below from ibgroep
If you intend to take up a higher education course in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for a student grant in the form of a performance grant, a loan and an OV-studentenkaart.
You are eligible for a student grant if you meet the following criteria:
- you are under 30 years of age
- you are Dutch *
- you attend a full-time or dual hbo course or a university study.
When you are an exchange student (and therefore not registered at a Dutch Institution of education) you are not entitled to a study grant.
* If you do not have Dutch nationality, but do live in the Netherlands, you may be eligible for a student grant in some cases. Follow the nationality chart to find out whether you can apply for a student grant. If you do not meet the nationality criteria, you may be eligible for a grant for tuition fees as a subject of a EU/EER country.
[url=http://javascript<b></b>:extrawindow('/studiepunt/nationaliteitenschema/natschema.asp?taal=en',710,360,10,10,'no')][/url] |