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版主, 希望你不要封杀此贴。 本来觉得似乎没有什么必要这么做, 不过看来Ceilinholland的帖子, 觉得有些话还是说清楚的好! 不然被人骂成“卖国贼”不是太冤了么。 首先, 复制此人的帖子如下,含本人的红字批注:

         作者: 一冰
      刚   刚一位荷兰朋友在我的推荐下到鹿特丹的华南行购买中国烹饪调味料归来; 问其是否卖得正确得品牌,是否遇到麻烦.. 这位朋友告诉我东西倒是很容易得买到了,   不过他感觉在付款台前的收银员小姐非常不友好. 我忙询问发生了什么不愉快, 这位荷兰朋友解释到, 在其付款前以及之后, 他都用荷兰语和其打招呼,   "hallo" "Tot ziens" , 但这位中国年轻女士净毫无反应, 我的这位朋友感觉非常不可思议.
  此时我倒是很容易的设想出了当时的情景; 不过还是替自己的同胞辩解道, "也许其不会荷兰语, 没有听清你的问候". 荷兰朋友被我的解释逗笑了,   问我" 连"hallo""都听不懂么?", 用他的话形容此遭遇--"raar"(古怪的)   . 此时我倒是哑口了...
  其实这个事情讲出来, 也只不过是个小插曲而已; 我断定我的这位荷兰朋友很快也把其忘到九霄云外去了. 不过不知道为什么, 却在我心里耿耿于怀, 难以忘却. 姑且全让我们推断华南行的这位小姐当时不过一时走神儿,   没有留意; 或许碰巧其心情不好, 与男朋友刚刚斗过嘴; 或者其没有注意到此位顾客不是已经那些习惯冷面孔服务的同胞们;再或许她听力障碍, 也未可知...

Ever since when we were still little babies in the cradles, our parents have constantly taught us the traditional values in life that we should live up to, values that including loving our country, respecting working people, expressing gratitude when someone help you, and showing understanding when others are depressed. These are just a few examples of the true genius that has preserved our nation and our people for over 5000 years, long before the Europeans made out of ignorance. The greatness of China is ingrained in our blood, melted in our flesh, it sustains our national life, and unifies us, all of us, under one common name – “the Descendants of Dragon”. Our unique strength and wisdom, our tolerance and endurance are far beyond your shallow Dutch friend’s perspective. Instead of saying this is a time for us Chinese to grasp politeness; I would rather prefer to call this moment the time for the Dutch to open his eyes, to penetrate the surface, to learn why we Chinese can form a single country larger than the entire Europe, while their country is only a tiny dot on the map. And let me be clear, our presence here should not be mistaken for worship, we come here in search of openness and knowledge, we didn’t come here for their prejudice or false pride, now or ever.

我不明白你此段歌颂祖国诋毁dutch的描述意欲何为,中国文化的博大精深,或者荷兰国家面积的TINY, 两者有什么逻辑关系么?

dear LouZhu, with all due respect, now let me ask you something. When you agreed with your superficial Dutch friend to criticize one, or a group of your fellow countrymen, had it ever occurred to you that we bear the same passport? 是否持同一护照和我原贴有什么必然的逻辑关系?为什么你要定义我的朋友就“superficial"; 只是因为其受到不礼貌的待遇, 却“忘记”失礼者是来自具有五千年文化遗产的文明古国?Had it ever crossed your mind that we are on the same boat? Had it ever cropped up to you that each of us is just one fraction of the 1.4 billion Chinese? 对不起, 我没有忘记我是中国人! 不过我看不出作为一个中国人我做了什么不对的地方。朋友在购物归来顺便向我讲述其不愉快的经历; 难道只是应为我的朋友是荷兰人,而其描述的对象是中国人我就应该和我的国人stay in the same boat? And I feel extremely puzzled, since you seemingly have the tremendous bravery and upright justice to bring this issue up, to stir some troubled water, why didn’t you show up the same bravery or courage to at least defend our national pride when it was sabotaged by a foreigner? 本人十分感谢你鼓励, 我倒是谈不上‘brave or courageous" ,只不过听到了这个小插曲,把它描述出来, 警醒他人也告诫自己而已。 Why didn’t you recount to your Dutch friend the vast prominence of our country? Why didn’t you just stand up say something and remind him that he was making a hasty generalization? 我不知道为什么你要我在当时的情景下要向我的 荷兰朋友叙述”伟大中国的博大精深“。。为什么我要“站出来”指责其“草下结论”。 对了, 不知道你是如何推断, 这位荷兰人“makeing a hasty generalization”. 他说什么了? 我又在原贴里转述什么“草率的普遍化定论了?” And now, after you failed to protect our country’s reputation, after you acted cowardly, after you shirked your citizen obligation, you want to shift public attention and blame your countrymen who worked so hard to live up to our traditional values. My dear friends, if you don’t call this treason, then I don’t know what treason is.

你的这段表述, 我读后十分气氛,不由得想骂人。 为什么你要说我“叛国”, 说我“胆怯”。 我做了什么投敌卖国的事情了, 你凭什么指责我?!只是因为一个荷兰顾客在华南行遇到不礼貌的待遇,你(作为一名华南行的员工)就如此不能容忍我把其经历贴出来。 是我“卖国”“怯懦的逃避公民义务” 还是你过于神经敏感, 小肚鸡肠。
What is wrong about working in a Chinese supermarket anyway? Why should we be subject to public criticism? Why should the working people be judged by those who depend on our service? And, deep, deep down, why are we here? On the other side of this continent, thousands of miles away from home, struggling in the chilly wind blowing from the equally cold Atlantic ocean?

此段文字更是逻辑不通。 我并没有指责或者蔑视在中国超市工作的员工啊。为什么一个针对个别人不当行为的帖子, 你倒是要“扩大化”为“public criticism". 你问“Why should the working people be judged by those who depend on our service?”我想答案很简单, 因为顾客是”上帝“。 如果顾客不对你的服务进行评断, 我倒是不明白你希望谁来judge? 另外对于你绘声绘色的工作环境描写“On the other side of this continent, thousands of miles away from home, struggling in the chilly wind blowing from the equally cold Atlantic ocean”又是把我搞得一头雾水。这和你对我的指责有生么必然的逻辑关系么?

I think, we are here because we have a faith, we have a belief. We believe that in a fair world, hard work will be rewarded; we believe that all the hardship and suffering we are undertaking today is making up to something, something sweet; we believe that life is not about where we started, but where we are going. And, I also believe, personally, all the people who have spoken here, no matter you’re against us, or support us, to some extent, we all want the same things. We all want better education, safe social condition, mutual understanding and respect, higher living standards, a decent job, a promising future. We all want the same things. Our difference is, however, about how we can best achieve these things, how we can make dreams come true.
热烈鼓掌,也佩服你的雄心壮志; 不过似乎倒是忘了”虚心谨慎,自我批评“。。

And now please let me tell you something about the students work in Wah Nam Hong, I know you have heard some mixed views about them in the past few days, now let me tell you something I know of them, something under surface and may yet be unknown to you. I’ve worked with them, most of them, for nearly three years, they’re all good students, they may not necessarily be the best, but they are all diligent, smart, and conscientious. They go to classes, do projects, prepare exams, they are all but any of you might ever hope for in a student. They all love our country, love our countrymen, they all share the sincere wish to dedicate to our country someday, to make China a better place. They all miss their families, their parents, their old friends who have been left behind at home. They all know that life is endless of making choices, and for every choice we make, there is a responsibility we must carry along. They may feel tired sometimes, may be impatient some time, may even be impolite at times, but those bad moments which are just inevitable for any human being wouldn’t change a bit of their decent character underneath. Some of them come from humble background, and some of them are from quite privileged families, but they all signed for the same contract, they all made the same choice to take this 8-Euros-an-hour job to make sure the rest of you can have a merry Christmas. Because of the sacrifice they made, because of the opportunity cost they have chosen to forgo, some of the people here who do not have a sense of appreciation could have the luxury of time and words to judge them. It’s a shame, indeed.
感谢你对于在超市打工的同学的介绍, 对于他们热忱的工作,努力学习, 日后报效祖国的决心我没有丝毫怀疑; 不仅如此, 还十分敬佩。
I didn’t mean to write down these words to assign any individual blame, or to provoke further dispute. Yet I couldn’t help but to make myself clear, the disturbing, even abusive words I have seen here was a slap on my face, since me too, is just one of those Wah Nam Hong workers they asserted to be rude. I also wanted to lay off during holidays, I also wanted to hang out with my friends, drink some beer, play some video games, or watch some relaxing movies. Yet I didn’t do those things. I worked. I worked for 5 back-to-back days before the clock stroke for New Year. Because I know, the more financial burden I put on my shoulders, the less are left for my parents. And like I said, I’m just one of them, one of all my dear Wan Nam Hong co-workers whom I feel so honored and so proud to call brothers and sisters.

My dear friends, I’m not asking you to agree with me, I’m not asking for your thanks, I’m not asking for your sympathy. I’m merely revealing the things behind the curtain, and entreating for your understanding and respect. And I’m sorry, if I’ve ever treated you badly when I was at work, please forgive me for having a harsh moment. Life is never easy for us in this foreign land, where economy is sluggish, government is greedy, and people are disconnected, yet even as so, there is one last thing we can do to make life a bit easier for ourselves: to replace apathy and disapproval with caring and magnanimity.
我相信每个人都有每个人自己的故事和经历, 无论其工作背景或者居住条件如何, 人人平等。 我没有贬低任何人, 也没有藐视任何工作群体的意思。 工作的辛苦, 生活的不容易,不是我们犯错的借口。 话又说回来,我原贴里所描述的正如我所说”是个小插曲“, 说出来很多人也又同样的经历, 不过认为其小也就默许了。 我也许过于”敏感“, 只是希望那些"习惯了的”人们或者那些认为“无所谓”的看客们,能够予以警示。说一声HALLO一声goodbye, 不是很难, 可是由于个别人的无所谓,或者是疏忽, 却给一位顾客造成了不愉快。 也许这位顾客是第一次在中国店消费或者 其也比较“敏感”。。 那么为什么不能把不习惯变为习惯哪, 几声不费力的问候, 损耗不了什么, 却温暖了对方的心。我觉得这要比那些高调来的要实在。
After all, in this ubiquitous Chinese community that we all involve, it’s our traditional values that matter most of all


哇哇哇打到埋哩  四海霸王  2006-1-7 19:00:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland


福晋  高级海盗  2006-1-7 19:05:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

说一声HALLO一声goodbye, 不是很难, 可是由于个别人的无所谓,或者是疏忽, 却给一位顾客造成了不愉快。 也许这位顾客是第一次在中国店消费或者 其也比较“敏感”。。 那么为什么不能把不习惯变为习惯哪, 几声不费力的问候, 损耗不了什么, 却温暖了对方的心。我觉得这要比那些高调来的要实在。
以后无论谁来到华南行,都会听到我们亲切的问候,不过还是那就话,我们的态度depends on 你们的回应,你好或者再见,谁也不能要求我们的心里真的想着你,或者再见到您
福晋  高级海盗  2006-1-7 19:38:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

Post by 哇哇哇打到埋哩

哇哇哇打到埋哩  四海霸王  2006-1-7 20:02:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

cellinholland  初上贼船  2006-1-7 21:12:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

Like I said, I didn't set out to write those words to assign any individuel blame, we all live in a free world, a world where everybody has the inalienable rights to say what we think, write what we think, without  the fear of retribution or retaliation. I wrote those words with only one single purpose - to reveal part of my everyday life, to introduce the hard side of capitalism. Well, I understand very well if you don't agree with me, or even found me to be offensive, after all, different people hold different opinions. The truth is, you don't necessarily need to agree with me, but at least you know where I stand, just as I know what kind of values you stand for. Agree to disagreement is pretty much a commonplace occurrence in our life, further dispute or bickering would only be a waste of time, something that none of us is flush in...
猪头多  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2006-1-7 21:18:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

一冰  中级海盗  2006-1-9 09:23:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

Post by cellinholland
Like I said, I didn't set out to write those words to assign any individuel blame, we all live in a free world, a world where everybody has the inalienable rights to say what we think, write what we think, without  the fear of retribution or retaliation. I wrote those words with only one single purpose - to reveal part of my everyday life, to introduce the hard side of capitalism. Well, I understand very well if you don't agree with me, or even found me to be offensive, after all, different people hold different opinions. The truth is, you don't necessarily need to agree with me, but at least you know where I stand, just as I know what kind of values you stand for. Agree to disagreement is pretty much a commonplace occurrence in our life, further dispute or bickering would only be a waste of time, something that none of us is flush in...

free world-- 并不代表可以对人进行肆意的攻击,如果你稍微有些基本常识和礼节, 就应该就你的不当言行道歉。说声“sorry"我想不是很难吧。 对你指责我”叛国“”怯懦“至今你都不能提出令人信服的理由证据。如果只是因为我在一个外国人指出我们自己同胞的错误的时候没有如你所说的”站出来“反驳他,嘲笑其'superficial",或是向老外”宣扬中国五千年的文化,历史的博大精深“, 予以鄙视老外其代表民族的”文明短暂“”国土面积狭小“等等...我倒是对你所谓的”叛国“有了新的认识。 如果一个人连承认自己错误的勇气都没有, 只能说明你自己的无知和狭隘。如果一个人连容忍别人批评的勇气都没有, 更说明你的浅薄和鄙俗。

当然你对于我的回帖,大可以“浪费时间”为理由不必回应; 不过孰是孰非,自然有公论。 只是奉劝你在国外不要时时动用你狭隘的“爱国主义”,连承认自己同胞错误的勇气都丧失了。提醒你:中华民族的五千年历史也包括勇于承认错误, 改正自我的良好美德。

附加: 本人对于你的英文不敢恭维,初看洋洋洒洒大篇文章,很是卖弄文笔; 细看词不达意,逻辑混乱。(如果此处你不同意, 本人随便引用你的两句”
I wrote those words with only one single purpose - to reveal part of my everyday life, to introduce the hard side of capitalism.“ 请问哪里描述或者介绍所谓的your everyday life or hard side of capitalism了??? 怎么突然间你倒是把自己的帖子提升倒表述资本主义hard side的高度了。另外再如 ”I didn't set out to write those words to assign any individuel blame,“ 你是不是也忘记了你指控我'TREASON""CORWARD",外加称那位经受不礼貌待遇的荷兰人”SUPERFICIAL“, 怎么,如果这还不算”assign any indiviuel blame"?我倒是对你逻辑思维能力表示怀疑, 或者你连基本的英文词汇含义还没有掌握)--如果你“爱国”,倒是希望你用自己民族的语言和我交流。 对了,也许你会说自己的PC没有中文输入。。。不过用英文打出“sorry"应该不是很难吧。如果这个英文词汇你还不会 你倒可以尝试用荷兰文输入。

异教徒罗刹  海贼王  2006-1-9 13:31:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

cellinholland  初上贼船  2006-1-10 21:55:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: CeilinHolland

Oh, my God, if you think I would ever apologize for putting my country in a superior posititon, you're dead wrong...And for your information, if it was eventually up to me to choose between being a compassionate pacifist and being a hundred-percenter nationalist, I would not hesitate one moment to prefer the latter...
P.S.: I keep using English all the time because some of my co-workers from Wah Nam Hong who were born here are not able to read Chinese, yet I think they have the right to know what's going on as well, since your Dutch friend accused all of us having "attitude problem" extensively, and it would save us a lot of trouble too if you can just write in English...Oh, by the way, after hearing your extremely fresh preaching recently, all my friends are so eager to meet you personally, so, what do you say?
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