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waterdew  高级海盗  2012-6-22 18:26:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
ssfounder 发表于 2012-6-22 15:57
cbr给我取消了,我瞎编了个理由说是出差一个月,所以没法考这种理由,然后发了个邮件给那边,那边就免费 ...

hello i am not with my own laptop so i cant type chinese.
nice to know that you finally cancelled ur exam.

i am not sure how it works as a system but when i cancelled my TTT, i got a confirmation which said that my TTT was cancelled, i didving instructornt give any reason, i just told Said that i couldnt do it due to my own schedule. but it was a long while ago.

but to be honest, I authorized my driving instructor in almost the last minute, after 30 hours of lessen and I did not buy any package, just pay like 100 euro more but i ensure my own rights and profits.

but anyway, I have to say, your instructor is really shit, he doesnt have the right to keep you on hold without giving any response. and I highly reccomand you to go to some trusting instructor.

good luch with ur driving!

Fiona!  高级海盗  2012-7-11 00:19:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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