(1) 一进主页,study的下拉栏里,有master program,还有一个postgraduate program,这俩啥区别啊?不都是研究生吗?(2) 别的学校可能会要求P.S , C.V , motivation letter等等,但是各算各的,但TU Delft的要求是所有东西写在一块!!!请看:
A clear and relevant essay in English. This essay (2,000 to 3,000 words) should cover the following aspects:
- 1、Your motivation for the MSc-programme of your choice.
- 2、Why you wish to conduct this programme abroad and/or in the Netherlands in particular.
- 3、Why you are interested in TU Delft.
- 4、If there are optional specialisations in the Master programme of your choice: which specialisation(s) interest you most, and why?
- 5、Give three examples of Master thesis topics that interest you and explain your particular interest.
- 6、Write a brief summary (maximum 250 words) of the thesis work or the final assignment done for your Bachelor study and state the credits, grade, and full workload (if available).
我对 第4、第5、第6的理解是:
(4)我想申的civil engineering,网站上说The Programme offers six tracks.包括了Hydraulic Engineering、Building Engineering、Structural Engineering等6个。意思是说我们只能挑其中的一个学习?
问题比较多,也比较繁杂!!但我不愿找中介,请知道的XDJM们解答一下,万分感激!! |