小樱桃肉丸 发表于 2013-6-3 09:28
亲 我要更正下信息 之前我发的链接是荷兰使馆的官方链接
但是我6月6日收到荷兰使馆发的IND approval邮件 又重申了下需要携带的文件 与荷兰使馆的官方链接有细小的区别
我贴出来 这个应该是最新的
You haveto make an appointment on our website to submit your application:www.hollandinchina.org.
在递交申请之前您需要预约:www.hollandinchina.org Please bringthis letter with you. 请带上此信。 Pleasealso bring the following documents with you: 并请带上以下文件: 1. A valid passport (containing at leastone blank visa page and valid for at least 3 months after issuing the MVV visa) plus copy of theholderpage and signaturepage. 有效护照 (包含至少一页签证空白页,并且在签发该MVV后至少三个月有效), 并附护照资料页及签字页复印件 2. A fully completed and signed MVVapplication form (can be downloaded from our website), 填写完整的MVV签证申请表 (可以在使馆网站上下载) 3. Two resembling passport pictures (one attachedto the form, one separate. Facing forward, in color, white background) 两张近照。(一张贴在表格上,一张单独放。正面彩色照片,白色背景。) 4. For Chinese citizens: Acertified notarial copy of your family "hukou"book (with translation in English of the pages concerning yourself and yourparents) or the original “hukou”book (plus photocopy of all pages and mentions) 如果是中国公民:您的户口簿的公证书,(并附您和您父母的户口页的英文翻译件) 或者,户口簿原件以及有内容页的复印件。 5. Flight reservation,if possible. (Never buy a ticket before you receive your MVV ! ) 机票订单,如果有的话。(在获得MVV 之前请不要购买机票!) ATTENTION:In the Netherlands you will need a legalised proof of birth to register at thetownhall, that may not be older than six months when you register! 请注意:您在荷兰当地市政厅登记时,需要提供认证好的出生/出生证公证书原件,该公证书的有效期是六个月。