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The Chinese Agro-Food market is huge, rapidly developing and offers a lot of opportunities for Dutch companies. Joining forces with local Chinese companies will increase your success in China dramatically.

On July 7th more than 60 Chinese Agro-Food companies will visit the Netherlands to meet you as their potential counterpart during the “Sino-Dutch Agro-Food Matchmaking Business Event”.

Organized by Bank of China and the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency, more than 100 companies from both countries in the field of Agriculture/Horticulture and Food processing will meet together and discuss direct cooperation possibilities.

All business partnerships established at this event will get the special one-stop-shop financial service provided by Bank of China. With their global network and rich experience of cross-border cooperation, a very fruitful result could be expected.

POSITION: VoluntaryTranslator

TIME: 7th July
PLACE: Rotterdam

If you are interest in this postion, please fill in the following form and send back to service.nl@bankofchina.com
* please do not forget to fill in the following form

150528 Volunteer registration form.xlsx

10.99 KB, 下载次数: 340

Sino-Dutch Agro-Food Business Event.pdf

497.1 KB, 下载次数: 399

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