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IBtraderEU  见习海盗  2008-8-14 20:22:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

mitbbs is my favorite bbs:) can really learn a lot from there,some guys are really genius...
it also scares me away working in NY, Chinese are so smart there to compete with.
Post by ccfenix;3372737
wow! that's awesome
you must be a guru then, u also visit quant board of mitbbs?
IBtraderEU  见习海盗  2008-8-14 20:26:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

without modelling and good trading strategy, it becomes gambling.

I agree intuition and being sensitive to the market are important for a trader, but risk management is also important, that's why there are disciplines. Few people can always predict the right trend, we are requested to do team work for hedging and strictly follow the trading strategy devised by the quant team.
Post by 毛主席夸我帅;3372847
ccfenix  见习海盗  2008-8-14 20:35:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

That's true. A lot of Chinese students went to US to study fundamental science, such as math and physics. They are all ultra smart guys. I have a few high school friends  who went  to "冬令营",and they are all in finance now.
Post by IBtraderEU;3372890
mitbbs is my favorite bbs:) can really learn a lot from there,some guys are really genius...
it also scares me away working in NY, Chinese are so smart there to compete with.
毛主席夸我帅  四海霸王  2008-8-14 20:43:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Post by IBtraderEU;3372904
without modelling and good trading strategy, it becomes gambling.

I agree intuition and being sensitive to the market are important for a trader, but risk management is also important, that's why there are disciplines. Few people can always predict the right trend, we are requested to do team work for hedging and strictly follow the trading strategy devised by the quant team.

是啊,但你这些HEDGING啊,STRATEGY啊,如果trader反应慢的要死,能不能HANDLE瞬息万变的市场啊?相反大部分trader都很专一,搞债卷就是搞债卷,搞外汇就只搞外汇,不会身兼数职搞diversification ,所以在没有所谓的HEDGING,STRATEGY的情况下,只要你反应快,心算能力强一样能做的很好。
突然爱上蓝调  高级海盗  2008-8-14 20:47:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

well, a highly stressful working environment and intensive daily workload with a relatively short-term contract. Trader position is not preferable for many people. most of traders will try to be a portfolio manager in the late stage of their careers, which trading expierence could be value added to an active managed fund that targets to generate alpha from short-term arbitriage.

however, traders are not superior than any others like quant, pm and research analyst. coz mainly the bets are stemed from their decision but not by traders. Mostly, traders only provide their opinion to pm for the short-term market trend and implement the trading decision made by pms. But bear in mind, pm relies on the recommendation of research analysts, risk managers and strategists.

Therefore, it is only a front-line implementing postion but not a decision maker. wanna be cooler? be a pm later!

but have you conidered why not apply for a pm position at the early stage of your career....that is a short cut.

In addition, a high volume market events mostly are speculative movement. Fundamental research to dig out the instrinct value of securities can clear the mind for a long-term value rather than gambling, which traders are not able to manage.
IBtraderEU  见习海盗  2008-8-14 21:00:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Post by 毛主席夸我帅;3373001

I think these are basic assumptions to get the job...someone told me the first round interview is many basic calculations in a short time. What we do in the first round is to let the candidate solve a group of ODE and analyze SDEs.  

相反大部分trader都很专一,搞债卷就是搞债卷,搞外汇就只搞外汇,不会身兼数职搞diversification ,所以在没有所谓的HEDGING,STRATEGY的情况下,只要你反应快,心算能力强一样能做的很好。

We do focus on one market, engergy, just use difffernet kinds of tools to play the game.


I guess you are talking about the quant in back office and trader in front office. As I said, people have different working styles, as long as we earn money for the company, group head can cover his ass and do whatever he like to hire people and operate the desk.

Sorry I prefer not telling where I work, it's an IB in a very small country:)
百臂罗汉  中级海盗  2008-8-14 21:07:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

基本上一提trader,立马跳出来一大群装b的,什么alpha,beta 值,MIT,risk management,trading strategy,modelling全是术语,都不带重样的,你还别晕,还全用英语说,就为了显示自己专业。但其实连trader只是做单一trading这基本常识都不知道。
突然爱上蓝调  高级海盗  2008-8-14 21:13:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Post by 百臂罗汉;3373129
基本上一提trader,立马跳出来一大群装b的,什么alpha,beta 值,MIT,risk management,trading strategy,modelling全是术语,都不带重样的,你还别晕,还全用英语说,就为了显示自己专业。但其实连trader只是做单一trading这基本常识都不知道。

precisely, only trading, nothing more than that.
百臂罗汉  中级海盗  2008-8-14 21:42:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Post by IBtraderEU;3373093
I guess you are talking about the quant in back office and trader in front office. As I said, people have different working styles, as long as we earn money for the company, group head can cover his ass and do whatever he like to hire people and operate the desk.

Sorry I prefer not telling where I work, it's an IB in a very small country:)

突然爱上蓝调  高级海盗  2008-8-14 21:53:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Based on the enthusiastic level, he is considered as a new comer in the area. Normally, traders get tired of such a boring and high risk job after 1-2 years.  They prefer more knowledge based and thoughtful position rather than quote 'glimpsing and clicking'.
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