布朗尼算是非常简单的甜点 基本上就是巧克力+黄油溶化 + 糖+ 鸡蛋打匀 筛面粉 入烤盘200度25分钟
无需打发 所以基本没有什么技术难度 布朗尼佐咖啡是下午茶的经典美味 表皮香脆 内里湿润 还有核桃的坚果香 搭配微苦香浓的咖啡 相信任何一家咖啡馆都不会放弃它~~ 不过,布朗尼因为加入了大量的黄油和巧克力 所以热量惊人 大家吃的时候悠着点儿哈~
黑巧克力80g 黄油100g 糖 150-160g(视个人口味) 蛋2个 面粉 55g 可可粉20g 盐一小撮 BP1/4 tsp
1 巧克力溶化 +黄油混合溶化搅拌
2 加糖拌匀, 分4次加入鸡蛋液 混合成糊状
3 所有粉类混合过筛 用刮刀切半成面糊
4 加入核桃粒
5 放入垫烘培纸的烤盘,入已预热的烤箱 190度25分钟至 表面轻拍无浮动感(没有POPO的声音)
Classic Brownie
Dark Chocolate 80g
Butter 100g
Caster sugar-preferably vanilla sugar 160g
2 Large eggs
Plain flour 55g
Baking powder 1/4 teaspoon
Cocoa powder 20g
1 pinch of Salt
100g/4oz walnuts, chopped
some whole walnuts and almond slice for decoration
1 Preheat the oven to 190'C/350'F
2 Melt the butter and chocolate, mix finely
3 remove from the heat and add sugar, mix
4 Add the eggs one at a time, beating them in thoroughly. (make sure the temprature of the liquid mixture is lower than 40'C before add egg)
5 Mix all kinds of powder (Cocoa power, B.P,Flour and Salt). Sift them together into 4 and add nuts.
6 Pour the mixture into a greased 20cm square cake tin. (I prefer using Baking paper)
7 Add some extra nuts on surface (optional), bake for 25 minutes
8 Cool in the tin. Cut into 5cm in squares when cold
Enjoy !
[ 本帖最后由 shine_zheng2008 于 2009-7-13 18:37 编辑 ] |