哪位大人解释一下,这个English language test是个神马东西?我申请RSM本科IBA,雅思总分6,小分5.5 5.5 6 6.5……根本没达到他们家“每项全6“的标准。但是邮件里有这样两段话:
On the basis of your IELTS result (score:6.0) you can be exempted from taking an English language test. Please enclose a copy of your test result in your application. If not yet done kindly add proof of registration for this test and results should reach us no later than June 15.
For the IBA and IBEB -programme you need an IELTS score of 6.0 or higher and minimum scores of 6.0 for all four sub scores or, for TOEFL a minimum of 80 with 20 for all four sub scores. For the IBCoM - programme you need for IELTS a minimum score of 7.0 and for TOEFL 92.
难道EUR自己学校还有一个English language test?而不是说的雅思?
我雅思分数这么低,学校却叫我去申请豁免雅思??很多总分6.5的童鞋都在花大力气豁免小分这个我理解,但是我总分才六啊,连他们家基本要求都没有达到。难道这个English language test不是指的雅思而是学校自己的英语测试么?