大地的知名度指日可待了~~~啊hiahia~~~

Haha, you really know everything about UM. I really want to meet you in Beijing or in Dalian.
SBE has student exchange programmes with Xiamen University, Renmin University of China, Sun Yat-Sen University (Lingnan College), Shandong University, Shanghai Jiaotong University (Antai) and Beijing University(Guanghua).
Vitalia  高级海盗  2011-2-22 10:24:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国河北廊坊

回复 31# xiao-jaap 的帖子

Haha~~ I have already regarded myself as a member of UM so I often pay close attention to the information on the website. But it seems not enough for me~ I am looking forward to meeting you in Dalian. I really wanna know more about my future study in SBE~
cheerl  版主  2011-2-23 03:06:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国湖南长沙
我被2011年秋季的SBE——economic finance录取了,是master,各位前辈能不能告诉我马大这个专业的就业前景怎么样啊?还有,在马大能不能考CFA啊?谢谢各位啦。我的QQ是525954286,大家加我,一起交流一下吧~~~
xiao-jaap  四海霸王  2011-2-23 11:41:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 Vitalia 于 2011-2-22 10:24 发表
Haha~~ I have already regarded myself as a member of UM so I often pay close attention to the information on the website. But it seems not enough for me~ I am looking forward to meeting you in Dalian. ...

Sweet! Then I see you in Dalian soon
xiao-jaap  四海霸王  2011-2-23 11:45:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 cheerl 于 2011-2-23 03:06 发表
我被2011年秋季的SBE——economic finance录取了,是master,各位前辈能不能告诉我马大这个专业的就业前景怎么样啊?还有,在马大能不能考CFA啊?谢谢各位啦。我的QQ是525954286,大家加我,一起交流一下吧~~~ ...

Economics Finance is quite challenging, but will give you a promising career, if you are interested in working for investment bank, big 4, etc. A current Chinese student has just got an offer from Campgmini in Utrecht.

Of course, you can take CFA text while you are studing here. Check the website of CFA and find a closest location for your exam.
小猴子PP队长  四海霸王  2011-2-23 20:06:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复 30# Vitalia 的帖子

realpkp  初上贼船  2011-2-24 03:49:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国湖南长沙
原帖由 xiao-jaap 于 2011-2-21 14:10 发表

Haha, you really know everything about UM. I really want to meet you in Beijing or in Dalian.
SBE has student exchange programmes with Xiamen University, Renmin University of China, Sun Yat-Sen Univ ...

这个是CHINA TEAM的怒力结果吧。 我觉得交换项目这玩意应弄到百度百科里去。毕竟能侧面反应学校实力。毕竟大家都会百度下学校~
Vitalia  高级海盗  2011-2-24 05:54:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁营口

回复 36# 小猴子PP队长 的帖子

具体指到啥份儿上 咱就不知道了~~哈哈 至少去年还是重庆大学 今年可以扩展到国内更有名的学校了
xiao-jaap  四海霸王  2011-2-24 09:46:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 realpkp 于 2011-2-24 03:49 发表

这个是CHINA TEAM的怒力结果吧。 我觉得交换项目这玩意应弄到百度百科里去。毕竟能侧面反应学校实力。毕竟大家都会百度下学校~

Good idea!! I will talk to our team about this.
rwrwo1716  见习海盗  2011-3-22 12:02:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江西南昌
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