因为我看ind网上有一个表格写了虽然是bepaaltijd也算非临时的居留= 家庭类居留这样,
The following purposes of stay are non-temporary:Adopted or related foster child, if the family member you are staying with is a Dutch, EU/EEA or Swiss citizen. Or, if this family member has a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose of stay. Paid employment*. Work on a self-employed basis. EC long-term resident. Stay with a family member, if the family member you are staying with is a Dutch, EU/EEA or Swiss citizen. Or, if this family member has a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose of stay.(这是我的情况)自身是家庭居留,伴侣为永居卡。 Holder of a European Blue Card. Highly skilled migrant. Permanent stay. Continued residence. Re-entry 摘自ind 官网。 (注:paid employment需有三个月水单,以及在申请时持有一年以上有效期合同)