本帖最后由 蘑菇大仙 于 2011-6-30 15:37 编辑
Dear Guests,
Some of you do not really understand the meaning of the words property and hospitality and I am really sorry that I have to send this e-mail for bad behaviour by some of you to you all now.
We have heared stories of some Chinese guests taking things, we have seen some incomplete rooms, a refridgerator of ours moved by a mover from another housing agency, a matrass taken, a desk light put in your suitcase.
These thieves have been our guest for quite a while and we are really shocked that are really abusing the hospitality and make their room unsuitable to live in for the next guest.
If your room is incomplete at the moment you leave and we have the strong impression that you have been stealing from us, we will make a report to the police using the identification with your contract and inform your school, home university and parents. A bill will be sent to your new address for any inventory missing in your room.
Thanks for everybodies attention to this matter, we will not rest until we have all our inventory complete again and the thieves punished and we will be checking every room daily from now on.
Kind regards,
LZ拿了一个垫子一个落地灯和一个台灯 收到这封信之后lz很担忧 lz现在在国内 表示就算想还也没办法 何况lz也不想还 但是吧 这颗心还是悬在这 做贼心虚呀= =