Post by 约塞连;3313131
但是就这么算了吗?如果不能在荷兰打官司,真不知道怎么保护自己的权益。我现在是进退两难呀。 Regarding the insurance, i believe it is possible for you to get one from now on. However, you need to claim your illness beforehand and also pay attention to their clauses relevant to invadility. And the insurance company will charge you more based on your illness coz you have higher risk above average.
It is fine for you to inform your potential employers about your illness. Some will be scared by that, but some wonot. However, even for those who hire you, it doesnot mean they will cover all your expenses and no influence on your employment if one day you are ill.
Btw, you can go to your local labour arbitration bureau if you hold citizenship in big cities in China. That institution is within local labour bureau. Maybe they can help you to some extent. However, no guarantee from me, coz i never read your employment contract.
The priority you should focus on is your health. That is "1" in front of all those "0" in your whole life. Enjoy your happiness. |