大家好,我是莱顿大学 Film and Photographic studies 专业的研究生申请人,于2011年11月收到了学校发来的l录取通知书。 学校之前一直跟我联系,我也已经办理好了今年9月份入学的签证,做了出生证明和户口的三种双认证,我自己也在莱顿订好了住宿,买好了8月27号飞往阿姆的机票。
但是就在8月20日晚上21:06的时候,我收到了学校国际项目办公室的来信,说由于我没有参加入学考试,无法按时在9月份入学。现在学校要求,必须要先参加入学考试,在考试成功通过后才能获得 unconditionally admitted 的资格。学校联系人说要取消我现有的签证资格,在我顺利通过考试以后,再在11月的时候重新帮我申请签证,并且不免除所有申请费用。
I will further look into this matter and see if you can start with the program in February. Your visa will be valid for 6 months, so you might be able to travel to Leiden in December. Please check until which date your visa is valid. If you do not wish to start in February or if you wish to arrive in Leiden later than December, then I regret to inform you that I need to cancel your current visa and if necessary apply for a new one in November, which means you will have to pay your visa fee again.
I am very sorry that you are to notified you this late. Please inform me if you would like to start in February and I will look into the possibilities.
小红花 +3