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My friend is looking for people that can work in the chemical/biological industry in Holland.
Below is an example. You can find more information on the website: http://www.tobgroep.nl/spreker.html
If you are interested, you can send your resume to him: joszijlstra@gmail.com
His name is Jos. He is a very nice person, feel free to contact him :)

Scientist QC
Location: Groningen
Job description:
As a member of the quality control department you will be instrumental for development
and optimisation of quality control techniques used for monoclonal antibodies and other
therapeutic proteins. Furthermore, you are expected to contribute to the scientific
leadership of the team.
Summary of tasks / responsibilities:
Scientific strategies in quality control techniques
Customer prospecting for pre- post calculation in corporation with LM projects
Comply with answers on customer specific questions
Analytical technology transfer to QC department.
Review Approval, documentation and reporting of results
Design of experiments for determination of critical analytical parameters
Participate in and contribute to biopharmaceutical project teams
Establishment of advanced analytical tools
Establishment of working routines and SOP´s
Implementation of development techniques into cGMP environment
Follow scientific literature
Candidate Profile
PhD degree in relevant area (biotechnology, biology) with 5 years of industrial
experience in relevant area
Excellent understanding of analytical techniques
Experience in various analytical techniques
Strong scientific profile
Good understanding of biopharmaceutical product development
Basic knowledge of GMP
Interest in development of biopharmaceuticals


east522  初上贼船  2010-1-9 23:45:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 瑞典
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