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xiaokousu  见习海盗  2005-9-13 09:01:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 订到房子了,怎么那么贵呀?

Post by indream
哈哈谢谢!没想到你这么快回消息啦?~ 到了以后就先去找你们,你还是住st3-28吧。我的msn:xiaoma1213@hotmail.com。方便的话加我一个吧:)

yesterday maaike(student manager)told us that you and a spainish will come to our house this month.my friend and i are happy about it ,i told my friend that i have seen your message in ggd.so they asked me to tell them more about you ,so could you tell me something about youself,such as name ,which city are you in ,girl or boy,and anything you'd like to let me know.
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