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xxzj1979  高级海盗  2010-7-17 06:32:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 vanenry 于 2010-7-5 07:29 发表

父母只是长居的话, 孩子在18岁前一定要在荷兰居住, 合法住满五年后可以申请入籍, 18岁后就很难说了.荷兰不管孩子的出生地. ...

我也正在考虑入籍时要不要带小孩。父母均为中国籍,小孩荷兰出生持中国护照。我现在计划入籍,打算几年后回中国。如果我们长期离开荷兰后小孩18岁时还能选择荷兰籍当然好,可是我IND网站上没有找到18岁选择这样的条款阿。以下是option procedure的几种条件。请教各位哪里能找到18岁时选择国籍的政策条款,谢谢。

1. You are of full age, were born in the Netherlands and have lived in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba continuously since your birth.  
2. You were born in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba, you have lived there for an uninterrupted period of at least 3 years and since your birth you have not had a nationality (you are stateless).  
3. You are of full age and you have legally lived in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba since the age of 4.  
4. You are of full age, you are a former Dutch citizen and you have lived in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba for at least 1 year on the basis of a permanent residence permit or a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose of residence.  
5. You have been married to a Dutch citizen for at least 3 years and have legally resided in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba for an uninterrupted period of at least 15 years.  
6. You are 65 or over and have legally resided in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba for an uninterrupted period of at least 15 years.  
7. You are a minor, are acknowledged by a Dutch citizen and have been cared for and brought up by this Dutch citizen for an uninterrupted period of at least 3 years.  
8. You are a minor and, as a result of a Court decision or by law at the time of your birth, are under the joint custody of a non-Dutch father or mother and another person who is a Dutch citizen. Since the start of this custody you have been cared for and brought up by this Dutch citizen for a period of at least 3 years. Since then you have also had your principal place of residence in the Netherlands.
vanenry  海贼王  2010-7-17 22:17:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 xxzj1979 于 2010-7-17 07:32 发表

我也正在考虑入籍时要不要带小孩。父母均为中国籍,小孩荷兰出生持中国护照。我现在计划入籍,打算几年后回中国。如果我们长期离开荷兰后小孩18岁时还能选择荷兰籍当然好,可是我IND网站上没有找到18岁选择这样的条款阿 ...

LS的, 如果你入了荷兰籍, 你孩子不管是什么年龄, 在哪里居住, 只要你们同意, 他就随时可以放弃中国籍, 改入荷兰籍. 不用等到18岁. 这就是你看到的条款里面的倒数第二条. 父母一方或法定监护人为荷兰公民, 并养育三年以上, 未成年子女也能成为荷兰公民.
不过, 这里有一个问题要考虑,就是如果你家孩子一直在中国居住, 他保留中国籍一直到了18岁以后才想入荷兰籍的话,  手续可能就不是到荷兰驻中国大使馆填个表申请的那么简单了. 还是去问移民局吧, 有什么答复也回来说说哦. 我也很好奇这种情况下孩子该怎么申请入籍?
jiasdreams  海贼王  2010-7-17 22:56:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 加拿大
原帖由 atim 于 2010-7-13 12:58 发表


我有个朋友孩子不是他的荷兰籍父亲亲生的 但生下后孩子也有荷兰护照    很复杂丫
lolitalee  高级海盗  2010-7-21 18:38:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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