If a glass tumbler is pressed firmly against a septicaemic rash, the rash will not fade. It will remain visible through the glass.
Watch out for tiny red or brown pin prick mark, which can change into larger red or purple blotches or blood blisters. If this happens seek medical advice.
ForParentsByParents.com 这个网站上有详细的阐述。有兴趣的妈妈不妨上去看看。荷兰的医疗系统当然不靠谱,但真的要搬家到别的国家也不是简单的事,尤其是孩子适应的问题。我的经验是,如果发现孩子的状况不好,就去多烦医生几次。必要时,说严重点。只能是这样了。希望孩子们都能健康快乐的成长!