USA (Duke/Michigan/UIUC etc.):
0-5.4 Fail
5.5-6.5 D/C-
6.6-6.9 C/C+
7.0-7.5 B/B+
7.6-8.0 B+/A-
(Cum Laude shall be awarded to weighted average of 8.0-8.3 or higher with additional requirements/c.a. top 5%)
8.1-8.5 A/A+
(Summa Cum Laude shall be awarded to weighted average of 9.0 or higher with additional requirements/less than 1%)
8.6-10 A+
UK (Oxford/Cambridge/LSE/IC/UCL):
6.0-6.9 UK 2:2
7.0-7.9 UK 2:1
8.0+ UK1:1