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HHU to THU: The Hague University of Professional Education

3 May 2003

Readers should note that effective 26 April 2003, the new logo/text reads "The Hague University of Professional Education".

The text change was made to eliminate several points of confusion for non-NL readers. The old "Haagse Hogeschool University of Professional Education" was frequently mis-interpreted to mean high school, when in fact the proper translation was "higher" school, i.e., polytechnic.

The word Haagse also proved difficult for non-NL speakers to pronounce. And as one member of the Graduate Studies Center's Employers Advisory Forum pointed out, it was sending a mixed message to all audiences, two Dutch words (Haagse & Hogeschool) in an English-language study; MBA, MAAC, as well several of the institutions undergraduate studies that offer complete 3-4 four studies entirely in English.

Additionally, the acronym HHU will be replaced with THU.

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