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clate  中级海盗  2008-9-8 15:08:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请教保险的问题 急

Post by annaqianqian;3429867
啊哈 楼上这个yes是针对哪个问题呢~~~


You need 'basic health insurance', not student insurance such as AON/IPS, once you start working, even only part-time. And you can buy student insurance for six months and change into basic health insurance when you start working.

Basic health insurance  costs more, from 65 EURO to 90 something per month, depending on how much own risk you are willing to take. You will get about 35 EURO per month from government as a subsidy for low incomes workers. Officially, you break the law, so called 'new insurance act', by using student insurance with part-time jobs. But I think many foreign students ignore that. You may not get a fine now, due to the bereaucracy, but you may get a huge bill when you get caught several years later.
annaqianqian  见习海盗  2008-9-9 22:26:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 请教保险的问题 急

Post by clate;3435682
You need 'basic health insurance', not student insurance such as AON/IPS, once you start working, even only part-time. And you can buy student insurance for six months and change into basic health insurance when you start working.

Basic health insurance costs more, from 65 EURO to 90 something per month, depending on how much own risk you are willing to take. You will get about 35 EURO per month from government as a subsidy for low incomes workers. Officially, you break the law, so called 'new insurance act', by using student insurance with part-time jobs. But I think many foreign students ignore that. You may not get a fine now, due to the bereaucracy, but you may get a huge bill when you get caught several years later.

Thanks a lot for your answering
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